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Dood Deleted 66783

It happened on the 4th February and just been mentioned in the media, plus very limited in the information regarding the case
Probably because investigations are continuing. Some things are solved more quickly than others, criminals have to slip up and leave a trail sometimes. It took 20 looooonnnggg years for the Claremont Serial Killer to be caught.


Diamond Member
What do you know really? "far far too secure"? So that's why they're leaving in droves then? So that's why, despite the high salary and "jobs are far too secure" few people are signing up? Or if people sign up they're not of the right quality or can't pass basic tests on maturity, physical fitness or cognitive ability. I bet you'd never DARE go up to a couple of police people and repeat what you've written. What about police officers who die in the course of their work? How secure is that?

"As far as I know", "From what I know"? Seriously; been to a quiz night lately have you?

In your profile you claim to be unemployed. How does anyone become unemployed in this day and age unless they've mental or physical issues which you claim not to have? I know - join the police force, their jobs are too secure.


Silver Member
Member · From Perth
Joined Aug 1, 2021
Last seen Yesterday at 5:33 PM

Country Australia Post/Zip Code6052 Occupation Unemployed I am over 18 years old

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Don’t find Asian women attractive but thats all there is for cheap. I wish there was a cheap rnt in my area.

Here's a tip for you: https://thewest.com.au/politics/fed...dress-construction-worker-shortage-c-14579978

Rant over.
Valid point. But I don’t think anyone really puts all their info there.
If that were the case, I’m a sick cunt driving a 911 turbo S:excited:


Member Moderator
Staff member
Talking Turkey Moderator
So.......the original intent of this thread was to help raise awareness of the extent and seriousness of DV. No woman should have to sacrifice her life because her partner can't cope with his emotions. Men need to help their mates cope with rejection, disappointment and conflict in intimate relationships. Men need to call out aggressive, controlling, demeaning behaviour in their peer groups. Men are both the problem and a big part of the solution. Not all men take extreme measures but all men have to own it if we are to create positive change. I regret this thread ended up being adversarial, it blunted a simple message.


Diamond Member
Probably because investigations are continuing. Some things are solved more quickly than others, criminals have to slip up and leave a trail sometimes. It took 20 looooonnnggg years for the Claremont Serial Killer to be caught.
Thing is, they already had his DNA from previous cases he was convicted for.


Gold Member
its so sad and disheartening that the media and police took their time to publicly announce this homicide and i can guarantee you its because she's a "sex worker" unfortunately

Ive studied many cases of sex worker deaths primarily in America and the perpetrator being classed as a serial killer but the profiles are technically the same regardless, ive also done 2 courses, 1 being in drugs & alcohol and the other being harm reduction which covers drug harm reduction

i believe that there could be a few explanations on this murder

  1. 1 being that it genuinely could be an accident as the girl could've taken a large sum of drugs or the drugs were laced/ cut with something including and not limited to poisoning but giving the fact that a few have commented that this isn't the first case with the same perp its unlikely
  2. 2 (and most likely) this perp had intent to drug and possibly murder this victim (drugging a victim still doesn't always mean overdosing or murder)

most commonly when sex workers are killed especially by a serial perp is because they feel as if they're doing the community a favour by "cleaning" or "cleansing" the community as there is still a stigma on sex work and workers that they're "dirty" and/ or a "waste of space"

there is a chance that this perp is also a sexual predator and if so its likely he has some sort of sexual dysfunction, either he cant get it up or cant find a mate due to his looks, communication ect, (experienced serial sexual perps cant get it up without committing rape)

These are just some of the thoughts and questions that go through my head when i hear or read of a case like this
please share your thoughts with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i really hope that the victims and families involved get justice and some piece of mind

regarding the media
they probably didn't want to air this topic because it involves a sex worker and regardless to legalisation, sex work as a whole is still stigmatised especially in a blue collar world, and because Female Domestic Violence and women dying or becoming a victim by the hands of a man is a loud topic at the moment they probably didn't want to fill the fire with more, which i dont agree with, News is news regardless to how stigmatised or hard a topic is and the public deserve to know what's happening in their state/ country

i also wish that there were more things put in place to protect private escorts/ sex workers, a lot of girls dont even have a friend where they can tell details of the client like his name, phone number, address ect that can save a life and potentially catch a killer if no crumbs are left

Dood Deleted 66783

Thing is, they already had his DNA from previous cases he was convicted for.
Yes but they had to work back a looooooong way to look through previous criminal history to make a link. DNA evidence and scientific procedures weren't fully recognized as very credible in the 80s and even 90s. It was only when science and technology developed that a definite link between DNA and crimes could be ACCURATELY linked.

