Rochelle's Political Thread


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Re: Abbott is not giving up

I'll tell you what I hate about Centrelink... (off subject I know) I need to rant ok!!!

I am unable to receive ANY government assistance as I am only 18. I am unemployed and 18 yet they STILL go off my parents income... Until i'm 21 I've been told. So basically when I start studying full time (Later this year) I will have no way of supporting myself and a mounting $60,000 HEX. Yes, that what it costs to study medicine at UNI SA ... And that's JUST the course. Depressing.

....I seem to recall that uni students only repay their HECS fees to the government once they begin earning an income and its a percentage of that income above $45,000.

Unless I'm missing something here, it would seem to me that you are, in fact, receiving government assistance to the tune of your course fees (wether its for the full amount or not, I'm not sure).

Fudd :)


Re: Abbott is not giving up


First of all erob, you haven't cited any genuine credible source for your information - but you've chosen to compare with those countries. Have you ACTUALLY checked the authenticity of that email?

Secondly, if you go to the US illegally, you don't get shot or hung or detained without trail.

Ditto in NZ

Ditto in Austria

Ditto in Switzerland

Ditto in Malaysia

Ditto in Mexico

Ditto in Italy

Ditto in the UK.

So why aren't you comparing to those countries as well?

Secondly, a whole lot of drug pushers in Australia have








In Malaysia, drug pushers are hung, ditto in Singapore - so why don't we do that here - using your theory?

Finally, just WHERE did you get this theory of yours that illegal immigrants get to vote pray tell? What credit cards - which bank would give someone with no money or no credit history a credit card? That would be illegal. BILLIONS of dollars of literature - please, you're having us on. If that were the case, all printers out there would be making BILLIONS of dollars - where's your source? A driver's licence - if you are qualified to drive - why not? You've got a driver's licence presumably? What did they vote on - Daylight Saving?

I think you're being a bit generous with the truth. Or a bit emotive perhaps.
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Re: Abbott is not giving up

I'm not fan or enemy of the Police Commissioner, but I think the swipe about the Commissioner's son is a bit unfair as well. The Commish did say this son was from a previous marriage and he'd been enstranged from the son from time to time when he was over East or overseas or something.

He could be anyone's son, his being the Commish's son is irrelevant really - he didn't get any favours from that. Is he not a human being like you, albeit suffering from an addiction and the terrible facts of crime that are associated with it?


Re: Abbott is not giving up

jdog, you talk off "Taliban goat shaggers"? What exactly have the Taliban done to get invaded?

Tomorrow if Indonesia invades Australia because they suspect we've Nuclear Weapons of Mass Destruction and slaughter a whole bunch of people - you'd get very pissed off.

And then when the Indonesians say they realize it was a mistake they couldn't find any, they might as well stay and introduce their system of democracy to Australia. And if Aussie sappers or sheepshaggers get slaughtered so be it - you'd be fuming wouldn't you?

Exactly - Australia shouldn't be in that war against a nation who've done nothing. And neither should the US.


Re: Abbott is not giving up

because it was clear that the Taliban government in Afghanistan were sheltering and supporting Al-Qaeda. The Al-Qaeda training camps and headquarters were in Afganistan, as was Osama Bin Laden. After 9/11 the organization and training camps had to be removed and as the Taliban would not do this, they had to be removed to give the Afghanistans the opportunity to become a democratic self government. You probably wont see the point in that as you wouldn't put your hand up thankfully and fight for your country no matter what. You probably dont agree that australia should have fought in in WW2 either, the reasons for that is Australia is part of the Commonwealth and will help out its fellow countries whenever they need help. Australia thinks that if it helps them then since its such a little country they will help Australia whenever Australia is in need because Australia could be easily taken over. Theres a lovely anzac service up at kings park on the 25th april, and you have a chance to talk to past and present defence force members who have been there. Its really amazing what you can learn.
And I really dont see how you can say its unfair about the commissioners son. Yes he wasn't able to be there for him growing up. I feel for anyone who has to go through drug addiction in any family. I was referring to the son because I think it was unfair on the children that lived in that govt subsidised drug hell hole, you really give up any respect when you can put kids and people living nearby in danger like those scumbags did, did any of them think of those kids at all, and also very unfair on the poor neighbour who complained numerous times.


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Re: Abbott is not giving up

....getting back to the topic of Abbott being a dickwad......I seem to recall (and correct me if I'm wrong) but at the last federal election he rolled out the cheque book promising to pour a truckload of money back into the failing health system.

