Would agree in part that there maybe Doctors and Nurses that would normally be working here but are currently overseas, but I would have thought the majority of them would have relocated here to live unlike say the International Students that travel back home every chance they get???
The Major factor our hospitals are having issues is because of the governments lack of forward thinking or willingness to put their ass on the line and spend the "?" Billion and not still be in power when it is completed
Even as a kid I can remember needing to wait many hours at either Freo or RPH Emergency Department and now in my 50's and what has changed?
They kindly built Fiona Stanley to ease the pressure and then promptly closed down Freo hospital (Turned it into a support facility for Fiona Stanley)
So I am not sure how building one and then closing one puts us ahead of the bed shortage? For the Emergency Department they report an average waiting time of around 60 minutes? But in my experience tat is more like a Minimum waiting time unless you are at risk of dying in the waiting room
I have recently experienced a family member needing to be kept in Emergency for nearly a week just because there were no available beds on the wards. Then after a week of their operation (70+ year old broken Hip) they were deemed fit to return home BUT needed to return as an outpatient for a couple of hours each day for therapy treatments and they (Hospital/Government) spent thousands modifying their home to enable them to move around!
Will they ever spend the time and money to build another hospital to cope with the growing population?
And I mean build something for tomorrow so it solves a problem for years, not build something that is over run by the time it is completed
Actually a lot of the overseas ones do not relocate. They come on working visa's.
I also agree that we have way to many who go to hospitals for things they should be going to their GP for and the meth heads,,well that's a hard one.
Sorry to hear about your family member. There are enough beds,,,just unfortunately as international borders are closed there is no-one to staff them.
The issue is most definitely not an easy fix, that's for sure.