
I have a few friends that will love this forum but I can't see where to invite them.


5 Star General
Foundation Member
I have a few friends that will love this forum but I can't see where to invite them.
hi Bunnylover and welcome to the forum . if you look @ the top of the page you will see "invite a friend " in the top tool bar about the middle of page ( last function above new posts ) :)

enjoy the forum :)


Whatever happened to FREE love?
Legend Member
Apologies if this has been explained already but what is the deal with certain posts having their date and time changed? I.e. if somebody posts something at say 11.00pm on Friday, it first appears at that time. But then it reappears say on Sunday at 4.32am. It's exactly the same post, not a duplicate, just that it has a completely different time stamp. This seems to be becoming more frequent, with more and more posts I have already read a day or two earlier showing up (with later time stamps) as unread in my watched threads.

Has Yoda inadvertently torn a hole in the space-time continuum while he was playing with his new lightsabre? :wideyed:


Head Veto.....
Staff member
Talking Turkey Moderator
Ahoy;- I do agree with you, and i have no-idea what is happening, but it is happening.


Diamond Member
This has been getting more and more of an issue over the last couple of weeks and sometimes deja vu can't explain it.


Gold Member
Phew. .. i thought i was crazy.

I know its Monday at 5:15 pm right now... lets see what my post says


Bronze Member
That makes more sense. I thought people were deleting their comments and re posting them for some reason.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
Its not weird shit its called bump, it helps us bring back good threads that have died and to make sure the advertisers get a better return for their advertising dollar.
I have only allowed very limited use on this feature it is a little time consuming but it does allow us to highlite new ladies that are actually on shift without cluttering the threads win un necessary posts.


Mary-Anne K Thanks for your advice re membership. I know there is quality in this forum as I love to read the reviews. I also know the reviews have been accurate as I can attest to some that I have read. I just hope I can satisfy the new rules. Regards and happy christmas


Foundation Member
Is there any where on here where you can actually look and see the posts that you have made, in case you want to edit them?
It is hard some times to remember which forum you have posted in.


...the floor is lava
Legend Member
Hi Kencan,

If you go to your profile page you can click on the "postings" tab and they should all be there. Down the bottom of the list you should also be able to select "All threads by you".

Hope this helps a little bit


When you follower someone on the forum is there a way to see every post they put on the forum without going to there profile and look at recent activities...
Your news feed?

Scroll/click onto your username and you should find "Your News Feed". Pretty sure you find everything and anything about the people you follow there.


Hi all,
I'm john and I'm new to the forum. Curious to see what's out there in the wide world.


Head Veto.....
Staff member
Talking Turkey Moderator
Ahoy Welcome board
Please have an avatar, any pic will do. It is considered polite on this site to have an avatar

Hi all,
I'm john and I'm new to the forum. Curious to see what's out there in the wide world.


Hello ... first time posting, don't really know what to say. In general, I'm here to have fun, cheers.