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Private Escort in Perth twitter :ameliakennedyxx
Diamond Member
Evening. ..

So I've always based myself on Adelaide Terrace as its central and I've always just figured thats a good place for everyone to get to..

How far out are you willing to travel? Are you happy to go to West Perth, north Perth, south Perth, northbridge etc or does the CBD/close to it work best?

Ideas and inputs please xx


Member Moderator
Staff member
Talking Turkey Moderator
I would think northbridge would be a good spot
West Perth would be ok too
I'd stay away from Burswood area as there are a few dodgy/cheap working girls in that area
Stay classy and i think you will do ok where ever you base yourself

Summer fun

Diamond Member
i suspect there are a lot of married guys who find it easier and cheaper to visit escorts rather than wait years for a wife going through menopause , or get a divorce..... or just want sex more often than their partner does..... girlfriends can get too 'clingy' , so an escort is fun, plus easier to end without any fallout...
Last edited:


Steppin' Out
Legend Member
My favourite staycation hotel is near Adelaide Tce. But even if I was not staying there I would be happy to travel in.


Gold Member
I appreciate the honesty from the OP in this thread. Has made me want to share a bit more about my situation. I’m mid 30s, I first saw an escort as a virgin at 22. While not an overly positive sexual experience it did help me understand a few things about myself and issues that I have. I have a very low libido & have had issues with childhood traumas so I have only seen an escort half a dozen or so times since my first visit. I’ve recently worked through some of these issues so have revisited the idea of seeing an escort for a comfortable, safe & non judgmental environment to dip my toe back into intimacy & sex. The service an escort provided I feel is hugely valuable, far beyond just the mechanics of sex. It’s the intimacy between two people and understanding for me that would make me visit an escort again. I’m single, I’ve shared my situation with a few people close to me, to some extent they understand my situation. but interestingly their main question is why I don’t see escorts more given my lifestyle.

James Cable

Bronze Member
Close to the city works best for me. When in Perth I don't usually hire a car, so a 10 to 20 minute taxi ride would probably be my limit. Although if I found someone with exceptional service I would travel further. I'm a creature of habit, if I find someone I like and there is some sort of connection I generally book multiple times with that person.


Diamond Member
Being in the city is quite convenient for a lot of people.
Depending on the day and time, Northbridge is good.
Personally I travel 30km to work each day, so to travel that far for a punt, wouldn't faze me.
I think if someone was willing to travel up to 50km for a punt, they would.


Legend Member
Mounts Bay Rd below Kings Park has some nice options, especially if the room is facing the river. Secured access for girl security, but not via a lobby under prying eyes. Usually good parking or easy walk from busport, train and ferry or a short taxi/uber ride from most city accommodation.


Foundation Member
I have a regular in adelaide tce which is pretty convenient as i usually go for breakfast and coffee at e sense and get 3 hr parking down near the park by the river and saunter up for a visit. I usually finish up with lunch andca cofee nearby and make a day of it but as i said if its a good punt im there regardless of the location but perth lets you make a day of it.


Silver Member
Hey everyone. I thought it would be interesting to have a thread about why you see escorts, how old you currently are and how long you've been doing it for.

I understand some people won't feel comfortable sharing all details, so share as little or as much as you like. I'll start.

So I'm currently 27 (28 soon) and I've been seeing escorts since I was 22.

The reason I see escorts is a sad story. Since my childhood to now, I've played video games. Video games as an adult aren't such a bad thing in moderation, but during my childhood I basically did nothing but play video games.

In primary school I used to go to a mates house a little bit and I played at my local soccer club, but by high school that all ended.

Primary school and high school are crucial times for a person to learn how to socialise and I basically completely missed it all, especially with women. I can almost count how many times I spoke to women in my high school yeas.

On-top of this, I was a little overweight and got bullied which destroyed my self esteem. Prior to this, I didn't have a great time with my two older brothers who generally treated me like crap.

I had never really known about escorts except in movies and even then I thought it was only in America for some reason. One day while working at Woolworths, in the lunch room I saw an older employee looking at the personals section in the newspaper. I think one time I stood over him and had a quick look. I became curious.

I then had a look at the personals section myself one day and thought about booking someone even though I was nervous as hell.

At this stage in my life I was a virgin, I had never kissed a woman or seen a woman naked.

Anyway as you can imagine, most of the adverts were Asian women, but I wanted to see an Australian.

I eventually found an Australian escort and booked her. She had E cup implants and I was in shock when she basically stripped naked shortly after the door was closed. She was very generous and basically gave me a full hour for the price of 30 mins because she knew I was a virgin.

Anyway we had sex, but I was so nervous that I just couldn't finish, but I was still hooked on the whole thing.

A month or so later I booked her again and the same thing happened. I was contemplating not continuing this and trying to lose my virginity the normal way but after some thinking of my circumstances I realised that wouldn't happen.

Anyway I ended up booking another lady and I think maybe if I used a thinner condom I would be able to ejaculate. It worked, however the condom broke haha. It was nice, but for most people, your first time isn't that amazing.

Anyway from then on I've been addicted and spent an absurd amount of money booking escorts.

Other than the money, the worst part is I feel I have messed up myself sexually, not really finding much joy from sex anymore. Like it's nice but it's nothing like it was when I first started.

My father and mother taught my nothing about women. I definitely have improved over the years but to this day, I struggle to socialise with both men and women, but more with women and I still have an insane amount of work to do on myself before anything can happen naturally.

Over the years, I tried to date or find a girlfriend on dating apps and I've been extremely burnt/hurt because in my experience women these days are incredibly picky online and unless you have your life in order (or at least appear to) then you're basically a peasant to them.

From all my experiences, I often believe I'll never be normal. Anyway that's my story.
Honestly you are not missing out on anything special mate. Most married men and guys in committed relationships do not get sex on a regular basis either. The grass is always greener on the other side I guess.. You are a young man and I would encourage you not to waste your time making women, relationships and sex the primary objective of your life and feel very strongly about it. You still have a whole life ahead of you and it would be wise to work towards your goals and purpose that you wish to accomplish for yourself. It will eventually pay off in the long run when you are successful. Women and relationships are better off being secondary accessories in your life (trust me even married/divorced man have told me this) and not the main thing that you should worry about. Even for my main chick that I am currently seeing (you can call it a so called relationship), I remind her very so often that if she sticks around with me, it's good, but if she leaves, it will be even better (yes I told her this directly!). She still sticks around with me but I have my options open, and she knows it very well. So don't waste your financial resources and youth blowing it away trying to buy that fantasy. Truth is, that fantasy doesn't exist and in reality you'll just be using your small brain to smash them while they use their big brains to smash your wallet out. So start investing in yourself for a change..