Sir Stefan

There are many names, which can be used to describe a woman who offers her services for sex. Some more pleasant than others.

I find Working Lady to be the most respectful. Do the WL's here, get offended if they are referred to as whores or prostitutes?

The word 'whore' is a shameful name to use to describe a female and is grossly offensive and should be reserved solely to describe a politician!


There are many names, which can be used to describe a woman who offers her services for sex. Some more pleasant than others.

I find Working Lady to be the most respectful. Do the WL's here, get offended if they are referred to as whores or prostitutes?

As a punter, I definitely would not call a WL I am seeing a "whore" in her presence for fear of being slapped in the face. I also tend to avoid the use of the word "prostitute" for the same reason, although the WLs I have encountered don't seem to mind this word, one even described herself as a "hooker!"

Farm Boy

Be careful how you use this word.

JERUSALEM — Israel detained an ultra-Orthodox man on Wednesday on suspicion of calling a woman soldier a “whore” on a public bus for refusing his appeals that she move to the back of the vehicle, a police spokesman said.

The incident came days after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to crack down on acts of harassment by religious zealots, with the publicity surrounding these cases risking upsetting his political alliances with ultra-Orthodox parties.

Aztec Monkey

The term "whore" is a derogatory term. I wouldn't use that term because it denigrates someone else and shows no respect for others. Then again those that do use that term tend to believe that they are holier than thou... except for all the skeletons in their closet. They also seem to have real issue with women.

Naughty Angel

Absolutely it's offensive to call working girls whores. The only time it would be okay is in the middle of a wild booking!!!


i call it pussy or hookers or streetwalkers or sluts. i pay the money, i call 'em what i want.

...and what a charmer you are, NOT!!!!!! :violent5:

The jerk, oops sorry, joke is on you doobdoob! :laughing4 The WL takes you hard earned $$$ (or most likely dole) and then rightly chooses to deny you their services because of your selfish attitude.

I cant believe I validated you, and wasted my time commenting about you!!! :boxing:


Silver Member
I think words only have the power you give them and of course if a word is intended to hurt with tone
or circumstance - then yes of course it will definitely have that effect.

Whore is not the most kindest of words - definitely snarl word material.

I don't mind working lady, its a subtle word that has a lot of power. Our job is not always considered a valid occupation and so to me the term 'working lady' takes that validation back and gives it some credibility :)

Prostitute is an official term, which is fine, I don't even mind hooker.

I agree however 'kinder' words such as working lady or prostitute could be used to hurt as well so in the end for me there is not much difference, it all depends on the intention.


World English Dictionary
whore (hɔː)

— n
1. a prostitute or promiscuous woman: often a term of abuse

— vb
2. to be or act as a prostitute
3. (of a man) to have promiscuous sexual relations, esp with prostitutes
4. ( often foll by after ) to seek that which is immoral, idolatrous, etc

[Old English hōre; related to Old Norse hōra, Old High German hvora, Latin carus dear]

You got me - I'M A WHORE !!!!!! :laughing4

I think it is the kind of word you would use if you really want to insult somebody. The very LAST thing I would want to do is insult a Working Lady that i want to have sex with & have a GFE by calling her an insulting name. probably would kill the mood. :eek:ccasion14


Some girls really dig being called filthy names though ;)

It's the way it's said (or comes across..) that's the biggest issue. Bit like some mine sites. "how are ya c**t" is a friendly miners greeting :)


Some girls really dig being called filthy names though ;)

It's the way it's said (or comes across..) that's the biggest issue. Bit like some mine sites. "how are ya c**t" is a friendly miners greeting :)

It would take a very brave man to greet a WL like that!

Alecia the Foxx

I think it's up to the working girls themselves to decide this question. For anyone else it's pure speculation.


I find it offensive and I would not use the term. Having the enjoyment of doing work for langtrees I get to talk to many of the girls working there. They are just like other girls/ women. They just have a different career of choice. They provide a valued service and don't deserve the denigration. Once you know these people I bet you would not use the the term.


I think whore has too many negative connotations attached to it for it to be attached to a sex worker, whore is something guys yell out a car window to a sex worker to try to get a rise out of her (not that I condone it).


The delivery, tone and context really does influence any word. I happily refer to myself and my fellow WL's as whores, however it is said with kindness. Would I appreciate it coming from a client? If it was a regular client and said in jest with a kind delivery I wouldn't take offense. Though it is rather difficult to ruffle my feathers.

Prostitute is just another label describing what we do. There are many people I imagine who think because we are paid for sex we must therefore be junkies, immoral, poorly educated etc. Therefore the stereotyping of our profession taints this label.
Sex worker best describes what we do.
Hooker has never been one of my favorite terms, as I relate it to street walkers.

Escort, Courtesan and companion are certainly my preferred labels.

However, call me what you will; hooker, whore, escort, prostitute, working lady, courtesan, companion, gigolo. They are all just labels for what I do. Not who I am.