Really?..How many construction, bricklaying, welding etc jobs are taken by women I wonder

Women gave birth to the people constructing those things was the point I think.
As a male myself, reading some of these comments from fellow blokes, I can see why some women act so crazy or selfish towards us. I know if I thought of my last girlfriends in this way, or so derogatory, they would have been insane too. Some women are intensely loving, kind, homely. I’ve met some of them. And no doubt those wonderful women would turn sour if they knew how some men thought of them or ever read a forum like this. It would break some hearts for sure. And relationships, while hard, can be extremely fulfilling. If you think that relationships are just a waste of time or toxic and females are all money grabbing harpies, that simply means you havnt met somebody compatible for you. We are all shitty in some way. But I don’t think any of us should be condemning men or women, only the people individually who have made us feel so bitter, as hippy dippy as that sounds. Just my two cents.