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Disappointing Industry


Gold Member
@Octopussy, thanks for the good laugh. I actually want some of what you're smoking. 🤣

Here are a few facts you might wanna consider

1. Many of us don't see Asian escorts. Don't put us all in one basket.
I don't know about human sex trafficking but if you have any evidence, you should go to the police ASAP and report it.

2. Most Aussie escorts have doubled their rates since pre-covid (3 yrs ago) while most punters income has stayed the same. Punters have had to re-adjust including punt less. There are many punters who would love to pay and fuck an Aussie escort, but they simply can't afford it. Don't blame them or even asian workers. Blame the very greedy Aussie escorts.

3. We are currently in a recession and punters discretionary fund has dried up. I alternate in seeing my two Aussie regulars at $400/hr once a week. I rarely book new escorts these days. It will only get worse. Best you lower your price (and find a second job) if you still want clients to book you and continue to make some money. The ball is in your court.
Oh shall we then ..
1. Most of us ‘ you speak for a state ??
Wrong … tell me why 80 % of the reviews here are for Asian lady’s . Why are 80 % of the sites Asian filled ? Why does the Australian crime dara report 2022 show the increase in premises . ? Why does the ACIC report on the busts of premises state 100,000$ money transferrexto overseas accounts. Money laundering at the casino by Asian pimps. ? I don’t have to tell the police idiot they told me . Google it. But as I’m more the expert in this industry PLUS I’m passionate about it prevention I think you need more than Google and we’re only at point 1.

2. My rate are EXACTLY THE SAME AS THEY WERE 5 years ago when I came back . The only time they change is to do a special. .
But you reckon most girks have DOUBLED . I want what your smoking mate cuisine I don’t know how you get the numbers. So a 250 hr girl has no increased in value to be able to now charge $500 !! And theyve done this whilst a pandemic .. with an known financial future. They all thought that would be easier to earn 👍. Where are these buisness geniuses ?? I dare you to prove ONE EXAMPLE. That shouldn’t be too hard seeing as you know of MOST OF THE GREEDY AUSSIES THAT DO THIS TO YOU POOR PUNTERS . Bad bad bad. whores

3. OR BEST YOU ‘ PUNTERS ‘ get a SECOND job . Why the hell would I have to lower my rates to match your lower achievements in life..
you say .. you see you have 2 regulars and you book one girl a week @ $400 ??

1. Cos I doubt a $400 hr would put up with that attitude EVERY FORTNIGHT . You would of fucked it long before you became a ‘regular. ‘.
2 . You are reacting rather heatedly about the type of girl who you are supposedly a regular of. . That rate is my regulars rate too . I don’t declare that to be cheap .. that’s a good rate. If you were that type of client you would be in agreeable about Quality over quantity.
3. YOU RARELY BOOK these days .
You do book cheaper Asians though cos I’ve seen your reviews
Punters discretionary fund ? Wtf are you on about?
Your life ? Yes of course. Cos your not happy with YOURSELF . Stop being so dismal and take a reality pill . The ladies arent falling for your sobstory . Boo-boo recession. THERE IS ONE AND ONLY COMMODITY THAT STAYS STRONG IN THE MARKET AND ONE FACTOR THAT GUARANTEES MY AND THE MILLION BEFORE ME AND THE MILLIONS AFTER ME , THE WAY TO PAY OUR MORTGAGES AS SINGLE MUMS is that you mean will always pay for sex need sex want sex HAVE TO HAVE sex .
Best you stop making a fool out of yourself and think before you proclaim any ‘facts ‘ about an industry you are but an outsider of in the Big Picture really . I mean given your apparent annual expenditure and from what I’d gathered about personality and public reviews that doesn’t match and it’s embarrassing to have to point out your on a forum where you’ve reviewed the sane you say you don’t see . I suggest if you want to save face AND EVER GETTING CHANCE To SEE ME . lol like you claimed you should STOP this antagonist nonense . That’s if I ever let you claim the discount you’ve been offered that you said you would take up 🤣🤣🤣
Such a bargain. I’m ready when you are ?
Balls in your court now is t it.



