Do you prefer shaved vagina's or al la natural?



Re: Bald Or Natural

I've heard you get ingrown hairs which are painful, is this true? I would wax or shave, but instead I just keep it trimmed.


Diamond Member
Re: Bald Or Natural

Alas my hairdresser never has offered to give me a pubic hair cut. I have cut my underarm hair a number of times but a little worried using anything sharp below my navel.


Horny Bugger
Gold Member
Re: Bald Or Natural

just do it guys, it;s nice and cool in summer and you get used to the itch after a while

Pleasure Me

Re: Bald Or Natural

MUCH Nicer bald! Esp, lower down, a little hair - trimmed above the base is good though.


Re: Bald Or Natural

Mowing the lawn now and then is a good idea!
I do and have been told that its makes it look bigger to :)

Surely a woman would prefer a tidy environment and a big unit!! :D


Diamond Member
Re: Bald Or Natural

Bugger! I forgot that I have had a shave down below. I really must be getting old.

Before my hernia operation, two years ago, two nurses one male and one female checked my pubic hair.

I am happy to say the young very sexy female offered to do the shaving but alas the male still stayed and watched.


Tantalizing Temptress
Gold Member
Re: Bald Or Natural

personally i muchhhh prefere a nice neat trim, completely off is ok too, but prefere a little hair down there :) i have been with one guy who asked me to shave (i dont due to ingrowns, but trim very short) and when he asked me to shave i said it would be nice if he trimmed up too.... so i took mine back v.short only to find he didnt even trim his!! how rude! glad i didnt go out and pay for waxing when he didnt even have the curtosy to trim his!!!


Senior Member
Foundation Member
Re: Bald Or Natural

I hate hair around my bits and pieces.I feel more comfy being smooth and with no tangles.


Re: Bald Or Natural

I love the smooth feeling but my gf likes some hair. I keep it neat but would much prefer bald!!!


Diamond Member
Re: Bald Or Natural

I do not shave or wax, because I also have a problem with ingrown hairs (where-ever I shave). I use a number 4 comb on a trimmer. I overcome the 'itchy and scratchy' problem by using hair conditioner after washing. It works wonders (for me and my partner).


Re: Bald Or Natural

Best way to fix the problem, trim. Just enough for it not to get in the way and not too much for it to be spiky...


I enjoy the hairy look and think there has to be some hair at least, dont like bald


Re: Bald Or Natural

I think it depends more upon women .. coz some like with beard and some close shaved men.


Definitely shaved all the way. Nothing more erotic in this world seeing a beautiful piece of art without all the 'bush' in the way.


Bronze Member
I love the shaved or waxed pussy with a small "landing strip" of hair.

It is nice to see a pussy in all it's beautiful glory.

Pleasure Me

I don't get rid of the hair to "express some kind of powered individualism" and certainly not because I've been contioned to it by porn, hardly watch the stuff.

For me it is about enhancing the whole experience, put simply, it feels better! !:icon_tong

Visited my beautician this morning actually!


I don't really care that much but I prefer trimmed. Neat and tidy. I don't expect it to be fully shaved.


if its not like 70s pronos wheres its an absolute forrest... shaved, trimmed, natural is all good


i love my wifes soft downey hait liove the feel and touch of it as i lick her....she does trim to a landing strip but i don't want her to remove it all....


My choice is shaven but I have I have had some great fucks with unshaven WLs ( mostly Asian). You should not decide only on shaven"unshaven" - it is the "chemistry" that counts.

I shave myself because I think that WLs prefer it.:icon_blow


Gold Member
shaven for for me to and i am lucky my wife likes it shaven. when she has her female experience she wants the female to be shaven also or at least a GT stripe.


You are quite correct that the capitalist system through marketing, advertising, misinformation etc manipulates us all. However it is a matter for individual choice whether we have sex with a shaven or unshaven woman or vice versa.

My view is that individuals should be allowed to make that choice freely. My view also is that in the scheme of things - whether we feel sexually, mentally, spiritually attracted to the opposite sex it is a minor issue. The practicalities are whether or not you want pubic hair in your mouth or between your teeth.

Personally it doesnt worry me all that much if I really fancy the woman. Again I state that whether there is pubic hair or not should not be a major consideration in such attraction and the decision whether or not to have sex. Attraction goes beyond pubic hair even if you are paying for it. There is probably a disconnect here between those who are posting with reference to their wives/girlfriends and those who are posting re WLs. Would anyone who booked a WL (private or parlour) and found that she was shaved/unshaved contrary to expectations walk out on the booking?

Doe anyone actually ask the question when making a booking?:icon_blow


im not fussed, pussy is pussy no matter if it is shaven or not. and the thing u should be going for is the personality and whats on the inside.

Alecia the Foxx

Up till recently I shaved my twat completely but now I have decided to keep everyone happy and have left a little landing strip in the shape of a triangle (I think). I am going to experiment with crafting it into different shapes. So far, I've had no complaints and I love my new look! Sorry, I never show my pussy on the internet but here is a new pic anyway for those people who love my pics and want more xx;D


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