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Legend Member
Sneakers McGowan is in full panic mode.
He panicked in Februsry and he panics now. He is not alone in this either. Queensland, South Australia and Victoria are exactly the same.

I think you forgot to mention New South Wales??
But none the less, an interestingly co-incidental ruling political party similarity?
But you may well be close to the Mark.


Steppin' Out
Legend Member
I think you forgot to mention New South Wales??
But none the less, an interestingly co-incidental ruling political party similarity?
But you may well be close to the Mark.
I think NSW has done very well to be honest. No mass lock downs. Managing the outbreaks sensibly. I am not forgetting the disaster of the cruise ship outbreak either. But they learned from that. The states I mentioned seemed not to. Victoria the worst with so many lives lost.

Well SA is Liberal state currently.


Sexty8 - you do me , and then I owe you one!
Diamond Member
There only seem two ways to defeat this virus:
1 Isolate anyone with it so they do not pass it on
2 vaccinate to get to “herd immunity”

until that time we are left with an isolation strategy that keeps us in repeating lockdowns; and as 2 wont happen until we actually get vaccines to hand out we will have another 6 months or more of 1.


Legend Member
I'm disgusted by the amount of people I've seen online breaking lockdown.

Absolutely no morals, just pure selfishness
Just saw on the news this evening the Moron from Mullaloo who was caught and charged by Police last night for having a party. When approached by Channel 7 today he whined about Melbourne allowing 85,000 to the AFL match at the MCG today but only allowing 10,000 to their ANZAC services and he wasn't allowed to have a party. So he obviously failed geography at school and has no idea that Melbourne is in Victoria and is governed by someone else - not Mark McGowan!!!


Sexty8 - you do me , and then I owe you one!
Diamond Member
Vaccines won't stop covid .. its a virus , like Influenza.. which runs rapant worldwide even though the Drug Co Lords sell millinons of 'shots' to millions of believers every year ..year on year .. and yet for odd illogical reason many are still NOW spruiking vaccine as a cure .. WHY ???
Sure beats me how people believe this Government gooblygook ..
Vaccines keep people alive , or at least reduce the likelihood of dying , but thats the best it'll ever do ..
No vaccine ever has ever killed off a disease .. ever

beg to differ starting with polio...



Gold Member
Jeez, we seem to forget because of vaccination so many diseases are almost non existent, especially here in Australia. It is within living memory that families expected to lose a number of, particularly babies to what are now preventable diseases like polio, whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, small pox, measles, all of which are awful often fatal diseases, but because a generation has grown up never having experienced them, they don't realise what godsend vaccination has been.


Gold Member
I think NSW has done very well to be honest. No mass lock downs. Managing the outbreaks sensibly. I am not forgetting the disaster of the cruise ship outbreak either. But they learned from that. The states I mentioned seemed not to. Victoria the worst with so many lives lost.

Well SA is Liberal state currently.
Up until nov last year WA and SA went head to head for longest streak without a community transmission. SA did it without hard borders tho. Since nov WA has had two hiccups and SA one. I agree tho that NSW, with the biggest population and housing density as managed the situation extremely well without panic driven decisions.

Tania Admin

Sneakers McGowan is in full panic mode. He knows that if there is even a small COVID community spread the hospital system, already is big trouble (and something he promised to fix two elections ago), would collapse like a pack of cards. He also knows he stuffed up with ignoring the report stating three hotels were not fit for quarantine use.

He panicked in Februsry and he panics now. He is not alone in this either. Queensland, South Australia and Victoria are exactly the same.
You do understand that a major part of why we are "currently" having issues in our hospitals is because "usually " a very large number of the staff (doctors, nurses etc) are from overseas and we are still just trying to get Australians home?


Steppin' Out
Legend Member
You do understand that a major part of why we are "currently" having issues in our hospitals is because "usually " a very large number of the staff (doctors, nurses etc) are from overseas and we are still just trying to get Australians home?
Of course I do Tania. But the issue is not being managed well here at all and has not been for quite some time, well before COVID-19 hit last year. You only have to see the number of people going to public hospital emergency with a sniffle or pulled muscle. Then the meth heads arriving after midnight and take up what beds are available so that any true emergency cases are forced to be placed in beds in corridors or cleared out storage areas.

It is all about management and establishing better solutions. These have not been done and nothing has been in place or implemented.

I get a lot of information about just how truly bad it is as a friend of mine's wife is an ED registered nurse.