Gold Member
I'm not sure if I'm 100% in agreement with what you've written. Like you I too remember a time when the market wasn't like this. I remember a time when the market was virtually all Australian in the 80s and even the 90s. Prices, even accounting for indexed inflation were never this high. Now, if you're with an Aussie woman, you pay $400 to $500 an hour AND THEN on top of that for extras. Let's go back to the one time person or family of battlers. You'd earn an income and then SAVE for luxuries like the flash car etc but you'd make do with an ordinary car.

Now, from what I can see, the women want it straight away - and they charge $400 per hour. Hey, it's a free market and you're free to charge what you like but sex workers have to seriously ask themselves who's to blame when they too drive punters away to cheaper alternatives. If Langtrees, with its spas, as many fresh towels as you like, high aircon bills, electriticy bills, many rooms, kitchen and a medium sized army of receptionists, drivers, cleaners, a charity and a website to maintain charges $500 per hour and the ladies take half... then how do private Aussie ladies with far less of the above expenses justify their charging $500 per hour? If you've six clients a week and total up $3000 and then take home $1200 after expenses, shouldn't you be happy as that's what many working class punters take home? And these punters are paying off a mortgage too on that amount of money so why can't a sex worker unless she's living beyond her means possibly?

I don't claim to be an expert in these matters but you've raised some points which arouse curiousity. Can you show me where it's "Proven to be SEX SLAVERY syndicates operating at full force in west Australia." Do you have any documentation about it being at full force? If you're finding that the market's drying up then shouldn't the Aussie lady who thinks she's a class above meet the market especially if she's not experiencing the overheads that Langtrees offers? Look at the ad of that Aussie lady charging $250 per hour, she must be on to a good thing if she's still advertising.

This phenomena of what the sex industry is experiencing is happening in other industries too. Holden etc closed down in Australia - but they weren't meeting the market in price or quality and were being subsidized to the tune of half a billion Aussie dollars annually. Look at Langtrees, they've outsourced a portion of this website to overseas IT people. Again to make things viable for them and this website's a great marketing tool. I'm not sure if it'd exist if went full Aussie operations and the Aussie market benefits in the end.

If the Asian sector of the sex industry in Perth's as bad as you claim then again, punters will avoid them and that part of the industry too will have to meet the market and


Gold Member
I have to jump in.
This is one of the most disgusting posts I've ever seen on this forum!
Firstly... How dare you assume we have less expenses? We do all our own cleaning, reception, advertising, rent, we also run air con or heater and give you unlimited towels refreshments etc! Replying to messages etc at all hours ensuring we have business and are building a brand alongside social media presence, free underwear shots for people that might not even ever come and see us!

Should we be happy with $1200 a week after expenses? Really? You do realise what we are doing right? Like we are giving our fucking bodies to you! We are mentally and physically giving you apart of us and you think we should be getting what we would be getting in a standard full-time job? Working double the hours alongside giving you our bodies? Sometimes having to take weeks off to heal from clients who do us harm with no income we don't get sick pay holiday pay we have to do our own tax out of that income.

Either your really naive or your really stupid but from this post I assume you are both!
AMEN .. 1200$ a week is the same cleaners get FIFO isn’t it ?
I charge between 4-500 hr I HAVE ALWAYS CHARGED No problem 2 a day and tbh I was ok with that.
This TIL THIS YEAR . Now I’m continuously in special mode it seem
to make bills deadlines . Lately the phone is so quiet and when I I do get a text. it’s some indian wanting anal for $100 multiple shots !!
The market has cheapened not dried up . No body’s DRIVING Them to cheapness.
THEY are cheap. TO START .. NOW they have the it chance to prove it and that’s true you can’t blame a leopard for its spots

I can’t imagine the overheads and stress associated with my days x however many girls PLUS the pressure of responsibility of maintaining such a massive machine that carries so many.
and yes my towels are always clean and fluffy and my bar has drinks in it. . But I’m not on call as many hours . I can’t man the phones by myself to achieve the sane return. . I am not high volume these days anyway due to being free from addictions. Lol
So lately I might see 2 x 250 one day then nothing then one 350 Then one 500 then nothing. . That shit is happening !!
THE DIFFFERENCE PUNTER IS TO EARN THAT MONEY I HAVE TO BE ON CALL EVERY DAY. . Waiting with 15-30 minutes notice In Lingerie with full makeup FOR THE WHOLE TIME . If I’m to snatch up that one text .AND IF THAT TEXT does t happen PUNTER IS DOING BETTER OFF .. hrs vs pay .
Now add NO GUARANTEE OF INCOME makes options for easier and more cost efficiencies .
Actually just BEING A PROSTITUTE IS EXPENSIVE in that it’s not accepted as employment .

