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I tried this one on Sunday afternoon. I usually prioritise good massage then price and if extras are available then perfect. My go tos lately have been Becky and Mary but they have been getting so popular hard to get a booking. I checked whether Noi could do firm massage and if she had a proper table both affirmative. I was not expecting extras and was hoping for a strong massage at cheap price. I was able to park in the driveway and taken round to the back greeted by Noi. That is her in the photos; nice looking mature Thai woman. Can't say about figure but average build. She was very polite and professional. No problem with nude albeit covered by towel. The massage started and I could tell she knows what she is doing. Great I thought at least a firm massage for 50 bucks. About 5 mins in another lady comes in to chat to Noi. This other woman starts massaging my scalp. I say thanks. They speak in Thai and start giggling. The other lady starts massaging my neck and shoulders. Noi is on the legs heading north and mystery lady on the back heading south. They start doing longer strokes until both are meeting on my butt. All in all 50 bucks for a great massage of which half was a 4 hander was an awesome experience. Noi may be legit but I think she may have some mates who are a little bit naughty.

Well done mate, good value for 4 hander.

I tried to contact but got no reply - will try again soon.

If you have whatsapp - check out her number on there - she has more recent photo - I’m assuming it’s her as I haven’t seen her yet!
I am new to here. My mate told me may can find some good stuff here. I like cheap nice mature ladies. But not really mind to spend a little more if she is good. Massage with some nice extras would be good enough for me. Any recommendations? Vic Park, Cannington, Belmont ... areas would be better for me. Thanks mates.
hahaha...I agree mate...As I have said this before this is a long queue of punters waiting for Irene to start. It will like a queue outside Aldi on Saturdays (Discount Day)..will have to get cops to handle the crowd...hahahahaha..

Anyways bud got any good punt I can try? PM me...

Hey, does Irene have an additional online?
This reminds me a story happened to my mate. He went to a lady-boy in Belmont last year where is not far from shopping centre. It was his first time to see lady-boy. That huge Europe lady-boy is heavy smoker. She was smoking inside the house. The smell in the house was disgusting. He paid $200 for 45mins. Finished in 20mins. Never back. Myself is same like priamex. I can't stand the smell of smoke. I always ask if girls smoking when make bookings.
This reminds me a story happened to my mate. He went to a lady-boy in Belmont last year where is not far from shopping centre. It was his first time to see lady-boy. That huge Europe lady-boy is heavy smoker. She was smoking inside the house. The smell in the house was disgusting. He paid $200 for 45mins. Finished in 20mins. Never back. Myself is same like priamex. I can't stand the smell of smoke. I always ask if girls smoking when make bookings.
Well stay away from the back room at SS in South St. Went there once and never been back due to the stench!
Anyone got intel on the below:


Wechat ID - JennyOsborne

Photos on weechat look pretty good - if they are legit
A new Chinese massage shop has appeared behind the Boathouse Tavern & the old Anglican Church in Church street. TIA
So, a little while ago, heading for a few beers with those guest barmaids in the Boatie, I did try out the new Chinese place. Perhaps I'm not good at this or forward enough, but whilst it was a very good massage and the girl was lovely enough, the flip saw a towel come into play and no real 'brush strokes' or conversation went along the lines of suggested extra's.
Still happy to be corrected & try again with a more obvious action ...
Apologies for the spam - another caught my eye...

link not working so taken down

Think I’ll take one for the team on this one and report back.
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Hi Guys
I don’t post a great deal but will try and lift my game I am really keen to hear from anyone about a private girl SOR that treats you special as In Girl Friend Experience Can be FS or not
I love the massage but also the pampering hugs and kisses Mature ladies OK
I look forward to any suggestions
OK no girlfriends SOR
Guess I will have to travel over the bridge
Hello massage lover, I live south of the river but I have never been to a private, there is plenty on offer in the parlours even if you are happy just to have a massage. The hugs & kisses do happen but I find that the lady of your choice likes to get to know you first, this takes a few visits before a certain amount of trust builds up between you & her. Just don't fall in love with them, remember what the ladies are here for, to make money, then remember what you are going to see them for.

Regards Snowy.
Hopefully it’s just one that requires a few visits to build up some trust.

I’ll give this one a go and report back how I get on :)
My experience was Noi is in Darwin as her and the sister Tina has a shop there that they are trying to offload. They operate out of Noirs hubbys place. Large thongs at front so he would be a big fella. Massage from Tina was good but just that. Nice lady but no teasing or suggestive conversation. Good shower and hung around to view my nakedness. Too much work and as this is their partners house i see no future tender loving so i wont be going back. Would be keen if others have luck as looks and bodys are pretty good.
Thank you both Yes Snowy falling in love would be a cluster f,ck
Wish I had listened to my own advice, been there & done that a few times, always wise after the fact, haha. My motto now is if I start getting strong feelings for them, or if they start getting feeling for you I stop seeing them, much easier that way & nobody gets hurt, especially me.
Good advice mate and I have been there once myself A whole jumble of lust. Love. Jealousy
Distrust. Lies. And heart break
You have to wonder if the workers feel any of the above lol
That's my thoughts also roo.. been there a couple of times and basically the same as you experienced.. wouldn't mind trying tina by herself. they only seem to work together and if nothings on offer id prefer 1 lady.
You are perfectly fine with hiring a lady privately in WA.

Brothels are illegal although this is not policed. (for now). Places get around this by saying they are renting rooms and not selling sex.
Natural services are also illegal, again this isn't policed.
As a Male, Living off the earnings of a sex worker is illegal. (Aka pimping)

Most other laws apply to the ladies and various things they can and cannot do, where they can advertise etc.
Remember that if you travel to another state it is going to be different, but the only state where it's just illegal is SA.

So you are perfectly safe and legal if you hire a private working lady (or man ?) and visit her or she visits you, either way :)

Hope this helps :)