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There was something about it in the paper in the last year. 16 year olds massaging nekkid old men, owned by a conman, look at how society is deteriorating, wah wah.
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Miranda Fox


hey Nick05,
When WA is Warmer, I shall visit.
You can have a massage from me in my bikini.....

How does that sound ??

Thought I would be cheeky.

Dear Mia

Silver Member
Yeah, the Bokini Girls that opened on Fremantle was advertising for girls 16 and upwards. I wasn't aware that it was anything other than just massage performed by girls in bikinis, but even that seemed innapropriate for under 18's.
My mother and I complained, and they changed the age to 18. I never saw the stuff about the con man though.


Gold Member
Hi guys, My hubby and I are new to the swinging scene and loving our experiences so far. As an encouragement/lesson we are keen to hear your stories of successful or not so successful swinging experiences. If you feel like sharing plese reply. Looking forward to getting to know you all better as time goes on.
PS: Hoping LP's is saved.


Gold Member
Hi and welcome to the forum Swingingstories
like your intro.

this is a great thread starter looking forward to seeing stories

Sir Stefan

Whooo hooo hooo Staceyndave.... sounds like you guys are going to have some fun cummin up.... Enjoy!


Gold Member
Our Weekend Away​

It was Thursday afternoon 2 days before our wedding anniversary.
We decided that we wanted a single guy to join us for our 10th wedding anniversary. we went in to an adult chat room and advertised what we were looking for.
There were a few guys who responded to our request but only one who stood out by the way he was chatting to us,
We went to have a look at his profile to find it was hidden, we requested for him to open it up so we could have a look. But he played a game of cat and mouse for a bit before allowing us to view his profile.
We chatted some more then said add us to messenger so we could talk more in private and to see what he looks like, from the pictures we had seen we both said he looks OK, we agreed that we would like to meet him. And he wanted to meet us.

We said to Jack what we wanted in messenger that we both would need pleasing and for a good time to be had, he was agreeable and said he was interested.
We made plans to meet at the Kardinya tavern on Friday afternoon for a few drinks so we all could get to know each other a little.

We arrived at the tavern and went inside and looked around and there he was sitting at a table by himself we said that must be him, so we went up to him and said are Jack? Yes he replied. Hi we are Stacey and Dave, nice to meet you,,, nice to meet you guys too he said.
We sat around the table checking each other out and talking, only general talk.
We then moved out to the outdoor area of the tavern for some more privacy and to talk more openly.

After about an hour we said we have to get going as we need to go to the shops to get a few last things for our weekend away up in the hills in a unit we booked for our anniversary.

We said our goodbyes and told Jack we would talk and let him know what we think and if we are still interested. So we exchange phone numbers so we could send a text to let him know. And got Jack to reply and let us know if he was still interest.

So off to the shops we went and on the way we made our decision and we both agreed that we would like him to join us.

Little while later we sent the text message saying we are interested for Jack to join us for a night, and we got a reply saying he was interested too.
So we sent a reply that’s great and we will text you tomorrow for the meeting place.

Come Saturday we were still interested and excided that we had made plans. So we sent Jack a message saying to meet us at the Last Drop tavern in Kalamunda at around 8pm

We got to the tavern and waited for Jack to turn up
we all met up and got a table we had a few drinks to calm the nerves and to loosen up a little before going back to the room to get intimate, yes he was still keen, so after an hour or so we decided to head back to the unit which was a one bedroom with a spa in it back at the room few more drinks we had and things we going slow, like who was going to make the first move, and it was Stacey who made the first move, she said for me to run the spa, so I went off into the bathroom to run the spa, Stacey was the first to make her way to the spa get undressed and get in.