I spend money to be there WHEN EVER a man wants Me . The convience is INCLUDED IN THR $500 . you know when you want yo go to 7/11 at 3 am to buy shampoo $$$$$$ in lingerie $$$
Makeup $$$ after every client $$$$
The PREMISES are not a dodgy crack house looking address . It’s a central well lit clean HOT WATER not cold You can park your car safely in my car park . Included in the 500
The reason why I charge my rate cos that the AVERAGE RATE FOR PRIVATE IS 4-500 I actually think and know I surpassed’ average about 15 years ago but I happily accept 400 if he’s worth*it . ? Lol . My clients come and we my 1. I’m drug free and happy these days cos I keep all my money 2. I’m not overworked 3. It’s private and some guys are very shy discreet or scared bring mugged in a slap house. . 4. I give good service cos I’m happy hooker witH getting my $400 . Not $100 .

I don't visit any of the so-called 'private' Asian ladies, but I'm prepare to accept that these girls may have to 'share' their earnings.

However, over many years I've become quite familiar with owners and workers within Perth's AMP community ... and within this arena, there's mostly ladies of a Hong Kong background who operate the businesses, which in turn attract working ladies of diverse Chinese origin ... I have never observed slavery, as such, and for the most part the working massage ladies accept the system for what it is and are very motivated by the fact that the money they earn from selling 'extras' in the room is money that they get to keep to the tune of 100%.
They the open to view establishments.. I’m talking about the BEHIND all closed doors. Where only the client pimps and girl know. That’s a very unfair proportion for the issue right there. . Without even knowing the facts you should know that easily. . The ladies in the massage shops have freedom n.

And I will say I’m not just touting these things off the top of my head. I have very passionate interest in the horrors of my industry . Ever since I wax 17 working in a place in Chinatown sydney I wax the only Aussie and the girl had marks on their ankles from when they were chained as they slept cos they would try run away . Mamasan was mean IN THE BACKROOM NEVER IN FRONT Of CLIENTS so nowa days I hear things from clients it’s still the sane but worse . More extensive and accelpted BY YOU MEN that it happens. You guys easily talk of Mamasans . I doubt you know the true meaning. Ts rife !! And please don’t say not you cos it’s got to be one or a million of you ? It’s not the girls by Themselves ! As the Bible says !!

I’ve heard it from punters myself. In complaint. They have no reason to lie. They’re not under interrogation it’s in conversation. I make sure to get all the ‘ scary ugly facts ! Such as a guy that booked a RUSSIAN BLONDE BUT GOT BAIT N SWITCHED . Fir $500 . When she arrived she was Asian. And didnt speak any English. He wanted to send her away but she just walked straight in and took the money I. The table abd took her clothes off not saying a word.
He forgot about being scanned and reluctantly admitted to me. Thaf he went ahead and did it anyway . She stayed crying instantly . He is 4 inches MAX. HE WASNT HURTING HER . He freaked out . She picked up her phone and rang the pimp who unbeknownst to the guy was parked in his driveway . The Pimp was a young Asian in s supra Zof course !! He told the guy leave the phone open when you fuvk her and il tell you what to do cos your hurting her and you have to stop when she says stop .
This was within 25 mins. He said no he doesn’t want yo dugout ahead and he wants some mi du back.
Nope . Got told to not fuck around cunt or he’ll be back with the boys. burn his house down . ..
she left with the $500 and thd phone still going . He came to me after cos he need a Fuck. But. he only had 200 for me !!!