Whilst not surprising, given that Rudd gave a similar promise in the 2007 election (not much happened since then other than pissing off the States by threatening to with hold GST revenue), the surprising thing was the amount promised by Abbott. Apparently, the amount Abbott promised was around the same amount that he had cut from the health budget whilst Minister for Health during the Howard government. Another bullshit promise????

Fudd :)


Legend Member
Re: Abbott is not giving up

Mr Fudd Thanks for getting the thread back on track.
I am not a rabid labour man by any stretch, But our friend Mr Abbott would have to be one of the most negative and divisive opposition leaders for a long while. A nd we have had some beauties in recent times.
Who would like to see a cage fight between Latham & Abbott?


Gold Member
Re: Abbott is not giving up

jdog, you talk off "Taliban goat shaggers"? What exactly have the Taliban done to get invaded?

Tomorrow if Indonesia invades Australia because they suspect we've Nuclear Weapons of Mass Destruction and slaughter a whole bunch of people - you'd get very pissed off.

And then when the Indonesians say they realize it was a mistake they couldn't find any, they might as well stay and introduce their system of democracy to Australia. And if Aussie sappers or sheepshaggers get slaughtered so be it - you'd be fuming wouldn't you?

Exactly - Australia shouldn't be in that war against a nation who've done nothing. And neither should the US.

A goodly percentage of the Taliban are from Pakistan, so they're invading Afghanistan to start with. The taliban were harbouring AQ, AQ killed and injured over 10,000 people on 9/11. That we're still in that country is easy to justify and doesn't compare to your Indonesian hypothetical. That would be Iraq, harder to justify, but even then, they're probably better placed now than they were under Saddam.


Full Member
Foundation Member
Re: Abbott is not giving up

Mr Fudd Thanks for getting the thread back on track.
I am not a rabid labour man by any stretch, But our friend Mr Abbott would have to be one of the most negative and divisive opposition leaders for a long while. A nd we have had some beauties in recent times.
Who would like to see a cage fight between Latham & Abbott?

...yr welcome H2!

...and, yep, I'm no rabid Labour man either in fact the Howard government did 1 or 2 good things whilst in office. All I want to see is a party with clear cut policies, vision and an attitude that their party (if they got into power) ACTUALLY had the best interests of the people and the country in mind. Maybe this will happen in my lifetime but, judging from whats out there at the moment, I'm going to have a real tough time of it in making up my mind at the next election.

And as for that other looney tune (Latham).....the cage match could be billed as a match between "the boofhead v the bozo"......and either one could fill either tag.

Fudd :)


Legend Member
Re: Abbott is not giving up

Havn`t had time to scratch myself let alone look at the newspaper for the past couple days so I`m not completely sure what Abbot is up to but let me share this...

I have had some unemployed people call me at work sometimes and all they can say is
"I don`t really want a job but if anybody asks could you please just tell them that I rang and asked if there was any vacancys"
Not a good question don`t you think??

I can`t see any harm in some of the unemployed being asked to come together maybe once or twice every fortnight and do some voluntary work. The only reason you would be excluded is if you had a legitimate reason.

Before somoebody complains they would be taking someones job it could be as simple as helping in a soup kitchen or helping the elderly in someway. I`m sure there are a lot of charities that would love a hand.


Re: Abbott is not giving up

ChloeJade, as you've decided to rant and rave and make personal commments about a subject and attack the poster rather than the issue, I'll leave you to your hypotheses. I love it when people resort to such senseless name calling, it indicates a loss of all things...

Fifoboy, thank you for your informative, less emotional and more educational reply. I still think however (and there are a few people who think the AQ had little to do with 9/11 but that's another theory which I have some difficulty believing) that while the Taliban may have harboured AQ, the whole 9/11 thing was still an AMERICAN war not one involving the rest of the world, similar to Vietnam in the 60s and 70s (in fact I don't think the Americans had any business being there either).

So I still find Australia's presence there hard to justify. And then to call them Taliban sheepshaggers or worse still, make racist comments on facebook which a high ranking Army officer has to apologize for,criticize and reject - is hardly endearing yourself to people who question whether many people just join armies 'cos they like killing and have little clue as to what they're there for.


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Re: Abbott is not giving up

Sorry, guys I know I started the thread but reading through all your posts I can't help it but I have to say somehting about the whole 9/11 thing chloejade and fifoboy have mentioned in their replies.
Only because the USA told the world 2001 that Bin laden and Al-Quaeda was behind the attack doesn't mean that that is what really happened.
I happened to be in Europe at the time of the attack......glued to TV non stop for the first 36 hours which meant access to a wide range of news from different channels and different European countries. And 'hello' it looked far more like an 'inside job' then a muslim revenge. How embarrassing for the good old please let's find a scape goat asap and spread it around the world........done deal.
However......sorry......back to Tony Abbott and his scary ideas.