So I said to Jack let’s get undressed as we don’t want to keep Stacey waiting.
I was second to get undressed then Jack was, I made a pit stop for the loo by the time I came out Jack was in the spa keeping his distance from Stacey. The spa was a 3 person triangle shape, Jack was at one end Stacey was at the other.

so I got in the middle of them but we were all too far away to reach each other I said to Stacey move in between us so she could play with both of our cocks and us guys could play with Stacey under water

Stacey had a strange look on her face, I said are you playing yes she said, How does it feel?
She said small,
Then I had to have a feel and play, it was hard and it was a small a cock omg

Anyway playing went on for about 20 mins then we got out of the spa and got on the bed for more play as it happens.. Suck touch etc on each other.

Jack played with Stacey sucking and licking right between her hot legs, that’s all he would do, he did suck me and I sucked him it was a good feeling

Stacey and I started to have sex for a bit while Jack watched. We tried to get Jack to take me from behind he moved behind me and was just sitting there, I said are you ok? He said I’m trying to get hard,, our reply was if you don’t want to do it then no pressure. Jack moved to the side of us, we went back to sucking and playing with each other.

I said I’m going to have a smoke and watch you two play and have some fun.. Stacey’s reply was you’re not going for a smoke if I can’t have one, you can stay and watch from here. So I did as I was told.

Shocked Jack didn’t even make a move on Stacey even with my encouragement
30 mins later Jack left for home.
We went back to bed to finish off what we started by ourselves and a fantastic end to the night we had together in pleasuring each other

Still wondering why he didn’t go for Stacey

Jack is not his real name,and is not a member off this forum, it was changed to keep his identity safe


Foundation Member
Yes,a disappointing ending but not a surprising one.

I know that in porn this type of scenario always plays out with two jumbo sized cocks banging the s*** out of the lady leaving her in an ecstatic daze and covered in you-know-what. In real life I doubt that I could even get it up, especially with hubby right there.

It may work out better if you had several "just friendly" meetings and a bit more of a warm-up instead of jumping straight into the deep end.


Gold Member
Hey Dave & Stacey,

Thanks so much for sharing that story, I'm not sure that fully is negative, although you didn't get the outcome you were hoping for. I guess it's hard to know how you're going to feel in a situation until you're actually in it. Maybe "Jack" was testing the waters with regards to his sexuality and openness and pushed himself a bit too far too soon.

I have to say I'm a bit leery of the blind meet after internet contact (no offence to my fellow forum members). Hubby and I have really enjoyed LP's and we're keen to try a private party soon. But the atmosphere of not having to do something if it doesn't feel right is appealing, I guess a direct meet for a singular purpose has more pressure attached.

The party environment also gives you the chance to flirt a bit and get comfortable touching someone, you know a pinch or a hug, etc. I think that makes everyone feel a bit more sexy towards strangers and also you can suss out partners and hubby's etc to see how they relate to their partner. This can go a long way to see whether they are someone you could get jiggy with. I have to say I am surprised by the number of single guys who are funny about doing something with a chick if hubby is present, I mean, hubby gets turned on by that, are they in the wrong place if they're at a swingers party?

Please keep the stories coming guys, surely more of you have mind blowingly good or undie freezingly bad stories to share.



Gold Member
Hi Guys,

I have a story and a question, kind of to do with ettiquette in a swinging situation.

Recently I was at a swingers event and had spent most of the evening with a lovely man, we had talked, kissed, fondled, and in the spa we had intercourse. However, spa's are great for foreplay but not so awesome for sex. We decided that we would take it on to dry land.

Several people had joined us in the spa but it was clear that we were involved, so no one attempted to join in. Except for one lady who without invitation began to touch and play, dominating the situation until the evening was effectively over.

Being new and not wanting to ruffle feathers I did not say anything, but I'm just wondering if this is proper ettiquette. The man involved it was his very first time in a swinging situation and I think he also did not want to offend.

I would like some advice on whether this is ok, and how to handle similar situations in the future.



Hi Guys,

I have a story and a question, kind of to do with ettiquette in a swinging situation.