And it’s those stories that accumulate in my head to give me this picture as well as the statistics that I then research to find out if that’s true and that backs it up so I’m fully aware More so than anybody on this forum of the state of SOME not all of ladies in Perth . but what does it matter who’s happy and who’s NOT. Which ones ?? IS THE WAY THUS HAPPENS. .
You say . It wasn’t me. I never saw anything like that I’ve never fucked a little fresh 18 ( 17) brand new girl for 80$ ! I would never do that. !
And so you’ll never do that . No body saw anything. . No body says anything . Cos as far as the men on here are saying it’s all Bullshit. . 🤣

. And is it up to a punter to assess whether they are committed an indecent act against an unwilling . Hell no to you girls it’s all ‘ lub you lon Tie ‘
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Jack Ripper

Gold Member
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Gold Member
Oh shall we then ..
1. Most of us ‘ you speak for a state ??
Wrong … tell me why 80 % of the reviews here are for Asian lady’s . Why are 80 % of the sites Asian filled ? Why does the Australian crime dara report 2022 show the increase in premises . ? Why does the ACIC report on the busts of premises state 100,000$ money transferrexto overseas accounts. Money laundering at the casino by Asian pimps. ? I don’t have to tell the police idiot they told me . Google it. But as I’m more the expert in this industry PLUS I’m passionate about it prevention I think you need more than Google and we’re only at point 1.

2. My rate are EXACTLY THE SAME AS THEY WERE 5 years ago when I came back . The only time they change is to do a special. .
But you reckon most girks have DOUBLED . I want what your smoking mate cuisine I don’t know how you get the numbers. So a 250 hr girl has no increased in value to be able to now charge $500 !! And theyve done this whilst a pandemic .. with an known financial future. They all thought that would be easier to earn 👍. Where are these buisness geniuses ?? I dare you to prove ONE EXAMPLE. That shouldn’t be too hard seeing as you know of MOST OF THE GREEDY AUSSIES THAT DO THIS TO YOU POOR PUNTERS . Bad bad bad. whores

3. OR BEST YOU ‘ PUNTERS ‘ get a SECOND job . Why the hell would I have to lower my rates to match your lower achievements in life..
you say .. you see you have 2 regulars and you book one girl a week @ $400 ??

1. Cos I doubt a $400 hr would put up with that attitude EVERY FORTNIGHT . You would of fucked it long before you became a ‘regular. ‘.
2 . You are reacting rather heatedly about the type of girl who you are supposedly a regular of. . That rate is my regulars rate too . I don’t declare that to be cheap .. that’s a good rate. If you were that type of client you would be in agreeable about Quality over quantity.
3. YOU RARELY BOOK these days .
You do book cheaper Asians though cos I’ve seen your reviews
Punters discretionary fund ? Wtf are you on about?
Your life ? Yes of course. Cos your not happy with YOURSELF . Stop being so dismal and take a reality pill . The ladies arent falling for your sobstory . Boo-boo recession. THERE IS ONE AND ONLY COMMODITY THAT STAYS STRONG IN THE MARKET AND ONE FACTOR THAT GUARANTEES MY AND THE MILLION BEFORE ME AND THE MILLIONS AFTER ME , THE WAY TO PAY OUR MORTGAGES AS SINGLE MUMS is that you mean will always pay for sex need sex want sex HAVE TO HAVE sex .
Best you stop making a fool out of yourself and think before you proclaim any ‘facts ‘ about an industry you are but an outsider of in the Big Picture really . I mean given your apparent annual expenditure and from what I’d gathered about personality and public reviews that doesn’t match and it’s embarrassing to have to point out your on a forum where you’ve reviewed the sane you say you don’t see . I suggest if you want to save face AND EVER GETTING CHANCE To SEE ME . lol like you claimed you should STOP this antagonist nonense . That’s if I ever let you claim the discount you’ve been offered that you said you would take up 🤣🤣🤣
Such a bargain. I’m ready when you are ?
Balls in your court now is t it.



Gold Member
Nice try Miss @Octopussy but your reply is flawed on every level but rather than debunk each point, I'll simply ask you to..

Show me a single review I did of an asian sex worker.
Take your time to find it. I'll wait patiently....:)
Correction … you . I too also saw Her . ‘On two . I haven’t pursued the whole vault.. yet.

