• Langtrees VIP Perth 71 Burswood Road is 31 year old today. I had the dates mixed up an thought it was 33 years old. My sister Sally set me right.
  • Mrs langtrees & Kate & Sally off to Bangkok for 5 days. As Kate & I do the talkin Turkey new member moderation, you may have to wait a bit longer for the next 5 days. We are off on a medical trip, Eye Lasik, Skin Cancer cut out, Eyelid Surgery and full medicals.


Another World Member
Legend Member
I have started another post re this problem but has the inbox and alerts been removed


5 Star General
Foundation Member
hello to all you forum members :) :)

we have received a private message, and we believe you should all have a read, so you know what happens in the back ground .

" hey mate thought I'd pm you instead of posting on the thread...less Hassles this way
Ok...but I ask you this...
There was a thread that was started yet it got hijacked by a lady self promoting her services on the back of a opinion on another ladies services which did not meet the standards.
Being a paid advertiser of you services shouldn't allow you to just promote yourself on every single thread that you comment on
I'm over blondie going on every thread promoting her "my body is temple" BS
It's annoying ALOTof punters...trying to justify her prices and what not
Or Lola describing a certain punter looks in spite "

enjoy the read :) :) please feel free to comment :) :)


Foundation Member
I hijacked part of that thread to ask a question of Blondie in relation to Tantric massages. I think Blondie has been very supportive of her former work mates when she was under no obligation to do so. Blondie does promote herself at times and I see nothing wrong with that as she is an active contributor on many threads. Additionally, I for one like looking at her pics and I'm sure many other members think likewise.


Member Moderator
Staff member
Talking Turkey Moderator
Ok so my two bobs worth.

I don't agree with you posting a PM on the open forum, regardless of its content.


Yeah I agree and I think being a mod makes even more bad form
I always thought of it as an unwritten rule not to repost PMs


Gold Member
Ok so my two bobs worth.

I don't agree with you posting a PM on the open forum, regardless of its content.


I agree its a dick move by the mod especially when they wrote in the message they didn't want to post it on the forum and its not that private now cause you can identify the person who sent it cause you can find out who started the forum they mentioned


Foundation Member
I think it's 100% wrong people should have the confidence that their PM's remain PM's! If any action needs tobe taken it should be done by the management team. I don't PM often but i don't know if I will at all now!


5 Star General
Foundation Member
lol lol lol :) :) :)

you all exceeded my expectations , i thought you might have mentioned something about ladies self promoting on other ladies posts but you all focused on me publishing a so call pm :) :)

not one of you asked any questions on either subject, and further more no one knows if what i said was even a pm :)

goes to show you that you all focus on the negatives , weather it be correct or not ,
you all except for funflyer ,jumped to the same conclusion .

so next time you read a post , please read it for what it is unless you know more about the subject that what has been said .

the moral of this is please be more considerate when you wright and or reply to a post .

and if you do have accurate info then pleas post an not just say as if your words should be taken as gospel, not that i am religious:) :)

i hope you have had as much fun with this as i have :) :) :)


Foundation Member
we have received a private message, and we believe you should all have a read, so you know what happensin the background.

Okay very funny glad you had so much fun!
And now we can't even believe if you say you're posting something that what you're posting is even true! Wow that's so cool!


Gold Member

You clearly stated in your post that this was a private message... Which the acronym is pm. Your second post attempts to retract that statement but fails I'm afraid.

You then call out a certain advertiser... Who I'm sure has to pay money to keep this site running. I'm sure that's not the best way to treat your income sources.

Lastly, if it really isn't appropriate for what the certain person did on that thread... Isn't it a moderators job/role to ... Ummm... Moderate it?

So this may have been a bit of fun for you but I really hope this doesn't happen again as it now raises privacy concerns for those who would pm a moderator in the future for genuine concerns / questions

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Ok so my two bobs worth.

I don't agree with you posting a PM on the open forum, regardless of its content.


John had agreement from the member to post this and was asked to do so so the member did not have to be known.

For the sake of a PM being a PM the person that agreed to have this happen is not going to be outted. But this is not the first PM to a moderator of this nature.

Please stay on topic of the hijacking...... or ignore the thread....

Leave John out of this he has expressed no opinion on this matter. He just fulfilled a request as a moderator does.

Thank you for your cooperation


Foundation Member
John had agreement from the member to post this and was asked to do so so the member did not have to be known.

For the sake of a PM being a PM the person that agreed to have this happen is not going to be outted. But this is not the first PM to a moderator of this nature.

Please stay on topic of the hijacking...... or ignore the thread....

Leave John out of this he has expressed no opinion on this matter. He just fulfilled a request as a moderator does.

Thank you for your cooperation

That's total crap! He should have stated he'd been asked by the writer to quote a PM if he had been! And then he posted again ridiculing members who had responded and stating he'd had so much fun reading their responses. Totally unprofessional!

It's a sad day for the forum if this is the standard of moderators and then Lord Yoda Chief Administrator comes out and supports him!


Legend Member
Would love to hear Mary-Anne's views on this sort of "fun" behaviour by Administrators? johnlou inferred he was not acting alone but in consort in his original use of "we" rather than "I".

As pjmc says out the girls who pay and help fund this site, but protect the privacy of the winger - so much for natural justice and free speech.

Very disappointing and scary turn of events to see the behind the scenes manipulation we are all potentially subject to.