Legend Member
Re: Abbott is not giving up

I dont believe we should be in Iraq either.But have far less qualms about being
in Afghanistan. Our soldiers aren't there looking for WMD but fighting a cruel force in the Taliban. I am sure there are many women and children in that country who will be
hoping for the chance of a better life. I am sure BBC you couldn't agree with how the Taliban Govt treated their people.
Iraq ? Well that was because of the delusions of one of America's worst ever Presidents


Re: Abbott is not giving up

Rochelle, thank you for saying that. I was tempted to say it but decided I'd gone off topic enough. Ta muchly. I find it interesting that 'til today, the FBI's top 10 most wanted fugitives lists Usama bin Laden but DOESN'T state that he was responsible for 9/11 He may have come out and praised the attack but never publicly claimed it in his broadcasts.
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Re: Abbott is not giving up

Thank you happy2.

It's a bit of a school bully theory, of course we should intervene when someone is being bullied, I agree. But the US keeps coca-colanizing the world when it can't even guarantee it has the best system of government. And when they do this - they do it by fighting wars and killing people - including women and children - so who are the terrorists and oppressors now?

How come the world (read US, UK, Aus etc) didn't pick on Communist China when the Tiananmen Massacre happened? Because they didn't dare pick on someone their own size. Sept 11th this year will be 10 years since the Twin Towers attack - still haven't found Usama bin Laden but all those weapons contracts in the US are being kept alive and the Republican Party is doing god almight well most times.

Is it not up to the citizens themselves to fight for a better system of government, conduct revolutions or appeal for help? Is it not better for the UN to step in?

Farm Boy

Re: Abbott is not giving up

Julia and Tony are as one on Afghanistan and basically the same on social serves cheats. and Rochelle Love 9 11 inside job??? Not even Bob Brown's crew think that.


Gold Member
Re: Abbott is not giving up

I can`t see any harm in some of the unemployed being asked to come together maybe once or twice every fortnight and do some voluntary work. The only reason you would be excluded is if you had a legitimate reason.

Get real,
That would work it would stuff up their cash in hand jobs and they would be out of pocket.


Legend Member
Re: Abbott is not giving up

Get real,
That would work it would stuff up their cash in hand jobs and they would be out of pocket.

I hope your not a young man whilom. Such a cynical statement should come from a world weary old man. Even if there is a whiff of reality to it.


Gold Member
Re: Abbott is not giving up

Right on the money Happy,

I see it all the time.
I use casual labour at times and it's allways "will you pay cash in hand?".
Then they more than likely do not turn up.

I have employed backpackers from europe on occasions and they turn up on time and put in a good days work. Unlike the home grown lazy bastards.

Labour Ethos
Creat a welfare dependant votor base to ensure re-election.

Cynical? No just an observation from a few years of political history.
Labour will eventually bankrupt the Country and hand over to the Libs to rebuild.
Then when things have been good for a while it will be time to give them another go at stuffing it up.


The "Whilom"


Gold Member
Re: Abbott is not giving up

Whilom and Happy2, Your observations are through blue-coloured glasses. Who squeezes the lower income groups in our society and gives to big corporates. A prime example was the attempt to bring in Work Choices. Keep the chattering classes in their place. A few small "l' liberals in the Liberal Party struggle to get their voice heard before they finally give up. Why do the farming electorates have a much lower quota than city electorates? Why is a city vote worth half of a country vote? To keep the Liberal/National Party coalition in power. There is no good democratic reason!

As for Labour ruining the country - remember the outcry about the reforms Whitlam, Hawke and Keating brought in - now even the Liberals admit that those reforms are the basis for our present successful economy. They could do no less as history has proved the reformers right.

Liberals are all about cover-up - children overboard, WMD in Iraq, never happened; wheat sales to Iraq with much siphoning and creaming - keep it covered up and hidden so our mates do not get touched!

Those members who commented on 9/11 are right. Even if a quarter of Fahrenheit 911 was right we should be very alarmed. All the US arms are produced by a few organisations with factories in Repulican seats. And pleeease do not touch Bahrein or we might offend the Saudis BUT we have always wanted to have a go at Libya where we have many CIA operatives at work - too much to suggest that they are organising the "rebels"!


Legend Member
Re: Abbott is not giving up

Haste You forget the state labor party reduced the number of country seats
increased the city seats and still lost somehow. And also did a deal with ther nationals and allow them to retain party funding with under 5 seats to get there backing .
Thinking the nationals were going to wiped out last election. They are now quite powerful for a few farmers.


