Do you prefer shaved vagina's or al la natural?



Well Mr prefers Ms to be nice and smooth, and Ms prefers to snip the lil hairs off as well. She tried the Brazillian trick but it did not agree with her, so its just the razor blade trick, (guess that she can do 2 jobs at once).

Sir Stefan

For me it has to be Smooth, Smooth, Smooth....whether that be shaven or waxed, I leave that to the girl.... but I just love to see what I'm about to eat.... and a smooth clean pussy.... together with a willing owner just has to be one of the greatest joys on this planet!


Hey SirStefan,
great to see you about and well.
I still drop by to see how people are going, but can't really get involved in any dialogues for the time being. Catch you later!

Sir Stefan

Hello Link83.... give me a call when you can and I will shout the drinks!


Well as a women I have to say that its a HUGE chore to make sure your neat and tidy all the time. You also run the risk of ingrown hair folicles from shaving, now having said that I veet!! Its smoother, takes longer to grow back and I have never had an ingrown hair yet from veeting

Now for looks, I must say I love looking at a lovely pussy with just a little hair not too much but from experience I would rather go down on a smooth one.
Also a lovely clean or neatly trimmed shaft and scrotum is just the best!!

Those nasty little things called hairs are horrible when they get stuck in ones throat.


For me it's got to be as smooth as. I get most enjoyment getting it like that too with a razor and have done so for atleast 20 years.


Both me and Mr Waves love the feeling when I am freshly waxed- smoothies all round ;D


Shaved or waxed does it for me, I've been shaving for close on 2 years now, shaft and ball's.......


I am rather curious as to how one shaves their scrotum without cutting the skin? And is there a prickling sensation with all that stuble?


Lol. That's the same thing I was thinking. That stuble could be quite painful and as it is growing back, very my kind of thing. Give me hair...


Gold Member
I shaved it almost all off for the first time last week. I reckon it helps make things look a bit bigger down there, but its itcht as hell for the first couple of days. The missus reckons she prefers it au naturel as its more manly.
I prefer my ladies with no hair as you can see what you're doing and it feels more intimate. :la:


lol. This is the reason I will never shave. I do not want to have a itching fit....And for the ladies, give me hairy and trimmed.....


Silver Member
Just a newbie throwing in his opinion here: fully shaved/waxed or full bush for me. I actually like a bit of hair down there. For some reason, I've never really gotten into the landing strip.


Silver Member
I would also add that I'm curious about shaving my balls. The Mrs has offered to do it for me, but I'm naturally a bit nervous! She is a qualified hair dresser who knows how to use a cutthroat razor though.


either of fully shaven or kept neat and tidy. just a little bit of stubble when it s growing back is a turn on


Re: Do women prefer a mens brazilian

I've been posted to Wagga with work and haven't been able to find anywhere that does it for blokes. Anyone know of a good place in Canberra that would?

(P.S. First post..... Yay!)


Gold Member
Re: Do women prefer a mens brazilian

Hi.. Essential beauty does male waxing.. My gf used to work there.. Used to get hot guys coming in mmmm she didn't cope sometimes... Hehe and females that thought it acceptable to have a brazilian with a tampon in??? Go figure! (Hmm omg I just checked their price list, they even do anal bleaching!!) Good to see the mainstream edging closer to activites otherwise deemed debaucherous!


Diamond Member
Shaven or trimmed is my preference. Does make going down a bit easier without the odd hair acting as dental floss!

But as long as the girl is clean, I don't really care.


I don't mind some girl fur down there but when it can act as a soup strainer then its too much .

Miranda Fox

Re: Do women prefer a mens brazilian

"Do women prefer a mens' brazilian" ?

Sure do, smooth is soooo much better, than a hairy cock n balls.
Men would love it in the Summer too I bet.