Recently I was at a swingers event and had spent most of the evening with a lovely man, we had talked, kissed, fondled, and in the spa we had intercourse. However, spa's are great for foreplay but not so awesome for sex. We decided that we would take it on to dry land.

Several people had joined us in the spa but it was clear that we were involved, so no one attempted to join in. Except for one lady who without invitation began to touch and play, dominating the situation until the evening was effectively over.

Being new and not wanting to ruffle feathers I did not say anything, but I'm just wondering if this is proper ettiquette. The man involved it was his very first time in a swinging situation and I think he also did not want to offend.

I would like some advice on whether this is ok, and how to handle similar situations in the future.


Having absolutely no experience ;D, maybe just push her hand away firmly till she got the idea. Or make eye contact while doing it, or a quiet, "We're OK, thanks...", while pushing the hand away.

What if it had been a bloke. Would you have had trouble saying something?


Gold Member
Hey Sum Guy,

Thanks for the perspective, I hadn't thought about it. I guess I would probably do just what I did, which was get out of the spa and discontinue my involvement.

I guess I was just disappointed because I didn't feel like I had finished that experience and it was cut short. It's ok though, because I had fun and every new experience teaches you things about general human nature, but most importantly about yourself.



Gold Member
Hi Guys,

Ok, opinion time here. Do you think it is possible to swing with friends? Given that we care about, (dare I say we love our friends) do you think that engaging in sexual activity with friends is wise. Emotions and casual sex, do they go together?

Does it lead to problems? Can you maintain healthy friendships and engage in playtime? Is it safer to keep friends and play separate?

Please give me your opinions and perhaps examples to demonstrate your point.



i love my close friends to bits and have had experiences with a few of them

with one me and my then partner were having a bit of fun then she got all weird and now never talks about it although I we are still very close

with a couple of others im ashamed to admit now that ive been with them

others have been complete disasters....the girl in one couple broke down

but there have also been some really great experiences, like with a certain couple on the forums

so you wont really know what the consiquences are till they happen negative or positive.


Tantalizing Temptress
Gold Member
I think it depends on the friendship... i have a really good friend who, many years ago, and many drinks later things got a little touchy feely, didnt have sex, but pretty much everything else... we sorta laughed it off the next day, but a friendship that used to involve calling each other a couple of times a week, confiding in everything... quickly became calling on special occasions and saying a passing hello if we saw each other...

that experience alone, i keep away from sex with friends... even if it doesnt ruin a friendship, it is bound to change things... ake things uncomfortable etc...

but on the same note, i also had a (female) friend who was just someone i hung out with, no deep meaningful friendship, just mates... we had many 3sums and moresums over a couple of years and it was great while it lasted... but once the sex stopped so did the friendship...


nope, friends and sex seperate for me thanks :)

(sex first, then friends is fine though :p lol)


Sex first then friends is okay. I have learnt the hard way not to fuck friends. I have just had a friendship fall apart because of trying swinging with friends....and it was their idea, not mine.

So I won't EVER do it again.


We have had many swinging sessions have become really good friends with people we have met at the clubs etc, we socialize and exercise etc together but on the other hand being really good friends with people first and then swinging with them could be a lot harder. I guess it all depends on the people invoved.


Gold Member
Thanks for your opinions guys. I would have liked to have thought it was possible, but when you really care about someone and what they think of you, that's where it gets sticky (no pun intended).

When it comes to friendships, I believe them to be sacred, whether you have known someone forever, or just for five minutes, if the connection is there, it's there. Then it's not just casual sex, it's sex with someone you care about.

I don't know, I'm just new at all this and I don't want to hurt people's feelings, I don't want my feelings hurt and I want to stay friends the people I care about. Don't worry guys, just me overthinking everything like normal.

