I know it's a bit of a tease... I am following a party that I used to go to in London. I was in the fetish scene there and the ladies in the scene organised parties for 'girls only' once every 2m. They were great until their demise. The last one ever, we had a dramatic end to the evening. All was going well, until a candleabra caught onto the parachute draped from the ceiling. We managed to put it out - almost - but as we pulled at it to extinguish said fire, we inadvertently pulled the parachute onto the opposite candleabra, and the whole room went up in flames. Luckily I (said BBW was a young 24) had just gone to the bathroom to freshen up (I had been grovelling on the floor in the lounge just minutes before hehe) and I was standing near the staircase/entrance to the lounge and I along with others, hightailed it out of there. It was awful. I remember literally taking 4-5 steps at a time to get out (and to ensure others got out behind me!) It was on the top floor. One girl threw herself out of the kitchen window into someone's open windowed bedroom - wow they would have loved that under more appealing circumstances. She would have been wearing - u can imagine hehe probably something rubber I would say.. It was crazy. One girl was supplier of the 'party goods', she went back into to try and retrieve her bag which had loads of € in it, and she came out with superficial burns. My friends were also burnt, trying to get everyone out. It was hideous. So that was the end of the pussy parties. This was about 1994. So... I am hosting my own, inspired by the girls in London (House of Harlot owner Michelle - gorgeous girl was one of them) minus the fire emergencies I hope!!! Message me for more details...
Another awesome party I went to, was hosted by Marc Almond, it was held in an amazing old church (I think he may have lived there)... Incredible, sexy rooms everywhere, the main cathedral area was turned into mini harem type areas. There were waiters with trays of ready rolled joints. One of the sex rooms, there was a bed with a very hot couple getting it on, with about 15-20 pple watching. It was hot as, one of the BEST parties I have ever been to. Hedonism at it's best!!
A xxx