Having a need to conduct some business in Adelaide and having that need coupled with an equally strong need to both experience the best Adelaide has to offer and achieve state of comfortable release, I put out a call for assistance.
Our good and faithful Happypirate answered the call, but just a tiny bit too late. I had already conducted a Cracker search and identified a lady who went by the name of NaYoMi. I sms'd. I got a response. I asked a question, but got no response. So, I called. The phone was answered by a gentleman. The penny dropped. There is no such person as NaYoMi.
Anyway, I listened to his spiel and asked for the address. A text message told me it was in Wood Street, South Plympton. An apt address. So, I jumped in my hire car, set my GPS and battled peak hour traffic on my quest for satisfaction, arriving in due course at a pretty average residential abode.
I walked up to the door and rang the bell. It took a little while, but it was answered by a guy I assume was the gentleman from the phone. He ushered me inside and into the first available room. Dimly lit, it had a double bed, which was half covered with a folded doona. The remainder was free and was fitted with an electric blanket.
A gorgeous lady entered the room, smiled sweetly waiting for an approving smile and asked how long i wanted to stay. After the commercials were taken care of, I was offered a shower, which I took and was dressed in a thick dressing gown for my walk to the bathroom. The shower area was small, but clean enough, with liquid soap and shampoo to use.
When I finished my shower and dried off, I was met outside the door by my lovely lady and guided back to the room. I was asked to lay down and was given a great massage. Firm and focussed.
Here, I shall digress. As I live in Perth, I am familiar with the way AMPs work, there. Basically, they come in two varieties. 1. Totally legit massage parlours that offer massage only. 2. What we know as AMPs; Asian Massage Parlours. These are massage parlours that offer massages with extras. These extras are open to negotiation and only rarely are you able to successfully negotiate full service. From there, you go to Full Service Brothels.
In Adelaide, it seems to be different. The Asian Massage Parlours come in three varieties. 1. Legit massage parlours. 2. Massage Parlours that offer both massage and extras upto full service and then 3. Massage Parlours that are full service places that offer massage. Nice twist.
Back to the story. Rose is a very sexy, cute lady from Hong Kong. Gorgeous body, lovely natural puppies. Great friendly attitude and bubbly personality. When I was totally relaxed, I was asked to turn over where the fun began. I won't discuss this, but suffice to say that reality matched expectations.
After the fun, I was given a great head massage and offered a second shower.
I have made an appointment for a second visit.