• Lots of naked NEW Members on the forum plz add an AVATAR we are adding them if you don't if you don't like change them.

Just to see if there is any life left in this forum..


Diamond Member
Dont have Cane toads up here yet
No need to speed up the process though

Hopefully that huge hunk of desert between me and the Kimberly will be enough
We can hope, but it might not be enough. Particularly when they hitch rides on/in cars and trucks.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Dont have Cane toads up here yet
No need to speed up the process though

Hopefully that huge hunk of desert between me and the Kimberly will be enough

Not if some Japanese backpacker brings a few along for the ride......


Yeah they are the most disgusting animal, let's hope they get a disease and die out, another of humanities fuc#ups!

Lord Spikey

Legend Member
Lord Spikey : please tell me again why you and your friends left Talkin Sex to start your own sex forum .

then please tell me why you have come back to the forum you and your friends don't want to be a member . :) :)
Hi Johnlou
Thanks for your question. I am glad you asked.

I can only answer you, to the extent that I am willing to discuss my personal feelings, from my point of view and perception. You will need to ask my "friends" yourself to get their answers.

I took a break from Talkinsex after careful consideration of a series of uncomfortable post conversations that trended badly over time, culminating in a barrage of unjustified criticism and abuse. Rumours abounded about TS going down and as I enjoy the camaraderie offered by forums such as TS and "similar". I decided to be part of a solution, as opposed to being the target of a problem. At that time, the moderators of TS seemed not to mind what was going on and can only guess that was because interest was waning.

The reason I am re-engaging with Talkinsex is threefold:
1. Our similar forum has closed through lack of interest.
2. As mentioned, I enjoy the camaraderie offered by forums and
3. Talkinsex seems to have had a significant change in culture, such that there is not as much vitriol flowing, with perhaps one or two exceptions.

Again you would need to ask my "friends" their reason.
I cannot speak for them.

I trust this satisfies your curiosity.


Silver Member
I joined this site close to a year ago which appears to be the tail-end of the great times here... I loved the Langtrees ladies updates, viewing the latest pics and reading the reviews of them .. The banter on the site was great! I'm happy to contribute more to get this site going again... It'd be great to have the ladies online a bit more and less of the negative comments..


Legend Member
Hi nattedogge
Nice to see a member from the "Golden era" return

Maybe it is time for a few of us to start up some new threads


Silver Member
Well the site won't come back without users getting back onto it :)
She is insanely gorgeous..! But I was on the main Langtrees website earlier and saw that her profile has 'expired'...!?
I hope that she's not gone for long...
Have you been lucky enough to spend time with her??


Silver Member
Haha! very well put!
That's actually a good talking point that I hope people will pick up on - is it better to spend $$ on one lady for two hours ... or $$$$ on two ladies for one hour.....???


Haha! very well put!
That's actually a good talking point that I hope people will pick up on - is it better to spend $$ on one lady for two hours ... or $$$$ on two ladies for one hour.....???

Hi Nattedogge, what if you got 4 girls for a half hr quickie...:woot:


Mouse chasing Pussy
Diamond Member
Haha! very well put!
That's actually a good talking point that I hope people will pick up on - is it better to spend $$ on one lady for two hours ... or $$$$ on two ladies for one hour.....???
Sounds like a new thread question. Post and sit back and wait for knowledgeable legends to respond. #startsthread.


Hi all hope your weekend is pounding up well! Did anyone watch that documentary on Paradise in stütgart in Germany?...after legalising prostitution these mega brothels were set up, 5 floors...bit of an eye opener, the interviewee girl was asked how many times she had had sex, after some contemplation she answered...15000... Not bad for a 23 year old!...


no confusion ladies and gentlemen, but that typo is supposed to read 'rounding'


' sounding' out whos reading are we ?
just making conversation? As soon as it said nudity it was..hmmm might just give this show a chance....just wondering if I'm the only one at home watching the idiot box!


watching 007 tonight...my name is "pussy galore"...ill have a martini, shaken not stirred! Your a woman of many parts pussy...it got me thinking, as crazy as it sounds but how about having a shag with a girl that's covered in gold paint......there's something a little erotic about that
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Legend Member
Mr Wechat may I ask. Walk the hell you been drinking ?
I'm guessing at least two Baileys Irish creams


Another World Member
Legend Member
Dat's not an xcuse fer fergettin' da english lingo unless ur planning annudder Hutt River Province mean to say u r in da rite region
we'll b calling ya "Sir"shortly

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
Sir Bepp darling get that bum wriggling please
Now looking at that bottom hanging out under the short skirt reminds me of a risqué escort job I did a few years ago a 4 hour dinner/play date the instructions were to wear short skirt, stockings no panties and no bra. The cook kept burning the poor meals and dropping things as we where seated right in front of him and now I know why the owner kept bringing out wonderful wine. Their win list and food was impressive. It was at a very popular restaurant near the market in Adelaide. I become such a naughty women when I drink


Legend Member
Sir Bepp darling get that bum wriggling please
Now looking at that bottom hanging out under the short skirt reminds me of a risqué escort job I did a few years ago a 4 hour dinner/play date the instructions were to wear short skirt, stockings no panties and no bra. The cook kept burning the poor meals and dropping things as we where seated right in front of him and now I know why the owner kept bringing out wonderful wine. Their win list and food was impressive. It was at a very popular restaurant near the market in Adelaide. I become such a naughty women when I drink

Maybe you and I should have a dinner date sometime then.


Gold Member
bucket list:
a) spanish by smooth big boobs - check
b) deepthroat by a babe - still waiting
c) win lotto - still waiting