Anyway enough of that tit for tat ..

surely this isn’t going to Cut it for you for much longer in the way of foreplay because I’m starting to ger too invested to want to go to second. base baby. . I think you need to come and tat this tit
With your dick

before I scare you off…completely. 😈
Promise you I’m a worthwhile investment
🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀. …….. lol


Gold Member
Fuck noooooo we will be busy.
If I go to speak you know what to do I’m sure 😈 anyway that was just the lure .. to get you biting .. so as to get you here. .
Why else would I talk so big if I wasn’t looking to cash a nice fat cheque .. just between me and you . Cos Mr Ripper I don’t need your public review. . Or anyones actually. I think I take my chances on ‘polarisation of audience ‘ marketing strategy im working here. . I can’t fuck EVERYONE but half will do. And that half will
Love so who cares about those haters. . 🤷‍♀️As long as I can pay my daughters boarding fees.

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Legend Member
AMEN .. 1200$ a week is the same cleaners get FIFO isn’t it ?
I charge between 4-500 hr I HAVE ALWAYS CHARGED No problem 2 a day and tbh I was ok with that.
This TIL THIS YEAR . Now I’m continuously in special mode it seem
to make bills deadlines . Lately the phone is so quiet and when I I do get a text. it’s some indian wanting anal for $100 multiple shots !!

I'm willing to cut "lonelyman" a break here ... his arithmetic was based upon the notion of brothel-based WLs serving only 6 clients in one week @ $500 a serve ... for a total of $3,000 gross income ... he then references that "the ladies take half" (i.e. $1,500) followed by expenses (a notional $300), resulting in a take home amount of $1,200 ...

I don't imagine there's a single brothel-based WL out there who works to this arrangement and I'd like to think that "lonelyman" is simply trying to emphasize that a WL doesn't have to work long hours to earn what others might perceive as a regular week's earnings.

In the industry, I imagine that 6 clients in one day is closer to a realistic target for some ladies ! ... heck, even in the AMP industry a girl would expect no less, and on a good day a popular girl might pull upwards of 15 clients, many of whom would only desire a quick massage session of 30 minutes (or less).

So, let's not get hung up on this figure of $1,200 per week and suggestions that it should represent anything in the real world of adult (sex) services.


Legend Member


They the open to view establishments.. I’m talking about the BEHIND all closed doors. Where only the client pimps and girl know. That’s a very unfair proportion for the issue right there. . Without even knowing the facts you should know that easily. . The ladies in the massage shops have freedom n.

And I will say I’m not just touting these things off the top of my head. I have very passionate interest in the horrors of my industry . Ever since I wax 17 working in a place in Chinatown sydney I wax the only Aussie and the girl had marks on their ankles from when they were chained as they slept cos they would try run away ...

I’ve heard it from punters myself. In complaint. They have no reason to lie. They’re not under interrogation it’s in conversation. I make sure to get all the ‘ scary ugly facts ! Such as a guy that booked a RUSSIAN BLONDE BUT GOT BAIT N SWITCHED . Fir $500 . When she arrived she was Asian. And didnt speak any English. He wanted to send her away but she just walked straight in and took the money I. The table abd took her clothes off not saying a word.
He forgot about being scanned and reluctantly admitted to me. Thaf he went ahead and did it anyway . She stayed crying instantly ...

And it’s those stories that accumulate in my head to give me this picture as well as the statistics that I then research to find out if that’s true and that backs it up so I’m fully aware More so than anybody on this forum of the state of SOME not all of ladies in Perth ...

You say . It wasn’t me. I never saw anything like that I’ve never fucked a little fresh 18 ( 17) brand new girl for 80$ ! I would never do that. !
And so you’ll never do that . No body saw anything. . No body says anything . Cos as far as the men on here are saying it’s all Bullshit. . 🤣

And is it up to a punter to assess whether they are committed an indecent act against an unwilling . Hell no to you girls it’s all ‘ lub you lon Tie ‘

Octopussy, you can be an exhausting and difficult to understand read ...

Sure, I accept that abuse can occur ...

... I'm just saying that I've never encountered such situations amongst Perth's AMP community, which I might add is a fairly tight-knit and familiar community.


Gold Member
I'm willing to cut "lonelyman" a break here ... his arithmetic was based upon the notion of brothel-based WLs serving only 6 clients in one week @ $500 a serve ... for a total of $3,000 gross income ... he then references that "the ladies take half" (i.e. $1,500) followed by expenses (a notional $300), resulting in a take home amount of $1,200 ...

