@Snowy i think the worry is that the information we provide may or may not let to the investigation. The timeline is very coincidental, those places been offering this for many many years and now got raided?
Also these mobs use private investigator so they not need to identify themselves during the visit.
Just my two cents
If the places are legit for giving a rebate through the Health System then they have nothing to worry about. The members also have nothing to worry about if they are claiming in a legit way for a service by a legit provider. If not they deserve to be fined or closed down , so maybe you guys shouldn't be saying some things on the Forum like you have about these Service Providers.
lucifer - a Private Investigator legally has to Identify him or herself in order to be able to just ask questions to a person running any establishment, they must also have the correct paper work from the company they are working for, in many cases that comes from a legal firm which has had to go through the Court System in order to get permission to conduct a legal investigation into any allegations that they have been accused of. Further more he or she has to have a warrant from the Courts to check the books, Computer, or any other records which may have been kept. No person running any established would allow anyone to check there records without a warrant.
Even if the Private Investigator shows his ID -- It doesn't give him the right to ask any questions at all.
Now if the unidentified investigator goes in for a massage & then gets a discount or a rebate then the Parlour might have a problem with this when or if it reported to the authorities, but they could say they made a mistake when charging the client. But if they are authorised to give a rebate then there is no problem.
Even the Police have to get warrants from Courts to raid Homes, Businesses & Properties without the owners consent.
So when you said- Also these mobs use private investigator so they no need to identify themselves during the visit, is a bit of a strange thing to say. Is it a raid or a visit?
Is the private investigator going for a massage or is he going to investigate the place while he is laying naked face down.
I don't identify myself everywhere I go, do you?