VIP_Swinger, you and your hubby are some of those people I've known for five minutes who feel like friends. Thanks for helping one neurotic newbie.




hi there was wondering if anyone has seen madison from the sexwa.net site recently tried calling the number on the site always seems to be off any help would be appreciated :)


:-XHi ppl i am a big girl (6"1' 18hh) that loves to satisfy and leave you completely exhausted. I specialise in french and am very enthusiastic about it.

I kiss, massage, talk, have toys to play with (on you or me), spanish, french, mutual french:la:, sex (any possie), and willing to give anything a shot although :nono:I DO NOT RECEIVE ANAL AND CONDOMS ARE A MUST!!:nono:

Oh yeah and pricing its $300ph and I do specials at times (I enjoy sex and want everyone else to enjoy it as much as me)

I also do male, female, transgendered, couples, older, disabled and well as I said I want everyone to enjoy it so I have turned noone down or laughed at anone oh yeah and I dont care about body shape or size I love everyone.

One condition is that you shower before or when you get to me other than that im easy. Also easy im the way of cumming. No need to fear of blowing to soon I probably have at least once by the time you have and if not you cumming is a great trigger for me and I follow.


I do both incalls and outcalls but mainly based in kwinana.

Umm i think thats all lol if theres anything else you'd like to know post it as others probably have the same thought as you.

no longer working but keeping post up incase I do in future, for now I can point you towards Darksea_Maiden AKA Missy as I will sometimes still do doubles with her ;)
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Foundation Member
There was a sexy slim blonde at Taboo burswood

I think her name was Jewel or something similar in her late 30's early 40's

Anyone know if she is still there??




Gold Member
We have met Damprye although it wasnt on a sexual level, we met Damprye at a toy party one night a little while ago, we can voucher she is a lovely lady


You didn't happen to be at the Qantas Wine Show tasting on Wednesday night did you? There was a very tall, large, attractive woman there that immediately made me think of you but having not met you of course I didn't know.

Mary Anne PA

The reason they were saying 16, was that it MUST be just straight massage if they have girls that age working there :-/


Gold Member
Link is broken, so taken down.

Bon Levi imprisoned for 10 months following ACCC action for contempt of court

The Federal Court of Australia today sentenced Mr Bon Levi, one of Australia's most notorious conmen, to 10 months' imprisonment, with 6 months suspended, after the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission successfully prosecuted him for five counts of contempt of court.

In handing down the sentence, Justice McKerracher stated that, "Mr Levi has acted in absolute defiance of the court and its orders," and described the conduct as "repeated, serious and flagrant."

ACCC Chairman, Mr Graeme Samuel, welcomed the court's decision.

"The ACCC turns to the court for orders protecting consumers from fraudsters such as Mr Levi," Mr Samuel said.

"When the court's orders are deliberately flouted, it is consumers who are exposed. That is why the ACCC will continue to be vigilant in ensuring the court's authority is upheld, and that those acting in contempt of consumer protection court orders are brought to justice. In extreme cases such as Mr Levi's, that means a jail sentence."

The Federal Court suspended 6 months of Mr Levi's sentence for 5 years on the condition the Mr Levi not sell, advertise or accept any payment for any business opportunity whatsoever, without leave of the court. The court orders also prevent Mr Levi from knowingly participating with any other person in selling business opportunities.

Mr Levi has a long history of defrauding Australians by setting up bogus franchises and businesses that he sells on the promise of guaranteed future earnings.

After the ACCC took successful action against Mr Levi in 2005, Justice Kiefel made orders to protect members of the public dealing with Mr Levi.

Those orders require Mr Levi to provide written disclosure about his history, past aliases and previous breaches of the Trade Practices Act 1974 before accepting payment for any business opportunity or franchise.

"The ACCC acted to protect the public from this recalcitrant conman's repeated attempts to profit from unsuspecting members of the public, who would have been unlikely to do business with Mr Levi if they had known about his fraudulent history," Mr Samuel said.

After the orders were made, the ACCC monitored Mr Levi's activities and responded to numerous complaints about business opportunities and franchises Mr Levi was attempting to sell.