I don't imagine there's a single brothel-based WL out there who works to this arrangement and I'd like to think that "lonelyman" is simply trying to emphasize that a WL doesn't have to work long hours to earn what others might perceive as a regular week's earnings.

In the industry, I imagine that 6 clients in one day is closer to a realistic target for some ladies ! ... heck, even in the AMP industry a girl would expect no less, and on a good day a popular girl might pull upwards of 15 clients, many of whom would only desire a quick massage session of 30 minutes (or less).

So, let's not get hung up on this figure of $1,200 per week and suggestions that it should represent anything in the real world of adult (sex) services.
Ok hun . But I can only speak from my PERSPECTIVE really this is true.
And it seems that I’m struggling to find a like minded comrade .. here .

What about the operator like me .. who only sees 10-15 clients a week.
I can’t relate to the numbers you are talking so I had best step out of the convo . My aim is to establish Regulars . Yes of course buisness requires new buisness hence the marketing BUT. What I provide in my Best form with my ideal client is an ongoing dynamic .
LAST SERVICE .. the competition is always at the heels . Hooray for the drive to win I say . But the majority of men aren’t ‘ built ‘ to take advantage of such a service .. OR they don’t need to have that much ‘substance’ to the weekly relief. And for them I am still their go to PSE Slut . But my desired buisness strategy is to work in the realm of what
I am MOST SUITABLE for .. and FOR WHAT WILL GIVE ME the most reward. . Money is but a part of this structure .
I CAN ONLY provide a service I feel I will sleep best with at night. To deceive and cheat for dollars has never been my mechanism. And Yeah as threatened.. one day I will get THAT tattoo ..’ money is not my god. ‘
So I don’t have to tell some of you gentlemen .. all the time . When you barter🤦‍♀️ like I’m going to jump for that carrot . 🤣🙄

now . I know what I BELIEVE. about the service I provide ., I Guarantee ITS NOTHING to do with thus chat . And I concede to say my input here is ‘ misplaced ‘ and therefore .. very exhaustive.
I am new to forums in general ..
I’m starting to realise I could get lost in the ‘ maze ‘ and get my feelings and thoughts confused .
I actually do like to get ‘ lost ‘ and find my way. Back to some Sense of Wiser.. so please consider me as an exuberant and naive ‘ novice. with a vast wealth of experience full of little pearls of ‘ PORNEDY ‘ just ‘ exploding randomly.., drunk on the excitement of the New ..

Quite possibly misunderstood.. I am often out myself in the the wrong place wrong time like a tweens morning glory .. i am
Aware of the issue. .

as to leave a space. for new thoughts and new directions. .. new growth for me comes in the form of communication. So please take this into account when taking in my ‘ musings ‘. I truly am eager to learn how others see .
I warn that I am the eternal child. And with that comes all the Tempestuousness .. and possibly frustration on the readers behalf. .. if you wish to put your ‘ view ‘ to me . I will be most appreciative. .. FEED MY BRAIN 👌.

Guide my ‘ Sparklers’ to the safe place please …if I am too boisterous and not ‘ reading the room ‘ 🙄🥳


Gold Member
And on that ‘ style of service ‘ I’m referring to .. and what I BELIEVE is the Attraction for my many regulars.

My regulars are so diverse .and when I say regular I mean ..I’ve been with them for years sometimes through numerous girlfriends.. not that it’s relevant as to why it’s why I don’t need to do the numbers . I can bank on my regs. I am the CONSTANT for most of my clientele. .and I guess that is a big part of my confidence that everyone SURELY YOU ALL wants a bit of that as opposed to other options.

It’s arrogant I guess
il explain this better in an upcoming thread to redeem myself from any assumptions of narcissism. 😲😳
Regarding the role of the modern day Whore.


Gold Member
Octopussy, you can be an exhausting and difficult to understand read ...

Sure, I accept that abuse can occur ...

... I'm just saying that I've never encountered such situations amongst Perth's AMP community, which I might add is a fairly tight-knit and familiar community.
YAAS Thankyou see I’m not delusional lol . I know it’s my gig to protest . But if the only reason it’s not being conceded or challenged as truth is purely selfish dickbrain motivation.. then I’m going to speak up. 🤫 and BRING ABOUT AWARENESS.. as that’s what a decent human being does.


Gold Member
Octopussy, you can be an exhausting and difficult to understand read ...