Steppin' Out
Legend Member
Jeez, we seem to forget because of vaccination so many diseases are almost non existent, especially here in Australia. It is within living memory that families expected to lose a number of, particularly babies to what are now preventable diseases like polio, whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, small pox, measles, all of which are awful often fatal diseases, but because a generation has grown up never having experienced them, they don't realise what godsend vaccination has been.
My grandfather suffer polio. Terrible to see what that had done to him.

When the Salk vaccine was made available he made sure my mother and her sisters were right up at the head of the line to get the vaccine. He told her that this was one of the greatest gifts his generation could give the next generation.


Gold Member
You do understand that a major part of why we are "currently" having issues in our hospitals is because "usually " a very large number of the staff (doctors, nurses etc) are from overseas and we are still just trying to get Australians home?

Would agree in part that there maybe Doctors and Nurses that would normally be working here but are currently overseas, but I would have thought the majority of them would have relocated here to live unlike say the International Students that travel back home every chance they get???

The Major factor our hospitals are having issues is because of the governments lack of forward thinking or willingness to put their ass on the line and spend the "?" Billion and not still be in power when it is completed

Even as a kid I can remember needing to wait many hours at either Freo or RPH Emergency Department and now in my 50's and what has changed?
They kindly built Fiona Stanley to ease the pressure and then promptly closed down Freo hospital (Turned it into a support facility for Fiona Stanley)
So I am not sure how building one and then closing one puts us ahead of the bed shortage? For the Emergency Department they report an average waiting time of around 60 minutes? But in my experience tat is more like a Minimum waiting time unless you are at risk of dying in the waiting room
I have recently experienced a family member needing to be kept in Emergency for nearly a week just because there were no available beds on the wards. Then after a week of their operation (70+ year old broken Hip) they were deemed fit to return home BUT needed to return as an outpatient for a couple of hours each day for therapy treatments and they (Hospital/Government) spent thousands modifying their home to enable them to move around!

Will they ever spend the time and money to build another hospital to cope with the growing population?
And I mean build something for tomorrow so it solves a problem for years, not build something that is over run by the time it is completed


Foundation Member
There are two major problems with our health system:

No.1 is the way the billions of dollars spent on health are used. There are far too many useless pen-pushing fat cats on obscenely generous salaries shuffling paper in their ivory tower in East Perth and not enough Doctors and nurses on the floors in the hospitals. My wife was a nurse when they won a pay rise and the department promptly dealt with the added expense by closing beds and cutting nursing staff. No thought about trimming a bit of fat from the bureaucracy because, of course, they make the decisions. Bed closures are the revolver the A.M.A. points at the Government every time there is talk of trying to reduce the spend on health.

No.2 is the simple fact that far too many people these days do not have even basic health cover and roll up to emergency centres with their sniffles and sneezes instead of seeing a G.P. There needs to be affordable basic health cover for these people but health funds are squeezed between diminishing numbers of members and the rising costs of health care.

Believe it or not, before Gough Whitlam launched Medibank health cover cost peanuts because everyone had it. He was warned this would happen by medical people in Britain and Canada during the planning stages but went ahead anyway and now we are stuck with the inefficient same money eating system they have.


Steppin' Out
Legend Member
No.2 is the simple fact that far too many people these days do not have even basic health cover and roll up to emergency centres with their sniffles and sneezes instead of seeing a G.P. There needs to be affordable basic health cover for these people but health funds are squeezed between diminishing numbers of members and the rising costs of health care.

Believe it or not, before Gough Whitlam launched Medibank health cover cost peanuts because everyone had it. He was warned this would happen by medical people in Britain and Canada during the planning stages but went ahead anyway and now we are stuck with the inefficient same money eating system they have.
The more the private health care costs rise the more people quit it, then add to the burden on public health. So the costs rise, private health costs rise again and the whole cycle continues unfortunately.

Well I remember when private health care covered doctors visits. That was quickly dropped when Medicare was introduced.


Steppin' Out
Legend Member
Well we should hear from our illustrious ruler this morning about what he intends to do. I assume he has seen his shadow this morning and not panicked further.

Truly hope there are no further positive tests from the testing down over the last couple of days and we can go back to what passes as normal these days. Still reckon we might all have to wear masks inside (why masks outside?? Bizarre) for a further week like we did in February.


Foundation Member
Will Langtrees be able to reopen tomorrow if the lockdown is not extended but some restrictions remain? I'm thinking pubs restaurants etc still being restricted to takeaway only etc.