Gold Member
One would believe you work within Langtrees? You know an awful lot about the ins and outs of their enterprise.I'm not sure if I'm 100% in agreement with what you've written. Like you I too remember a time when the market wasn't like this. I remember a time when the market was virtually all Australian in the 80s and even the 90s. Prices, even accounting for indexed inflation were never this high. Now, if you're with an Aussie woman, you pay $400 to $500 an hour AND THEN on top of that for extras. Let's go back to the one time person or family of battlers. You'd earn an income and then SAVE for luxuries like the flash car etc but you'd make do with an ordinary car.
Now, from what I can see, the women want it straight away - and they charge $400 per hour. Hey, it's a free market and you're free to charge what you like but sex workers have to seriously ask themselves who's to blame when they too drive punters away to cheaper alternatives. If Langtrees, with its spas, as many fresh towels as you like, high aircon bills, electriticy bills, many rooms, kitchen and a medium sized army of receptionists, drivers, cleaners, a charity and a website to maintain charges $500 per hour and the ladies take half... then how do private Aussie ladies with far less of the above expenses justify their charging $500 per hour? If you've six clients a week and total up $3000 and then take home $1200 after expenses, shouldn't you be happy as that's what many working class punters take home? And these punters are paying off a mortgage too on that amount of money so why can't a sex worker unless she's living beyond her means possibly?
I don't claim to be an expert in these matters but you've raised some points which arouse curiousity. Can you show me where it's "Proven to be SEX SLAVERY syndicates operating at full force in west Australia." Do you have any documentation about it being at full force? If you're finding that the market's drying up then shouldn't the Aussie lady who thinks she's a class above meet the market especially if she's not experiencing the overheads that Langtrees offers? Look at the ad of that Aussie lady charging $250 per hour, she must be on to a good thing if she's still advertising.
This phenomena of what the sex industry is experiencing is happening in other industries too. Holden etc closed down in Australia - but they weren't meeting the market in price or quality and were being subsidized to the tune of half a billion Aussie dollars annually. Look at Langtrees, they've outsourced a portion of this website to overseas IT people. Again to make things viable for them and this website's a great marketing tool. I'm not sure if it'd exist if went full Aussie operations and the Aussie market benefits in the end.
If the Asian sector of the sex industry in Perth's as bad as you claim then again, punters will avoid them and that part of the industry too will have to meet the market and improve; no?