Sure, I accept that abuse can occur ...

... I'm just saying that I've never encountered such situations amongst Perth's AMP community, which I might add is a fairly tight-knit and familiar community.
And no I’m sorry . It’s Not A tight not community. Just cos you guys know of what you know. . Doesn’t make it a ‘ community’ I remind you are CLIENTS . You know what you are allowed to know. Lol

But you are right I’ve said what needs to be said. . And I hope it’s STAYS for all to see for ever .

I will now .. cease to be the UN whore .
But I am still passionate . Just quietly. 😚


Legend Member
And no I’m sorry . It’s Not A tight not community. Just cos you guys know of what you know. . Doesn’t make it a ‘ community’ I remind you are CLIENTS . You know what you are allowed to know. Lol

But you are right I’ve said what needs to be said. . And I hope it’s STAYS for all to see for ever .

I will now .. cease to be the UN whore .
But I am still passionate . Just quietly. 😚

"Just quietly" ... somehow, I don't picture Octopussy as a passive wallflower.

Anyway, please be aware that I am not just a client in the AMP scene ... I socialise with AMP owners and I also socialise with the ladies who work for them ... I reckon "community" is a pretty accurate portrayal of the Chinese influence within the massage parlour game, here in Perth.


Gold Member
"Just quietly" ... somehow, I don't picture Octopussy as a passive wallflower.

Anyway, please be aware that I am not just a client in the AMP scene ... I socialise with AMP owners and I also socialise with the ladies who work for them ... I reckon "community" is a pretty accurate portrayal of the Chinese influence within the massage parlour game, here in Perth.
Awww apologies Sir . Then you too are a fan of these ladies. The way you speak tells me you have visited the land of smiles . Kop un kar 🙏🏻 I will show my solidarity with this STELLAR review I gave my ladies after they cried to me about some Caucasian lesbian ripped them a bad Google review
Fuck that. I told them .. watch this ladies. .. and as they saw a client which I stepped ( outside for a joint ) and SPOKE UP FOR MY LADIES. As I would do and do for any of my sisters . That is something No One can ever contest .
I am Xena for my AMP ladies . We laugh our heads off at you guys . I come in a say .
Customer no goood . Him jiggy gig too much . Very very sore neck . Him get head .. as I demonstrate facefucking . And BUNBUN BANG !
Fix fir me darling please fix meeeeee . ( I fake Cry ) All men busstard.
We all nod with a concerned face ..
And then crack up late thing together .. as sisters do . And ..
In That moment . There is no difference .

Shit the had best travel to them tonight to give my buisness as I don’t live in the hay neighbourhood anymore . Oh my ladies !!



Gold Member
Awww apologies Sir . Then you too are a fan of these ladies. The way you speak tells me you have visited the land of smiles . Kop un kar 🙏🏻 I will show my solidarity with this STELLAR review I gave my ladies after they cried to me about some Caucasian lesbian ripped them a bad Google review
Fuck that. I told them .. watch this ladies. .. and as they saw a client which I stepped ( outside for a joint ) and SPOKE UP FOR MY LADIES. As I would do and do for any of my sisters . That is something No One can ever contest .
I am Xena for my AMP ladies . We laugh our heads off at you guys . I come in a say .
Customer no goood . Him jiggy gig too much . Very very sore neck . Him get head .. as I demonstrate facefucking . And BUNBUN BANG !
Fix fir me darling please fix meeeeee . ( I fake Cry ) All men busstard.
We all nod with a concerned face ..
And then crack up late thing together .. as sisters do . And ..
In That moment . There is no difference .

Shit the had best travel to them tonight to give my buisness as I don’t live in the hay neighbourhood anymore . Oh my ladies !!

And hey .. $50 voucher to my pussy for such a wonderful post x.


Gold Member
You've made a contribution? you've personally attacked all independent workers in your post.

An over reaction is how upset you've gotten from being called out on your ignorance.

