Tania Admin

I need to do the descriptions for 2 Forums:

Secret Women's SE (sex education) Business
The Men's SE shed.

These forums are about Sex education and questions about said genders health, libido enhancers etc.

I'm still not to flash on SEO's. Can some one help with some examples on how I should describe these Forums which would be SEO beneficial?

Lord Spikey

Legend Member
Lord Spikey is a new registration in June send me your old user email address as he may not have deleted that profile, just changed the name as spikey does not search. I will PM you later with help I need in sorting threads and posts.

Mary-Anne, I believe that was a problem. I could not remember the original email address. Yoda told me that he could probably get it all back if I could remember it. It was an old Yahoo account, I think. I stopped using it ages ago.

Honestly, it is not an issue. Don't worry about it. My ego is not as big as some.....

By the way, the first post in this thread belongs in the what can you expect from your massage thread.

Bad Bobby

Bad Bobby
Foundation Member
Hi. We have been off the swinging scene for at least 2/3 years and now just trying to find out what going on here in Perth as far as parties general talk etc. Not sure which Forum button to push to find this stuff out. We might be getting to old for it now as in mid 50s but miss the good fun times. Can you help


Head Veto.....
Staff member
Talking Turkey Moderator


I enjoy using the "New Posts" button but now the feed is just filled with posts for

Can there be a function added to allow filtering of a forum to the "New Posts" feed please.


This forum is designed to collect all unsafe sex advertisers so the health authorities in each state can start doing something about these dangerous practices. This forum is first and foremost about safe sex practices and a code of ethics for all sex workers and adventurous adults.

Yes it's supposed to be for Health Authorities but it's just spam in my mind.

And these authorities can't use a search engine ! Sheesh.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
Once we have finished sorting the sex education board we will be combining all the state chit chat boards, and adding chit chat to the general forums.I estimate that it will take us all of next week to sort the chit boards.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
We will be sorting the BDSM boards like we have the sex education boards. I would appreciate the help of members to suggest titles and what new BDSM boards they would like to see.
I would like to get a BDSM specialist moderator, do we already have one?


Head Veto.....
Staff member
Talking Turkey Moderator
Ahoy;- You Two, its been noted your concerns and we are working out new arrangements.
Until then................."Tough Titties"

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
Juddy:Hard Luck use the home page for a while and remember when you open a new forum it tells you if you haven't opened that thread by being dark blue and its a light blue if you have.This is an important campaign and we need the number of illegal advertiser to make the governments and health authorities stand up and listen.
So suck it up as they say, and you will learn something new by the juddy are you using the new emotions to disagree and dislike or like or agree to a thread, a great way to let members and admin know your thoughts without wasting to much time.
"As an army member you are probably on the food chain at the moment, might even be in the stockades, but many a bad boy saved the day in many wars.":kiss:

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
Debate Board we used to have one should we start another? If you want one click like if you don't want one click dislike please.
Remember if I want one we will get one regardless of the vote...I do like a debate if it shows all sides of the coin.

Shae Demasi

VIP Companion
Legend Member
Hi, at this point in time I feel I should educate myself on what exactly the "Debate Board" entails before I dislike or like as past lessons have taught me that an "Uneducated Choice Is Generally A Poor Choice". Thankyou CJ

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
A debate board is two people coming from the opposing side of a question one for and one against presenting their arguments. Members can then put their two bobs worth in once, but use the emotions countless times. We could have a poll for the members to vote on the winner of the debate.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
There is a Thank You emotion which is quicker and easier to use than a full post, but either way appreciate the reply.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
Now that Aaron knows how to set up a private board, lets start thinking of a private forum for the blokes, blokes language can be used and it would be by membership only. We would need a Gold or Legend Member to Moderate this board and accept the membership.
Aaron set up Lana's private board so that I as a full administrator could not view what is going on at any time, so we could do the same again.
How to we prove someone is a bloke it would need to be for members with 50 posts plus I am thinking.Hard work to keep your disguise in place for over 50 posts.
Threads to lana's private board do not show in New Posts or recent posts.


That's a "nay" from me.
Lana's work well to minimise viewing by underage persons and accidental viewing by those that do not wish to view content of that nature.

I'm quite happy to comment publicly and I would treat a private forum as if anyone could have access to view its content especially as more and more members are accepted.


When I joined TS earlier this year is was due to impression I had that it had a combination of enjoyable tongue-in-cheek banter and serious discussions in an open chat style format.

Where did it all go wrong (my opinion)?

What I now see....

General chit-chat has reduced significantly and now there is very little interaction between members.

There's a feeling of having to watch one's tongue if intending to place a humorous quip to lighten the mood in a semi-formal discussion.

Punter's reviews have waned significantly.

I thought it was an open forum allowing discussions/reviews about anyone any establishment but that's no longer the case either.


Member Moderator
Staff member
Talking Turkey Moderator
Glad to see someone else say exactly how I feel too
without light hearted banter and member interaction I can only see this forum following the demise of many before it
I hope it doesn't follow that path too

Tania Admin

In reply a lot of the Forum has been closed off to members while the clean-up has been in process. It is a little difficult to comment on threads that are not open.
It's a big job cleaning up the Forum and sometimes things get a little worse while making them better. Once finished it will be awesome.
Member numbers are going up everyday and from what I can tell it's becoming more freindly, more informative and much more fun.
There is still plenty of the olde friendly banter from what I can see.


In reply a lot of the Forum has been closed off to members while the clean-up has been in process. It is a little difficult to comment on threads that are not open.
It's a big job cleaning up the Forum and sometimes things get a little worse while making them better. Once finished it will be awesome.
Member numbers are going up everyday and from what I can tell it's becoming more freindly, more informative and much more fun.
There is still plenty of the olde friendly banter from what I can see.
Hi Tania
I saw somewhere that threads are no longer accessible to the public. If so then I can see why member numbers are increasing with many of these new members just looking more than interacting - so many were previously checking out forum as guests and others probably popping in once to see what the fuss is all about.

BTW. My thread. Post all you like.;)

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
Mr Little yea of little faith, the logged in members is higher than its been for 8 years and I believe we will double this figure by XMAS. Now I don't mind members having a moan but what about a little praise every now and then, we are only through 1/3rd of the clean up and the forum is much easier to use, much easier to find your subject and looks fantastic with Jackhammers icons and banners.


Legend Member
I guess it depends on what each of us looks for in the forum. For me at least, I had found it a bit slow and boring until recently but the last couple of weeks it's never been more fun. A lot of the ladies are really participating which is both fun and good for business too.


Legend Member
There does seem to be less banter than previous But this has happened before, things wane then come back

Though as Mr Little said there does seem to be less fun overall
Less posts of a light hearted manner by the pains in the neck like
Mr Little
The Axeman
just to name a few Hang on I'm H2 I take my name off the above list