The contempt of court proceedings relate to businesses Mr Levi sold in Melbourne, Sydney and Perth in 2006 and 2007 in defiance of the Federal Court's orders.

The businesses involved included Little Joe Snax snack foods, LPG conversions and Bikini Girls Massage businesses. In return for $36,000 to $66,000, Mr Levi promised to set up the businesses and pay guaranteed weekly incomes. None of these businesses were ever established and, as a result, consumers lost all their money.

"This case reinforces the need for people to seek legal and financial advice before buying into a franchise or business opportunity," Mr Samuel said. "Consumers should not rush into buying a franchise or a business, and they should be wary of scams promising ways to make a lot of money quickly. Consumers should do their homework about the business itself, as well as the people promoting the business before handing over any money."

For media inquiries to the ACCC Chairman, Mr Graeme Samuel, please call Ms Lin Enright, ACCC Media, on (02) 6243 1108 or 0414 613 520. For general inquiries, please call the Infocentre: 1300 302 502.

To receive information on issues of interest to you, please go to www.accc.gov.au, click Media Centre, News releases, and enter your email address under Notify me.
The ACCC provides an automatic email alert system whenever there are changes to a page or pages to which you have subscribed.

Release # MR 298/08
Issued: 24th October 2008

After investigating the Little Joe Snax franchise in 2004, the ACCC took Mr Levi to court for breaching the franchising code of conduct, and for misleading or deceptive conduct in relation to the promises he made about the businesses.

On 28 February 2005, Justice Kiefel of the Federal Court of Australia made declarations by consent that Mr Levi had breached section 51AD of the Trade Practices Act 1974 (the Act) in respect of 65 franchise agreements and section 52 of the Act on numerous occasions. Justice Kiefel made orders restraining Mr Levi from selling business opportunities unless he either had (i) run the business successfully for at least 6 months, or (ii) provided a copy of the orders and certain information about his business experience and his aliases to the purchaser. Mr Levi also consented to an order to pay $40,000 to the ACCC in costs.

On 27 September 2006, the Federal Magistrates Court of Australia declared Mr Levi bankrupt after he failed to pay the ACCC $38,000 in costs pursuant to the Federal Court orders.

On 13 June 2007, the ACCC commenced action against Mr Levi for contempt of court. Mr Levi delayed the proceedings by claiming that he could not afford a lawyer to represent him. Immediately prior to the hearing on this application Mr Levi had committed a further contempt of court by selling a Bikini Girls Massage business for $66,000.

On 14 February 2008, Justice Siopis dismissed Mr Levi's application and ordered that Mr Levi stand trial in June 2008. A further attempt by Mr Levi to delay the trial was dismissed and described by Justice Siopis as a strategy by Mr Levi to delay the commencement of his trial for as long as possible.

Mr Levi pleaded guilty to five counts of contempt of court shortly before the trial was to commence.

Aliases previously used by Mr Levi include: Ronald Frederick Heelan, Ronald Frederick, Roddy Farrow, Brett Wyatt, Ronald White and Randy the Wrecker.

Related news releases:
MR 194/07, 27 July 2007, ACCC institutes contempt of court proceedings against Bon Levi.
MR 227/06, 29 September 2006, Court declares Bon Levi bankrupt.
MR 150/04, 6 August 2004, ACCC takes court action against Bon Levi over the sale of Little Joe and Joey's businesses.
MR 057/105, 14 March 2005, Court declares Bon Levi misled franchisees over Little Joe and Joey's businesses.
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hi all so can anybody tell me i got a flyer in freo that stated you could get a free 45min massage,nothing more about paying for anything.i guess it was a promotional thing.i have never been there but did have a look but thought nah to good to be true so didnt go in.did anybody else get one that they used it??? thank you


There's one on canning highway as well but i personally wouldn't waste your money on that sort of thing unless they were actually qualified in massage techniques.