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AlexandraSilk BLOG

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My bedroom followed by the lounge room with a quick stop over in the kitchen, then a final visit to the bathroom before heading back to the bedroom :D:love10::la::notworthy:la:


Just as cars drive more smoothly with regular 6 monthly services, our bodies perform better with 6 monthly detoxes. Every six months I put away the wine, the good food and eat healthy food for a couple of weeks. This time I have chosen to undergo an intensive 10 day cleanse which includes a 5 day juice fast.

The first 3 days you are required to eat raw vegan meals. Slowly decreasing the amounts in preparation for the juice only meals. After the 3 days you can consume juice, vegetable broth and miso soup. The detox also includes a number of herbal capsules and powders to increase the bodies natural cleansing abilities. After the 5 day juice fast you are allowed to start introducing foods again.

6 days into the detox and 3 days into the juice fast I sure am missing food. The powders and herbs keep give me a sense of fullness whilst providing my body with nutrients. But oh how I would just love to taste food in my mouth. As I type this I consider just chewing a mango and then spitting it out.

Tonight when I was at a friends watching them eat, I honestly thought about quitting. Determination won me over and I pursued with my detox. Though I am counting down the hours until my next real meal; Monday morning.


Well done Alex, and congratulations on your perseverance.
Interestingly I was watching a movie / documentary just last night about an Aussie bloke who did a similar thing but on a far bigger scale. He was overweight, unhealthy, various skin conditions etc, and life was basically miserable. So he decided to go 100% fruit & vegetable juices for 60 days!! Apparently the first 3 or 4 days were tough, but by day 5 he was bouncing with energy, had lost weight, skin condition improved. By day 60 on juices only, he had no more skin condition, was off all medications, had lost something like 50lb, and was full of life and energy.
Much respect for massive determination!


Alex, while I admire your determination, I have to wonder:

Just as cars drive more smoothly with regular 6 monthly services, our bodies perform better with 6 monthly detoxes. Every six months I put away the wine, the good food and eat healthy food for a couple of weeks.

Why not simply eat healthy foods all the time and avoid having to 'detox' every few months?


I can't talk for Alex, but from my experience, eating healthy foods 100% of the time is a pipe-dream. I eat pretty well generally, but I don't say no to the occasional coffee, cake, ice-cream etc. Even "healthy foods" can build up toxins in our bodies over time. Foods like bread, pasta, milk, eggs, lean red meat although healthy in terms of nutrients, still produce a toxic build up in our bodies. Even my personal trainer promotes a regular detox.

You can put the best quality, synthetic fuels and oils in your car, but it will still require servicing at regular intervals.


Keep it up ALexandra....I am the same I do one very 6 months (though I think should be every 3)...the feeling afterwards is amazing...you just feel your body praising you x And people if the detox too much for you a cup of hot not boiling water with a lemon squeezed (then I put in the other half to soak) every morning before you eat or do anything is great it detoxifies and kicks start the digestive system. Also dont drink any liquids when you have a meal, it is such a given for us but what happens is when you eat the food goes into the digestive tract and the enzymes that attach to the food to break it down effectively get washed away with the liquid causing our system not be able to do its job properly.... (Alex I am self taught/read correct me if I got anything wrong there)


You girls are well behaved ;)

I prefer to eat well all the time. No dairy, grains, processed sugar. No ingredients that have a number or that I can't pronounce. Plenty of meat, poultry, fish, eggs, veges, nuts, fruit and oats. I haven't required a sickie from work ever since.



Bit of moderation and you can enjoy bad food


Bit of moderation and you can enjoy bad food

Exactly. :)

IMO detox is a huge scam, I can't find a scientific study backing up the benefits claimed by fans and promoters of the detox programs.

Anyway, enough negative nancy from me in this thread, I'll leave it be and simply admire Alex and Saige for their ability to stick to their commitments (as going on juice fasts etc is not easy!).
I can see why both of you are successful in what you do, with the determination you show in the things you apply yourself to. :notworthy


I have been told that light ginger tea and having a slice of lemon with your drink are very good for regular intake to cleanse your internals.

A friend of mine who has a very sensitive stomach use to take a shot of extra virgin olive oil with a few drops of lemon every morning.. cant imagine the taste but apparently its supposed to be very good for your digestive system..


Foundation Member
::)I am with Wingman and Althalus on this issue.

A few Hollywood celebs get hung up on the detox thing and the next time you look "Women's Weekly" et al are telling us how to do it at home::)

Just eat sensibly, don't smoke, go easy on the booze and get enough exercise and all is well. No need for fruit-juice only or fasting spells - they just confuse your metabolism.


Svengali is on the money - as always.