Perhaps I just join too many dots, yet again. Or is that "off topic"?


lol lol lol :) :) :)

you all exceeded my expectations , i thought you might have mentioned something about ladies self promoting on other ladies posts but you all focused on me publishing a so call pm :) :)

not one of you asked any questions on either subject, and further more no one knows if what i said was even a pm :)

goes to show you that you all focus on the negatives , weather it be correct or not ,
you all except for funflyer ,jumped to the same conclusion .

so next time you read a post , please read it for what it is unless you know more about the subject that what has been said .

the moral of this is please be more considerate when you wright and or reply to a post .

and if you do have accurate info then pleas post an not just say as if your words should be taken as gospel, not that i am religious:) :)

i hope you have had as much fun with this as i have :) :) :)
Really you didn't give enough time for this thread to develop before responding your conclusions.
I wrote a thread about Hijacking which contained my disdain for the process and that was even hijacked.
I have concluded that speech will take us where it will and I and we will just have to go for the ride.
For the record a bit of healthy banter makes the forum interesting.


Diamond Member
John had agreement from the member to post this and was asked to do so so the member did not have to be known.

For the sake of a PM being a PM the person that agreed to have this happen is not going to be outted. But this is not the first PM to a moderator of this nature.

Please stay on topic of the hijacking...... or ignore the thread....

Leave John out of this he has expressed no opinion on this matter. He just fulfilled a request as a moderator does.

Thank you for your cooperation

Ok completely different context
I understand now...... I think :) ( still not sure of the intent)



Gold Member
I think if John did have permission from the member to post his PM then I don't see a problem with it. Only mistake John made was that he failed disclose on the first message that he did have permission from the member to post the PM. If he did disclose then the privacy issue would be null and void and we would be responding to the initial post in the right context and talk about the context of the post.


Legend Member
Who's as confused as this unhedumacated country bumpkin ? A Private message is private end of story if its for public consumption its a to be put up as a post in the appropriate thread

I know I know John Lou it was a stunt but I must have you clarify one little thing
"We" ? Are you the Pope or her Her Majesty As I thought they were the few to use the word We in this context

As in "We are amused :) "


Member Moderator
Staff member
Talking Turkey Moderator
This is the reason this forum is becoming as it is
It seems now Mods can post PMs then say it was agreed to in the 1st place then another Mod sees the uproar its causing ad says he was in on it too
This is utter bullshit and doesn't give much trust for the Mods when they think this is proper and just a bit of fun
All I can say is say very little to anyone in a PM as it seems to me even the Mods cant be trusted here now
Poor form , now my trust of the Mods on this forum has dropped even more
It seems this place is dying a death of a thousand cuts and this was another
And they wonder why theyre called the fun police


Gold Member
Is it just me but are the people in charge of this site acting like dicks lately....more like little children who can't take it when something is not done the way they like it.


Gold Member
Is it just me but are the people in charge of this site acting like dicks lately....more like little children who can't take it when something is not done the way they like it.

Ha I'm not going to go as far as saying dicks... But the forum is certainly changing.

Instead of the forum it was when I first joined... Where the banter between us and the ladies was top notch. Girls like Peta and Adrianna Lush used to keep us entertained rather well on here. We had quality reviews and heaps of fun.

Now its feels awkward ..eg...

You must read this thread as it has our advertisers
Follow along the romantic adventure of the punter and his quest
Watch a manager chew out her staff in a public forum (and thus kill their interaction with this site)
And for the sake of keeping on topic...
AMP complaints galore.. Don't worry though .. The community will let you know where else to go and offer their services (which isn't that terrible)

I still have fun here and its a great community. But this was too far. I get how the highjacking can be annoying etc... But management on here need to stop naming and shaming service providers and WLs for trivial things like promoting themselves or not being classy enough in photos.

I would never do such a thing to my staff and wouldn't expect my boss to shame me like that either



Gold Member
This seriously had to be one of the most rediculous posts I have read here, and started by a mod and supported by another mod. Oh dear.

Couldn't agree more with the strange direction this site has taken and the amateur and subjective way it is moderated. The public shaming of staff by management is shockingly poor form as well, and would not be tolerated in the "real world". There is so much wrong with that I wouldn't know where to start.

Still - there is some fun and interest in the site, ironically including these threads (sort of like seeing a car accident).

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Ok.........I am locking this thread.......

Here is what happened.......

A well known and good contributing member among you stating that he and others had a certain opinion which is what is expressed here. It was not posted publically to prevent the sort of behaviour on this thread. It was taken to John Lou........and John's opinion. was asked for.

I was invited into the conversation on a day where I had meetings back to back and worked late into the night.....

After reading the conversation..........I contributed by asking whether it is a good idea that myself or another mod presents this to the public anonymously..... All in the conversation agreed, I was still a few hours away from being able to sit down to a computer so I ASKED JOHN to present this concern on behalf of a member.

It was a favour from John..........

Since then I have seen a lot of people attack my moderation team for doing this favour. It is something they would do for any one of you. I have seen them being called derogatory names.............none of them has even complained.........

I apologise John for the way it has turned out.....

Most of the Mods do this unpaid and keep the running of this forum because they love this place....This forum would not last a week if it was not watched over.

This thread is just one of the Mod team helping one of you guys out. And there is a lot of volatility for the wrong reason...............and the motives of the vileness is obvious to many.

I am locking this thread.......keep this a peaceful place............ if anyone wishes to not be here send me a PM.....

I seldom give opinions anymore and I make no threats........I will just keep this a peaceful space.


Gold Member
So, popped into talkinsex this afternoon, hit the "recent posts" button and low and behold Langtrees management are making a team effort of spamming their own forum.

Nearly three whole pages of it!

Oh dear, another example of poor form.

Anyone else think the same?

What excuse do management have this time?

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
We are upgrading the Eastern States Forums and Need to add all the brothels and sections to activate google searches. I don't need an excuse oz surfer and this will be happening for over a month, we are tageting 100 threads per day.Its content that attract members and whilst we are rich in the west we are poor in the east.