We could get $1200 a week working in Woolworths and Coles without any of what we all have to put up with you have no clue what sort of messages we receive what unsolicited pictures we see let alone r@pe fantasies and all sorts of horrific stuff it's not all sunshine & roses so for your comments in relation to we should be happy with $1200 a week is just an insult to us all.
Im about done with the Cherades of Men .
When will they understand without US ..and ALL GODDESSES . They actually have no purpose to exist. I mean even GOD knows we are supreme .. hence been allocated the majority of responsibility of the Womb and OUR DECISIVE KNOWLEDGE AS TO WHOM TO ALLOW ENTRY TO THE CREATION FACTORY .. that’s like Gods second in command really .
Fuck knows what the bible is on about 🤣🤣🤣i
it astounds me how men aren’t in constant devotion really. .🤷‍♀️
I mean we do have IVF ..
I think they should do a quick ‘ stocktake ‘ all of them ..
they speak so fraudulently regarding their ‘ stock ‘. . Really it can never beat ours lol no matter if we are the biggest bush pig still pussy is pussy.

It is my belief that . Properly Qualified ( like the job and not be a thug ) operators should be VENERATED IN SOCIETY .
The Global reality is that 90 % of women INVOLVED in prostitution are so because of lack of options financially and socially pending the culture and their burden of offspring to support.
Sadly lacking the male responsibility to care for his seeds instead she is punished for doing all she can .. which is to SELL WHAT SHE CAN All she has is what she was born with. TO FEED THE BABIES . Men degrade her for a crime that is not hers but THEIR OWN . Don’t shame her gain EVER. !!!
Taking out what I believe to be GUILT upon her flesh. . Picture the child sex slaves of India . With 3 kids at 14. !! And don’t say that’s not Perth .
No point talking if not to prove a point. It’s relative.
NO WHERE IN THE HISTORY OF MAN KIND CAN MEN COMPARE . All women for thousands of years have suffered Hells that men would whimper at . Sure they can play ‘ war games ‘ conquer new lands and consider themselves victorious as ‘ Man ruler of the world. . But without that troop of whores travelling with that Army you men would just be gay.

‘more resoect needs to be acknowledged for women being the actual reason .. you men get up In The morning. .
We do it to take care of children
You do it to get pussy

Black n white Mother Nature . Argue with her . Your program.. your default mode your tools. Are built to just sow . We are the fucking gardeners though right. ?


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Silver Member
Im about done with the Cherades of Men .
When will they understand without US ..and ALL GODDESSES . They actually have no purpose to exist. I mean even GOD knows we are supreme .. hence been allocated the majority of responsibility of the Womb and OUR DECISIVE KNOWLEDGE AS TO WHOM TO ALLOW ENTRY TO THE CREATION FACTORY .. that’s like Gods second in command really .
Fuck knows what the bible is on about 🤣🤣🤣i
it astounds me how men aren’t in constant devotion really. .🤷‍♀️
I mean we do have IVF ..
I think they should do a quick ‘ stocktake ‘ all of them ..
they speak so fraudulently regarding their ‘ stock ‘. . Really it can never beat ours lol no matter if we are the biggest bush pig still pussy is pussy.

It is my belief that . Properly Qualified ( like the job and not be a thug ) operators should be VENERATED IN SOCIETY .
The Global reality is that 90 % of women INVOLVED in prostitution are so because of lack of options financially and socially pending the culture and their burden of offspring to support.
Sadly lacking the male responsibility to care for his seeds instead she is punished for doing all she can .. which is to SELL WHAT SHE CAN All she has is what she was born with. TO FEED THE BABIES . Men degrade her for a crime that is not hers but THEIR OWN . Don’t shame her gain EVER. !!!
Taking out what I believe to be GUILT upon her flesh. . Picture the child sex slaves of India . With 3 kids at 14. !! And don’t say that’s not Perth .
No point talking if not to prove a point. It’s relative.
NO WHERE IN THE HISTORY OF MAN KIND CAN MEN COMPARE . All women for thousands of years have suffered Hells that men would whimper at . Sure they can play ‘ war games ‘ conquer new lands and consider themselves victorious as ‘ Man ruler of the world. . But without that troop of whores travelling with that Army you men would just be gay.

‘more resoect needs to be acknowledged for women being the actual reason .. you men get up In The morning. .
We do it to take care of children
You do it to get pussy

Black n white Mother Nature . Argue with her . Your program.. your default mode your tools. Are built to just sow . We are the fucking gardeners though right. ?
Seriously though ... who hurt you? 😕