I have heard about Saige's lemon drink and that it works.

Worst thing for me when I've tried to reduce to a shadow of my present self is to cut down on coffee (and all the milk that accompanies it).

This brings on splitting headaches during the first couple of days - real killers!

I also think that the detox scenario that Saige and Alex talk about is good - if nothing else it helps you get on track to eat in a more healthy manner.

With it though you should try to reduce complex over processed foods, preservatives and of course carbs carbs carbs.

The basic secret is not a secret - just eat less of everything - we all eat far more than we need to.

Anyway to the ladies in this thread - just keep those beautiful bodies beautiful. One would think that with all the antics and activities you get up to, your bodies are just furnaces burning up the calories!!

Take care and have fun.


Oprah and Dr Oz (yes I am BIG Oprah fan) say that if you do nothing else in your diet then do these three simple thiings

Cut out all fizzy drinks (that may be cos Amercians drink alot more then we do)

Get a really good vitamins

Do your 20-30mins of exercise per day

Not so hard...xx


Today I received a text from a client who has made three bookings and not kept one. All three were no shows. No phone call or text to cancel or explain why he hadn't fronted. Anyway, I digress.

The prospective client was supposedly mugged today. (This is the 2nd time in 2 months) He must have the worst luck! LOL
The text (after not showing at his third appointment) stated he had been mugged and therefore had no money. He then went on to ask if he could see me tomorrow for free because it was Valentines. Hilarious text requests come with the job, I completely understand this. However, ever now and then a client really does amaze me.

It occurred to me to ask him if he was on crack. However, I thought this could be interpreted as rude. So I replied, sure you can come and see me tomorrow. Please bring $250 and we can spend 30 minutes together.

His reply "Oh please, just for me"

Seriously? What does this guy expect? "Oh yes! I would just love to see a complete stranger who has stood me up 3 times. Especially when I could be seeing paying clients who actually attend their appointments"

The little devil inside of me thought about agreeing to see him for free, then stand him up. Oh sweet revenge.


Legend Member
When I was younger and much more evil I used to work in a pizza shop and I know I`m going to get flamed for this but we used to ring up other pizza shops and ask them to deliver to other pizza shops...
This is back in the days before caller id and we wouldn`t give the shop name, just the address that was listed in the phone book.


Legend Member
Alex, you could say that you will provide a freebie, but a girl requires a special gift on Valentine's Day. You will see him for 30 mins and your special gift requirement, just for him, is $400 in cash.

Book someone else for his time, so whether he shows or not does not affect you.

He must be a mug to think you will believe his 'mugged' story.


Diamond Member
Hmm after two previous no shows n explanations, not sure y u gave him a third chance. Sniff timewasters a mile away.

Alecia the Foxx

I tend toward what Asianguy has said. After one no show, I save their number as a "No Show." If later they ring again, I may or may not take their call, and if I do, I state quite clearly that they must pay me a cancellation fee before I will take another booking. Cuts down on the bullshit texts that may come in later.


Alexandra I think you should stand him up and give him a dose of his own medicine. People like him probably only make it harder for someone like me who always turns up on time to get a booking.

Naughty Thoughts

I'd agree with Alecia - no point making a booking as he probably still wouldn't show up anyway...

Alecia the Foxx

This sounds incredulous - but there is a breed of guys who "get off" on wasting the time of Working Lady's.

They sit there masturbating knowing that you are getting ready for a booking, and that you are wondering where they are when they don't show up. They want to piss us off. Don't ask me why. I don't care why. But they exist. As soon as you suss one out (like this Valentine's dork) you need to cut them off, or do what Gentleman suggests (and I have done this), and make a booking and waste their time.

My way of getting rid of them is to ask them to pay a cancellation fee before I book them again. I have had a couple of genuine guys pay me, the rest have just gone away - perfect !!


This works both ways ya know. I've had a WL not show up to an outcall without letting me know.


Gold Member
its part of the industry i figure. ppl cancel or grow ashamed or scared for what ever for reason...


After his second missed appointment I did double book his last appointment as I didn't expect him to show up. If a client misses an appointment I allow them one more chance. Particularly if they seem sincerely sorry. We are all human, and mistakes can be made.

Gentleman I did consider giving him a "Freebie" and not showing up to the appointment. However I'm not that type of girl. It felt rather mean spirit to do such a thing. Particularly on Valentines day.


Silver Member
The little devil inside of me thought about agreeing to see him for free, then stand him up. Oh sweet revenge.

hahaha funny... you should have!

by the way. i got held up at knife point on the way home tonight, ya think you can come in your nurses uniform and stitch me up??? for free I mean! LOL joking!
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