Do you prefer shaved vagina's or al la natural?



I prefer fully shaved (probably because I am shaved) but was surprised to see the 'runway strip' on one occasion. It was perfectly shaped and trimmed leading down to a small beautiful pink must have been raining on this particular day as it was particularly wet.... ;)


I have mixed feelings, I used to get waxed every 4-6 weeks but when I moved I had to find a new place, as time went on I let my puss grow and keep it neatly trimmed now and have had no complaints lol, cheers


I like it when theres a little bit of hair like a landing strip or something


Bronze Member
Prefer fully shaved, or at least well groomed.

Having said that, one of my old girlfriends had a "lightly groomed" bush...found it to be quite a turn on for some reason - I guess it's because it was different.


I think a nicely trimmed box is the best... not too hairy not too bare just right!


I am a fan of fully shaved ..

Can you believe this thread has been going almost 5 years. I would be interesting to see if opinions have changed over time.. but it would take you forever to read all posts ..


Re: Bald Or Natural

I am a W/L who is annoyed by the number of guys i see who are practically growing a bush down there. Disgusting. Some hair is like 5cm long. Of coz you give them a bj with a condom but it is a lot of work trying to hold down pubic hair so that it doesnt get into your nose. Doesnt have to be waxed but a nice trim would be great.


well a landing strip is great but fully shaven you just cant beat that yum.


Shaved all the way....or maybe just a small strip short and up the center is sexy.


prefer shaven, as had hair get caught in back of throat on a couple of occassions and found that it can spoil the moment a little bit, when you are really getting into eating your partners pussy.


unshaved. why on earth would you want to have a pussy that looks pre-pubesent. Warped world we live in.

Sir Stefan

unshaved. why on earth would you want to have a pussy that looks pre-pubesent. Warped world we live in.

Warped?..... Why 'Warped'.... why not a World where the individual can express their personal preference without being made to feel like they are a freak?

For me I prefer FULLY shaven.... but if you prefer NATURAL... then that is fine by me.


For fuck sake, vagina's aren't like a box of chocolates. I am removing myself from this forum as of now and I'm sure you will all be very happy.

My wife used to shave and I loved it, or so I thought I loved it. I was conditioned by the images that have been presented to me by the porn industry. When my daughter was born it became very obvious to me that this mass phenomenon of women shaving was a manifestation of an undercurrent of perfection absolutism and youth obsession. It borders on illness.

Women have been led to think that through all this "choice" they have in preparing their bodies that they are expressing some kind of empowered individualism. In truth, we are all a product of commercial manipulation.

This idea that we are all correct in that all our wants and needs are justified, is nothing more than fodder for capitalism to feed off. We have become the feed bags of our own economy.

How about people start to analyze the way we have been manipulated into thinking that this is ok and is fundamental to our freedom. We are not free. What is fundamental to our freedom is removing ourselves from the mega influx of both obtuse and subtle propaganda that aims to give us a false sense of self-actualization. This is no conspiracy theory, this is reality. This is a product of our own arrogance and pathetic reliance on non essential, worthless culture.

I am no prude, have no religious beliefs, am a great lover of the joys of sex and have explored many of the more full sides of pleasure. I encourage every man who looks at a shaven vagina to stop and think, "this doesn't make sense!"

As a side note: I realise I placed a post advertising the sale of libido enhancers. I have two things to say in reference to this.

Any study of testosterone's effect on prostate will show that the products that I have specifically mentioned are safe. Get your facts right before you slander someone in the future buddy. I am incredibly careful of what I sell. Your information is both out of date and inaccurate.

Secondly, the marketing used to sell these products is by nature a product of those issues I have raised above, and I am grateful for the opportunity to reassess my involvement with them.

Oh and a note to the christian crusader who posts on this forum...this is not a victory for you. You are as manipulated as everyone else.


Silver Member
Pubic hairs defy the laws of nature when stuck in your throat.
I have tried copious amounts of liquid and food trying to get rid of a hair, but to no avail, although large amounts of vodka makes you not notice it.


Diamond Member
I have been told that waxing can cause problems of ingrown hairs. So shaving a pain but the best solution.


Must say that I preferred shaved or neatly cropped.
Though it is fun to find your way around a hairy twat and hopefully worth the exploring:love10:
My only preference is that the twat is clean.....but can always do that for the lady if requested. I think once you get into her, it doesn't really matter.....loads of fun always..:tongue8:


i love both
hairy is nice because the fur feels good
but then shaved looks better and feels better


we prefer shaved or waxed but a light covering of hair is good also


In answer to your question....if a lady takes the time to be shaved or cropped, then the man should follow suit, unless the lady likes hairy??
For me, I am shaved around the penis and testicles and cropped above.


partially shaved is good.

how about girl's opinon on a guys?

do you prefer guy's to be shaved or natural?