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AlexandraSilk BLOG

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It's a sign of the times regardless of ages or industry.

I confirmed an appt for after lunch at about 9.30am and SMS'd her to let her know I was 5min away and never heard back lol


From my understanding No Shows are rather common within the industry. So much so I know one WL who for some time always double booked herself. The theory was at least one of the bookings would arrive. Fortunately this is something I rarely experience.

Last night however I had the unpleasant experience of a no show. This client (normally I would refer to my clients as gentlemen, this particular client hasn't earned that right) called himself Reece. An inquiry was sent via email on Wednesday night requesting an appointment Thursday night. The gentlemen wanted a massage service with some extras. Reece liked the idea of me role playing a policewoman, handcuffing him to the bed. Once handcuffed I was to massage his body and his member bringing him to orgasm. The request sounded fun, so I accepted.

Two emails later, a number of text messages and the appointment was set. Unfortunately I wasn't able to see Reece on Thursday as these appointments were full. So I offered a Friday appointment at a time suitable to both Reece and I. Normally Friday nights I keep to myself, however I offered Friday night to Reece as I was unable to see him on the Thursday night.

Friday morning I received a text from Reece, confirming our 7:00pm appointment later that day. As I don't own I police custom I went out and purchased the outfit for our scheduled appointment. All dressed up in my new outfit I waited in my apartment. To keep busy whilst I waited I decided to dust my apartment. 7:00 came and went. No message or phone call to say he planned to be late. Reece was in his mid 20's. Younger clients often run late and don't have the courtesy of gentleman who think to call or text to advise of their lateness. Taking this into mind I waited until 7:10 before sending a text to inquire how far away. However, by this point I already had the feeling I had been stood up. 7:20 still no call or text from Reece. My apartment was dusted and I stood there all dressed up with no one to pleasure.

I was a rather disappointed, it doesn't take long to send a quick message; "sorry can't make it". It doesn't bother me at all if I client has to cancel or reschedule their appointment. This happen and plans change. What was confusing was Reece had been such a great communicator up until this point. A confirmation text had been sent by him!

It dawned on me this is how those clients feel when they make an appointment with a WL who doesn't fill her obligations; confusion, disappointment, frustration. Another appointment could have been made in place of that one. There are always other things which could have taken that time.

May I say thank you to all those clients who are fabulous communicators and keep me informed when they are unable to attend their appointments. Your diligence is truly appreciated.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:nono::nono::nono::nono::nono::nono: It is always a great privilege and honour to see you Alex Silk!!! Your time is precious and it should be treated as such. Do you have handcuffs to go with that outfit?:love10::la::notworthy:love10:

I'm always happy to fill in any spaces that you may have:love10::la:


Foundation Member
I have found the same thing as well. If someone sends you a message, it only takes about three clicks to reply. Even it is no or not interested.

I always reply to my messages unless they are spammers.

I also had an appointment with some one at a coffee shop. Confirmed the time and location night before. Got a there a bit early and no show. No reply on the phone or email when I got home. I had this feeling she was there but hiding in the cafe watching me.


that sux bigtime :( I can't stand people like that big L for LOSERS


One of the most rewarding aspects to this site is the support extended to each member by each member, outstanding effort, truly a faith rebuilder!!!


Gold Member
Sorry to hear of your experience....... so close to my own a little time ago. I hope that this is not a common occurrence.

Keep that uniform though and get some cuffs if you haven't already and you can arrest me at a future date that will hopefully not be too far away.

Did you get the cap as well??

Be bad

BB :eek:ccasion14


From my understanding No Shows are rather common within the industry. So much so I know one WL who for some time always double booked herself. The theory was at least one of the bookings would arrive. Fortunately this is something I rarely experience.

Last night however I had the unpleasant experience of a no show. This client (normally I would refer to my clients as gentlemen, this particular client hasn't earned that right) called himself Reece. An inquiry was sent via email on Wednesday night requesting an appointment Thursday night. The gentlemen wanted a massage service with some extras. Reece liked the idea of me role playing a policewoman, handcuffing him to the bed. Once handcuffed I was to massage his body and his member bringing him to orgasm. The request sounded fun, so I accepted.

Two emails later, a number of text messages and the appointment was set. Unfortunately I wasn't able to see Reece on Thursday as these appointments were full. So I offered a Friday appointment at a time suitable to both Reece and I. Normally Friday nights I keep to myself, however I offered Friday night to Reece as I was unable to see him on the Thursday night.

Friday morning I received a text from Reece, confirming our 7:00pm appointment later that day. As I don't own I police custom I went out and purchased the outfit for our scheduled appointment. All dressed up in my new outfit I waited in my apartment. To keep busy whilst I waited I decided to dust my apartment. 7:00 came and went. No message or phone call to say he planned to be late. Reece was in his mid 20's. Younger clients often run late and don't have the courtesy of gentleman who think to call or text to advise of their lateness. Taking this into mind I waited until 7:10 before sending a text to inquire how far away. However, by this point I already had the feeling I had been stood up. 7:20 still no call or text from Reece. My apartment was dusted and I stood there all dressed up with no one to pleasure.

