Dood Deleted 66783
Yes . Ask your local labour Pollie. They seem to have plenty of money to throw at stupid agendas. WA Inc is still in business here at the Labour party. Just look at the money they make from us in fines in such yet still claim not to have any money. Where does it all go. . Apparently The city of Perth has over 20 million just sitting around in the parking meter account while homelessness in on the increase , people are losing their homes but government and banks just continue to steal our hard earned cash and homes. And they are only going to take more away from you before you die.
Vote yes . Vote Labour.
So we all know about getting scammed. Once you lose your cash options who owns your money. You or the bank.
If it is not in your hand you don't own it. .
It's a dictatorship. Global control.
Of course the Liberal Party, the Chippocrats, the Greenies don't do this. Only Labor does. There were no homeless in our society, no parking fines etc... but suddenly at the stroke of midnight when Labor came in it all happened. Well I never...