Hey guys anyone tried mt chens in bassendean accross from the pub there ? Was driving through for work and thought i would give it a shot. Very friendly lady. I opted for 30 mins as i still had work to do and laid face up complety naked and covered with towel. As she walked in you could see she was expecting to see my back but i said i just wanted my legs and stomach done. She moved the towel a fair bit and exposed myself then quickly covered back up realising i was naked. She gave the greateat legit tease i have had in a long time, constantly going into my groin around my balls letting him pop out when he was hard, she would just grab it and put it aside then when i knew time was nearly over as she was wiping all the oil off i had to ask if extras were available, she smiled and said no. I even said what if i give you a 100 on top because she got me really worked up and still said no. So i hinted i could do myself and still smiling away and saying no . I likes was a little shocked after the 30 mins of non stop teasing but was happy to wait till i got home. Then out of no where after she wiped me complety free of oil she grabs more oil and does between my balls, legs and arse one more time massaging that bone bit below my balls at this stage im hard as a rock again and thought f**k it, threw the towel on the floor and gave myself the handjob and she just kept teasing me while i was going full steam ahead, i had the courage to try and touch her as she was wearing some sexy shorts and she didnt seem to mind so slid my hand up them and gave her a little squeeze, i exploded everywhere and she helped me clean up . After all that i would of been there for 45 mins and she only asked for 50 dollars , i gave her 100 to make up for all the mess i made. Texted her after saying how great it was and she was lovely to reply back and forth saying i made her weekend. Few weeks later tried again still no hand rub but got the same outcome could touch her and myself
Maybe few more visits she will finally give in like i finally got deb to do

If anyone has had similar exp there or got hj id love to hear back or did i just get lucky
Cheers guys cheers