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Good legitimate massage


Changes delet 31261

My last words on the subject. None of the ladies reviewed anywhere here are anonymous. We can only react to reviews as written, not make a world of assumptions.

I went for my usual visit to Chen this week....something has changed. For the whole time I have been seeing her at Bassendean the client would go into the cubicle, door closed and the hallway to the basement was always closed and locked. Now, the door to the cubicle is open (still private) and the hallway door to the basement was open and there are tenants down there. She didn't directly answer me when I asked why, but I got the sense from the conversation she has had trouble with more than one client and she now has it open for her safety. (she can leave the room easier, call out for help).

She gives a great massage, please support her but only if you want a great massage...if you want more, head east along OPR for ~300m to Beauty Escape they do the lot.

Others can call me self righteous I don't give a fuk, but when a lady feels unsafe in her own workplace we have a huge problem.
Hi please pm me her contact information cheers


Gold Member
I'm getting fantastic tease and genuine ball massage with a legit I have built up rapport with.
I visit often and the great massage stays the same but the ball massage get better all the time. She's doing PSA now......
Had a front only massage the other day with Vic Park Vivienne opposite the Pub. Diddnt leave her many options so quads and stomach were rubbed and onto the tease. Good session.


Bronze Member
I'm getting fantastic tease and genuine ball massage with a legit I have built up rapport with.
I visit often and the great massage stays the same but the ball massage get better all the time. She's doing PSA now......
Hi Albany
Could you also please pm me the contact details, thank you


Ok..... pm me and I'll tell you.
The lady wishes to be known was legit.... and is.
However, she knows a good business model when she sees it and has other who do a good massage but also a nice hj..... but always clothed.
She has be ee n reviewed on legit massage b4.
I've written about her b4 when there was no tease... only good massage.
It's a case of building up credit and rapport and the rewards..... come. Literally 😂


Legend Member
Iv got a really good idea who u are talking about albany... maybe you could make it a game and give the guys some cryptic clues.🤣🤣
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I just did in the above post lol.
Near Tonkin highway first exit after great eastern highway heading north
Very clean
Shower available
Well priced
Often likes you to engage in 4 handed massage
Feeds you after sometimes
Has others help out


Diamond Member
I'm getting fantastic tease and genuine ball massage with a legit I have built up rapport with.
I visit often and the great massage stays the same but the ball massage get better all the time. She's doing PSA now......
Went there today and it does seem to be as Albany said, still a great massage and an ever improving tease, the first 5mins of walking on my back always freaks me out a bit, thinking she is going to damage something.

Deleted member 49173

Cheaper, better looking and far more enjoyable
2 questions Albany ..
I'm all for building rapport and 'investing' , but (Qu 1) is the end result better that going direct ( elsewhere ) ??
(Qu2 ) what does the 4 hands involve / produce ?

I know , it's a bit about the chase and a bit about the catch .. lol


2 questions Albany ..
I'm all for building rapport and 'investing' , but (Qu 1) is the end result better that going direct ( elsewhere ) ??
(Qu2 ) what does the 4 hands involve / produce ?

I know , it's a bit about the chase and a bit about the catch .. lol

It all depends..... I think we've all invested before with someone that strikes a chord with us. Someone who we feel is 'differen't to the rest. So, its all relative but.... yes, id prefer the amazingky good massage with just the one girl as more likely to get a better result with a bit of privacy


Sexty8 - you do me , and then I owe you one!
Diamond Member
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Change of business plan at Tanna's thai massage for sure.
New lady poo poo....I know, I know.... more than happy to do a HJ. Amazing breasts! Right up with Jeans who used to work there...except.... Ok Pop's were.... um..... more accessible 😉
She works Friday Saturday there. Bo working there more and also more than happy to ensure you enjoy the massage.
Tan.... same as before. More happy working around and giving a bit of a rub but nothing else...... unless someone knows otherwise? And if so.... please share 😉🙄👍