Do you prefer shaved vagina's or al la natural?



shaved with a bit of a landing strip. if there is grass on the wicked lets play cricket


well i prefer either bald or trimmed nothing better as well as i go to the effort to trim mine so i guess i can ask for that in return


Foundation Member
We much prefure fully shaved or a landing strip.
Mainly due to the fact that we are both fully shaved, a little more effort than al natural yes, but worth it we think.


hi i prefer full shaven or well trimmed but really dont care as i just like to eat pussy

Mark Ian

I am yet to find a muff I did not enjoy.

Saying this, a freshly shaved or waxed pussy, is heaven.
My tongue slips & slides over the soft, delicate skin,
darting into the folds of her femininity,
exploring her clitoris in it's protective hood,
licking & sucking her Labia, both Majoria & Minoria,
gently using my teeth to enhance our joint experience.

Mark Ian


I've tried across the spectrum and my taste changes depending on my mood. Shaved is certainly fun for the visual aspect but natural has a certain special quality to it. It has a very unique feel to it that I find incredible. Not all the time mind you, but I love it.


Foundation Member
For me its the shaven haven every time as it allows you to appreciate the intricacies of the female form and their individuality, also it prevents all those problems with stray hairs in the teeth and down the throat when dining at the Y, however stubble is not ideal so maintanance is everything


Re: Do women prefer a mens brazilian

I want to for all Brazilian. Which place in Melbourne is good?

Rhett and Scarlett

Virginity can be cured!!
Foundation Member
Re: Do women prefer a mens brazilian

This is from another thread guys...

Thornliecpl are the members who posted this reply :icon_boun

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Default Brazilian Waxing
Just thought I would post this again to see if I got any other feedback, so here goes for a genuine post for genuine replies:

Having watched the posts regarding Brazilian waxing, I would like your feedback on an idea I have to set up a business from home offering Brazilian waxing to females, males and couples.

I have over 15 years experience in the beauty therapy industry and have waxed a lot of clients in that time. I do know that it is difficult to find anybody willing to do male Brazilian waxing.

Could I offer a solution?

How would you feel about going to a persons home?

Would you prefer an appointment as a couple, so you both share the pain?

As I have said this is just an idea at the moment, so it's over to you guys.

This may be what you are looking for Noughtt1

Regards Rhett and Scarlett


Re: Do women prefer a mens brazilian

I prefer the au naturalle look, but thats just me :)


shaved or bush, as long as i can down on it for as long as possible, i love the taste, do'nt mind the looks


After having 2 partnes a while back that were totally uncultivated I then found fully shaven and never want to go back :)


Diamond Member
Re: Do women prefer a mens brazilian

No pain no gain! I have to admit I pass on this one. I would not mind if it lasted a few months but having to be done once a week more than I could take. I have a full back job tattoo but that was easy compared to the pain a brazilian would dish out. I wonder if there are any safe creams that can be used instead.


Re: Do women prefer a mens brazilian

I have yet to come across any one that needs it done once a week!! - average is once every 4 - 6 wks...

I am talking about waxing here not shaving..
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Diamond Member
Re: Do women prefer a mens brazilian

Thank you TemptMe for the information. I often wondered how often it was required. Shaving my whiskers that spring up every day is a big enough pain for me. And thank goodness I am not your hairy ape variety of male.

BTW I have to admit feet are not really a big turn on for me. The only thing I like about feet is it helps the lady to walk over to you. But saying that I would be just as happy if someone wheeled their wheelchair over to me too.

Mary Anne PA

Re: Do women prefer a mens brazilian

Um me velly hairy my back sack and crack done...but me look silly velly smooth down by crotch all hairy elsewhere.. he he ha ha


Foundation Member
Re: Do women prefer a mens brazilian

lol Caveman, perhaps you need an all over wax, can we watch ;)


Re: Do women prefer a mens brazilian

There is a brazilian add in the Canberra times for fellas. Its always there. Check it out


Diamond Member
Re: Do women prefer a mens brazilian

There is a brazilian add in the Canberra times for fellas. Its always there. Check it out

Well aint it my lucky day! I have to admit I am curious and would not mind to try it out just for the experience. I have a full back job but by the other posts the good old brazilian causes a little more grief.

I once thought about branding until I looked it up and found out the dangers. So what are the dangewrs of the brazilian-other than no hair?

Mary Anne PA

Re: Do women prefer a mens brazilian

Me got nu name for not getting all body done. It's not called a Brazillian but a "SCOTSMAN" cos me tooooo "mean" to get all of body done....

Ha ha A Scottish Caveman did u eva see dat.


Re: Do women prefer a mens brazilian

Spare a thought for me please. From my position I love a man with a smooth pube, for me it means I can still see what is going on and I can breathe too and I'm not subjected to stale sweat. I would be vey happy if my owner was to limit her encounters to smooth men.


Re: Do women prefer a mens brazilian

Popular idea apparently. I am off to a guy from the West. Sounds like he knows what he's doing. Had a BRILLIANT lass around here who I saw, but no longer available, more's the pity. $70 for a BCS special.


Bronze Member
Bald Or Natural

I was wondering whether women prefer there men's genitals shaven/waxed or natural. Have been waxed down there before as well I had shaved before that. My wife kinda sits on the fence on that one so was wondering what other people think.


Re: Do women prefer a mens brazilian

I don't mind either on a guy. I've never really thought much about the manzillion.


trim and terriic. some hair is so sexy.. totally bald well its so overdone.