I'm old (60s) and divorced (amicably), happily living a quiet life with family and friends, but sometimes I need a lady's company to talk, cuddle and fuck - then leave. Sounds like a wombat - eats roots and leaves.
Not interested in another complicated relationship at my age, and probably would never attract someone - old, tubby and balding!
So I occasionally see a WL, get my fix and am good for a month or two.
I found a lovely lady (early 40s, part time WL, not model material) who I saw regularly every month or two. When she gave up the Industry, she kepy on a couple of old clients, or so she told me, and I was one of them. It was a great arrangement. Very relaxed, vanilla and lightly affectionate - and cheap ! Then she went back to NSW to look after her sick mother and now I am looking again - but it's harder now as a pensioner can't afford the prices most ladies are charging now.
But life goes on.