As per Dr Norman Swan, the federal government need to:
1) accept the science and risks of airborne transmission of covid (N95 masks, etc);
2) step up with the national use of proper quarantine facilities and plan for expansion (covid, it's mutagens and other future viruses will happen here eventually);
3) start vaccinating at overseas Australian embassies and consulates prior to return flights to Oz.
The state government, while we have precious time, needs to:
1) Use rapid covid tests on people on the day of quarantine departure (day 14);
2) Further bolster contact tracing ability;
3) Further bolster hospital facilities, staff, etc (look at India, and look at our ambulance ramping times as an indicator);
4) Come up with methodology for a more mosaic approach to lock-downs, possibly suburbs or zones?
The public need to be educated to:
1) stay calm and not panic to go food shopping at the announcement of lock-downs (seems obvious, but people don't seem to get the message that we can still go out and buy food and toilet paper);
2) be vigilant with covid practices like using WA safe app, wiping down shopping trolleys, hand sanitizer stations, etc (the number of people walking past the QR code is astounding and only adds to contact tracing burden and risk of community transmission going unchecked)
Shops need to have:
1) Someone ensuring QR code registration
Covid and it's mutagens are here to stay, not to mention future viruses. Vaccines, like regulations are always following from behind the events at hand. Australia is still is it's safety bubble - thank goodness. We need to make the most of the time and learn from other countries experiences. To covid deniers and civil libertarians, have some perspective on our freedoms, the sacrifices we are currently making, and the extent of the sacrifice of the men, women and children affected by ANZAC. Lest we forget.