Omg will you marry me !! A man with a rational mind and a good reply . Thankyou . And yes I know I may seem harsh. I can only see so far from my point of view and experience .
And yes I agree 1000$ in the hands if the average punter ? But who is the average punter .. I’m actually really wondering .
Apart from the basic topic in here .. I’m still looking to learn how you are all ‘fending ‘ . And WHO you are .
I am a fair and realistic goddess and I reek with empathy ( it’s a joke the narcissist smell me a mile away

And I REALLY DO WANT to be of service . Sounds wanky scuse the pun but I don’t want to be unobtainable or unapproachable for the majority . Yet o the other hand me personally can only provide my level of quality at such a
‘base ‘price. I of course can’t compete with prices higher or lower than my standard . AND I DONT NEED TO. I see less clients for more . You know . Believe me I’ve done my days way back where that wax reversed .
I think though if your basing a good punt on the outcome.. then I would be the wiser investment for the $1000 . 1. If it wax you I’d make you a deal

that would by the end if the booking would of blown your idea of what value is out the window .
I do think it’s got alot to do with the punter—- experience . A real punter knows how to get the right girl .. he can read between the lines , yeah he’s there to catch that commodity’ sale ‘ and he’s ready to pluck that chiCKY when she’s ripe and a bit desperate as EVERYONE GETS SOMETIMES .. I commend my guys if they a reg just and they catch a sale on . One of my guys bulk deposited 3 sessions cos I was literally opening my legs for free that day

bought for the future . I fucked him so well the first time cos I was so impressed with his opportunitic hunting skills .
Kudos to him. Nows he’s a punter who gets more than he pays for .
You see that’s another factor .. its how you go about the purchase with my stock .
Be nice get thrice

Now being ‘ a commodity’ .. my stock price does do that fluctuation Not too much and NEVER do I hack up prices but I will not do specials at 3 am that’s for sure .
See a good punter knows WHEN HOW AND WHAT TO BUY .
I dont take advantage
I don’t oversell the benefits cos that will devalue my stock in the end if there’s a continuous failure to supply .the Punters talk .
So in saying that ., not talking about me . But my type of service if ? it can be quantified .. where it stands in value to the market . ? I want to learn from this site . I’m nit going to drop my prices much But I do offer extra incentives longer time and things . But they are ALWAYS DUE TO my daily finances . Which get affected by the rollover of the previous day.
So I must say you are the first I’ve seen to give me hope that il not getting the wrong idea about the forum here .
I am looking to see valid reviews based upon NOT only the cheapest .. but a fair report . Cos I really do want to learn how to WORK WITH YOU MEN … but yeah not IF YOU ARE REPRESENTING THE AVERAGE PUNTER here ?
Scuse my naivety to forum or this forums etiquette. I am speak before think poster

. I dont like to be contrived .. so please know if I appear arrogant and you speak like you do with such manners then by all means

Please clip me behind the ear if I’m getting too righteous cos no one likes a whore at the pulpit .

You see iim the first one to mock .. me . Lol that’s why no one else can .. cos I do it the best lol
I’m just s child with a question ? In most situations in my life.

And seriously ..
my job is more than a job it’s a lifestyle .
Ms M
This day.