I was a rather disappointed, it doesn't take long to send a quick message; "sorry can't make it". It doesn't bother me at all if I client has to cancel or reschedule their appointment. This happen and plans change. What was confusing was Reece had been such a great communicator up until this point. A confirmation text had been sent by him!

It dawned on me this is how those clients feel when they make an appointment with a WL who doesn't fill her obligations; confusion, disappointment, frustration. Another appointment could have been made in place of that one. There are always other things which could have taken that time.

May I say thank you to all those clients who are fabulous communicators and keep me informed when they are unable to attend their appointments. Your diligence is truly appreciated.

Good post Alexandra. I've been in the reverse situation where I had a WL not turn up which was frustrating and confusing, especially considering the amount of courage it took me to organise it in the first place. It was to be my first time with a WL and I had chosen her specifically as I thought she'd be a good 'match' for me.

I hope you get to use that uniform with someone special :)



Look on the positive side, it was probably a good thing that you did not get to meet him and have to endure his company.

Reece is a mongrel and nothing more.

Take care Babe - and don't let this get you down.


Do you have the baton aswell? Not to sure if your into that sort of thing...lol


Gold Member
Alexandra I had this same guy email me on weds with the same requests, he txt me on Thursday and asked if I was available that night. I told him I wasn't but was free the next day if he wanted to see me then. He made a booking for 7pm and didn't show or reply to my message either. I wonder how many Other girls he did this to!


Gold Member
No shows are part of any service related industry unfortunately. Restaurants, physio, massage, doctors, hair dressers etc etc. ,


Legend Member
Any no show is simply being rude but how annoying is it if your waiting for a plumber, electrician, parcel to be delivered and all they can tell you is that it should be either sometime in the morning or between 1 and 5 in the afternoon.
They expect you to wait all day and even if you request that they call you when they are nearly there so that you can race home from work, they say they can`t.


No shows are part of any service related industry unfortunately. Restaurants, physio, massage, doctors, hair dressers etc etc. ,

Too true mate - happens in my line of work as well and is infuriating!!!


Silver Member
Miss silk had to cancel her trip to Bunbury due to the lack of bookings. I was very disappointed. Hopefully she will still come down at some point. Let her know if any one else is keen on seeing her in Bunbury because I am.:-X


I'm surprised not many people mentioned the other way around - the WL (or plumber, electrician, engineer) not arriving on time and leaving the client waiting. Everyone seems to mention the clients, it works both ways you know?


Gold Member
Alex, My nearest town would be Onslow, but I can get to Karratha, Tom Price, Newman etc without toooo much trouble. A tour could take you through Gero, Carnarvon, Exmouth, Onslow, Karratha, Port Hedland etc and enjoy the scenery as well, but wait for the cooler months.:love10:


Full Member
Foundation Member
....I can get to Karratha, Tom Price, Newman etc without toooo much trouble. A tour could take you through Gero, Carnarvon, Exmouth, Onslow, Karratha, Port Hedland etc and enjoy the scenery as well, but wait for the cooler months.

.....if Alexandra did this tour, perhaps she could call it the "Silk Route Tour"???.... :)

Fudd :laughing4


Silver Member
If you are in the Bunbury Region you have missed a golden opportunity to see a very sensual lady. She was prepared to spend the day in Bunbury and it is a shame that due to a lack of bookings she has had to cancel.


Silver Member
I booked Alex but I think I was the only one. Hope she makes the effort again.
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In today's world a woman has many beauty upgrade options available to her; spray tan, acrylic nails, hair extensions, eyelash extensions, breast enlargements the list goes on. Like most things in life, when done in a tasteful manner these can really enhance the natural beauty of a woman. The way make up can enhance the facial features on a lady.

Where does one draw the line though?

Does it become an addiction?
Are they striving for impossible perfection?
Is it to improve self confidence?
Or used to lure an expecting male?
Perhaps to keep up with their fellow female friends?

Naughty Thoughts

Personally I am opposed to non-essential surgery.

I can understand where it is done for good reason. A very small-breasted woman might be on the receiving end of constant negative feedback over her cup size. I don't have breasts and don't know what it's like to be a woman so I can't really make a comment on that.

Same with nose jobs - if the nose is far enough from "normal" that it is detrimental to the individual then I can see why it would be done. But if the nose is already fine, and the surgery is asked for simply for the sake of vanity then I don't think it's a good idea.

But that's just me. I don't even like to take Panadol if I don't absolutely have to.


I like every bit of me I dont think I would have anything done peeps love my 40 inch boobies lol its my best asset :)


The line needs to be drawn somewhere between


If it makes the person happy, why not I guess!


Legend Member
WR3XR that photo of Donatella Versace Is right out of Alexandra's list of Addiction
If you see a before shot She was better looking (In my opinion) prior to surgery
Once some people start they can not stop
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