Whatever happened to FREE love?
Legend Member
No they can't access pms unless invited into the conversation.
I have contacted our IT expert on the Forum about this.
It must be true, MrLittle. I have abused all of you in private rants and not one balderdash, codswallop, fiddlesticks or poppycock has been edited. If such profanity is left uncensored, surely nothing else is.

But if the word wink (;)) -- coincidentally the name of an establishment of some standing in the West -- is being expunged, that is a very serious charge indeed. I hope this is just some innocent misunderstanding...


Gold Member
The thing is... I don't think they can call themselves experts if they have access to the databases but can't get to see what's stored therein. Then again perhaps it's not an in-house server. No hackers.

Tania Admin

The thing is... I don't think they can call themselves experts if they have access to the databases but can't get to see what's stored therein. Then again perhaps it's not an in-house server. No hackers.
Pms are different. It's privacy. Admin cannot access it. The software doesn't allow it.


Patron Saint of Werewolves
Diamond Member
Private Conversation Privacy

Hmmm - this is worth a read. (From a forum administrator that was accused of reading people's private messages).

.........First off, there is no feature in XenForo (the forum software we use here) that allows staff members (or anyone) to read private conversations that they are not a part of. The only exception is when someone reports a post in a private conversation that they are a part of. When that happens our staff will see only that one post, and not the full conversation........

It is true that there are third party add-ons for XF that do allow staff members to read the private conversations of members. I can't deny that fact, and it's not something new when it comes to forum software. ...........

Database Access

As the admin of this site I have and require full access to the database that the forum runs on. Aside from the people in the data center managing the physical hardware (professionals who manage thousands of servers), and barring an undiscovered intrusion or exploit (I take security seriously), I am the only one with access to it. Everything is there unencrypted if I wanted to look. I don't.

See http://fuckcombustion.com/threads/private-conversation-privacy.11474/

My advice - for what it is worth - nothing on the net is private. Don't say that you haven't been warned!!


5 Star General
Foundation Member
Zeus , you are so correct
My advice - for what it is worth - nothing on the net is private. Don't say that you haven't been warned!!

the sooner that all people of all ages and all sexes realise that the internet is never private or even your home computer @ home the better .

if it is digitized then it can be hacked and stolen , analog is the only way to go .

if you cannot say nice things to or about people, then shut the fuck up :) :)

get my drift :jawdrop:


Patron Saint of Werewolves
Diamond Member
Pms are different. It's privacy. Admin cannot access it. The software doesn't allow it.

Not entirely true.....

In the words of the "Lead Developer" of Xenforo software.....With most forum systems you can only do it if you have database access,

This was in response to the thread....

Admin reading PM's? Is this possible?


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Talking Turkey Moderator
Not entirely true.....

In the words of the "Lead Developer" of Xenforo software.....With most forum systems you can only do it if you have database access,

This was in response to the thread....

Admin reading PM's? Is this possible?

If you are an Admin you get access to everything including peoples private messages...

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
We achieved a lot in Darwin but I am disappointed in all my own moderators in helping sort out Canberra & SA posts and threads. Happy pirate has helped out, but can't see anything from Tania, Keiran or Linda.
I would like these three moserators to report to me twice a week on achievments. Is it a matter of out of sight out of mind, and its no excuse no time, I have found the time.


Gold Member
still no explanation why you cant say the word wink thats w i n k just because they cant handle some competition which is doing better then them and this post will probably get deleted by admin anyway

Tania Admin

There are certain words/names the software doesn't accept on any page on the Forum like fucking and wink so even when typed in a pm the software edits them when you push post or reply. This was explained and resolved with JustMe.
No one on the Forum accesses private conversations on this Forum unless it's reported (only that one comes up) or they are in the conversation. Only one person has access to do that, I have learnt, and they most definitely never would breach someone's privacy.

I hope that eases everyone's mind.

I am going to close this thread now :)

Also in future, Private Conversations are not to be shared on the Forum. That is a breach of confidentiality. Thank You


Yeah I do.. But somehow search alongside other functions were not available for that certain amount of time

Tania Admin

Yeah I do.. But somehow search alongside other functions were not available for that certain amount of time
I believe this would be due to some changes that were being done in the back end of the Forum with the clean up.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused at the time :)

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
Lana is taking over the private board, Lana,s Filthy Porn. This will be membership only, and I have heard, she is going to be tougher on members, than I suggested.
Its going to be a privilege to be allowed to enter her private world, Lana has already told me, that I will not be allowed as the the destroyer of all her former threads.
Lana needs a new title and I challenge you the members to excite her with a new one.

Nazi Lana will not do as this is a racialist word, but the intent is there, its just not quite right for our amazing Lana. (crawl)
I will watch this with interest, good idea's will surely get points for entry.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
Boring Miss Linda we already know that by the forum title, by the way i do not think porn is filthy, Lana and I thought a hard title will keep the conservative members away and the curious members lining up to join.Porn is a very necessary outlet for good sex education, and can be a learning experience through different stages of one's life.
Maybe Hilter's 2IC could be a good sub title. Lana is going to play her forum with tough conditions, so we need a tough title for the softy Miss Lana.


Madam @ Langtrees
Legend Member
I think she should have a completely new login , username, avatar and member title for her dirty little group

i like my avatar sweet.... ppl regonize it

i was called the Fuck Nazi a while back but i realize what Mary-Anne has said in her 1st post on this thread....
Come on boys give me a title.....please

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
Lana Porn Lover
Mistress of Porn

Lana Power Queen
Mistress of Porn

Just some idea's nothing is clicking together right now, but a member will bring it all together, put an idea out into cyber space and a answer always comes back.