Re: Abbott is not giving up

Big black cock, self praise is no recommendation, and I'm talkin about bin laden when he said he did it on video for the world to see. Not once have I attacked you personally. I have albeit offered you facts which you can do with what you like. I would love to have that fairytale that it was all set up then I would feel safe.


Legend Member
Re: Abbott is not giving up

Oh My Dear, Rochelle
Did you realise your thread would cause so much angst?

Farm Boy

Re: Abbott is not giving up

Haste 69 federal electoral seats are more or less even check with the AEC, not sure about NSW state seats .
H2 comments relate to WA. were one vote one value was brought in a few years ago.


Re: Abbott is not giving up

Chloejade, your comments and posts are there for everyone to read and judge.

Chloejade -
You probably wont see the point in that as you wouldn't put your hand up thankfully and fight for your country no matter what. You probably dont agree that australia should have fought in in WW2 either, the reasons for that is Australia is part of the Commonwealth and will help out its fellow countries whenever they need help.

Theres a lovely anzac service up at kings park on the 25th april, and you have a chance to talk to past and present defence force members who have been there. Its really amazing what you can learn.

I will not be entertaining your responses any further.
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Farm Boy

Re: Abbott is not giving up

Apparently our Tony came up with another one of his great ideas (thanks Tony). This time he targets the unemployed and as I got it (please let me know if I am wrong) he would love to take away the dole especially in areas with high unemployment. The idea behind it is that people should not be able to turn down jobs.......people who are able to work should be pushed to work.
Well Tony.......two things come to my mind straight away........
1) it looks to me that people who can't work out of what ever reason are hard done by again,
2) the idea sounds very close to forced labour.

If you really want to hunt down a certain group of lazy guys who can't be bothered to get out of bed in the morning that's not the way. I do believe that the lazy bodies are the minority in the system. So don't make life harder for the majority.
Plus desperate people reach out for desperate solution and that might not be what the liberals have in mind.
Think twice.


Fraud has cost the Commonwealth as much as $600 million a year, with less than a quarter ($139 million) recovered, according to a new report.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Some one has to fix this would not you think Rochelle ?


Re: Abbott is not giving up

Does that necessarily mean then that if a small portion of people defraud the system then ALL the people should be punished?

Also if you read the report, it was $600 million by "Aus$600 million a year to social security fraud and crooked public servants, a report showed Monday as the government"

The $600 million is a total e.g. if one person defrauds the system of let's say $500 monthly over 2 years it adds and totals up to $12,000. Hmm, perhaps we should sack ALL public servants as well using Tony's logic.

Also, it wasn't ALL people on the dole but "Young people ripping off the dole and single mothers on parent payments were the biggest and costliest groups of fraudsters, with 700,000 cases reported in the 2008-09 audit costing Aus$489 million ($508 million)."

Finally, as you say, someone has to fix this - the fact that these people are being caught shows that someone is well and truly fixing this - no? yes?

So there are many young people who do the right thing as there are many people who are unemployed.
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Re: Abbott is not giving up

Yes, Farm has to be fixed but I am with BigBlackCock.....point the finger at the people who deserve it and leave the rest alone. It is as so often the easy way out in politics....instead of working out the details/facts it is so much easier to get them all. That's not how democrocy should work.


Farm Boy

Re: Abbott is not giving up

Does that necessarily mean then that if a small portion of people defraud the system then ALL the people should be punished?

Also if you read the report, it was $600 million by "Aus$600 million a year to social security fraud and crooked public servants, a report showed Monday as the government"

The $600 million is a total e.g. if one person defrauds the system of let's say $500 monthly over 2 years it adds and totals up to $12,000. Hmm, perhaps we should sack ALL public servants as well using Tony's logic.

Also, it wasn't ALL people on the dole but "Young people ripping off the dole and single mothers on parent payments were the biggest and costliest groups of fraudsters, with 700,000 cases reported in the 2008-09 audit costing Aus$489 million ($508 million)."

Finally, as you say, someone has to fix this - the fact that these people are being caught shows that someone is well and truly fixing this - no? yes?

So there are many young people who do the right thing as there are many people who are unemployed.

Big black Cock Stop being such a thin skin Lefty and start to get real as yet no one has started to fix anything two years ago fraud against the commonwealth was thought about to be 60 million today 600 million per year about 25% recoverd per year.
I did read the report I was just trying keep it short and did note multilevel offending.
And now I am going to give in and get emotional.
' Pick the spelling mastacks our of that you little dick bastard'.


Re: Abbott is not giving up

To the moderator of this board, I suggest that you remove the above post by Farmboy who's now becoming quite an abusive poster.

If you think he should be banned, please do so.

As Marcus Aurelius once said, "The object in life is not to be on the side of the Majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the Insane."