Dood Deleted 66783

its so sad and disheartening that the media and police took their time to publicly announce this homicide and i can guarantee you its because she's a "sex worker" unfortunately

Ive studied many cases of sex worker deaths primarily in America and the perpetrator being classed as a serial killer but the profiles are technically the same regardless, ive also done 2 courses, 1 being in drugs & alcohol and the other being harm reduction which covers drug harm reduction

i believe that there could be a few explanations on this murder

  1. 1 being that it genuinely could be an accident as the girl could've taken a large sum of drugs or the drugs were laced/ cut with something including and not limited to poisoning but giving the fact that a few have commented that this isn't the first case with the same perp its unlikely
  2. 2 (and most likely) this perp had intent to drug and possibly murder this victim (drugging a victim still doesn't always mean overdosing or murder)

most commonly when sex workers are killed especially by a serial perp is because they feel as if they're doing the community a favour by "cleaning" or "cleansing" the community as there is still a stigma on sex work and workers that they're "dirty" and/ or a "waste of space"

there is a chance that this perp is also a sexual predator and if so its likely he has some sort of sexual dysfunction, either he cant get it up or cant find a mate due to his looks, communication ect, (experienced serial sexual perps cant get it up without committing rape)

These are just some of the thoughts and questions that go through my head when i hear or read of a case like this
please share your thoughts with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i really hope that the victims and families involved get justice and some piece of mind

regarding the media
they probably didn't want to air this topic because it involves a sex worker and regardless to legalisation, sex work as a whole is still stigmatised especially in a blue collar world, and because Female Domestic Violence and women dying or becoming a victim by the hands of a man is a loud topic at the moment they probably didn't want to fill the fire with more, which i dont agree with, News is news regardless to how stigmatised or hard a topic is and the public deserve to know what's happening in their state/ country

i also wish that there were more things put in place to protect private escorts/ sex workers, a lot of girls dont even have a friend where they can tell details of the client like his name, phone number, address ect that can save a life and potentially catch a killer if no crumbs are left

In this day and age where media are trying to outdo each other with an "exclusive" what's stopping you from ringing up all the commercial channels, ABC and SBS and making your own video using your mobile phone and going public with this? You seem to have the courage of your convictions and theories about this. Seriously.


Gold Member
your right, i should but unfortunately this is just a hobby of mine and i prefer to live a very quite life, i used to openly advocate on topics like this, disabilities, mental health ect on my instagram account
as i have some personal experience but over the past year i have chosen to step back from my public advocation and choose a more "quite" life

i just thought id put my thoughts on this topic out there, i didnt mean any harm

Dood Deleted 66783

your right, i should but unfortunately this is just a hobby of mine and i prefer to live a very quite life, i used to openly advocate on topics like this, disabilities, mental health ect on my instagram account
as i have some personal experience but over the past year i have chosen to step back from my public advocation and choose a more "quite" life

i just thought id put my thoughts on this topic out there, i didnt mean any harm
Well done, all respect to you.

Dood Deleted 66783

Well done, all respect to you.
By the way, I was a mega-huge fan of M*A*S*H* in my youth and I (and probably an entire planet of youth) drove ourselves blind fantasizing over Major Hot Lips Houlihan. I don't know if that inspired your name or it was something else! Loretta Swit - be still my heart! The TV series was wait for it... a M*A*S*H*terpiece!

Then: 1715226841340.png

2018: 1715226941788.png
For those who don't know, that's Corporal Klinger on her right.


Gold Member
By the way, I was a mega-huge fan of M*A*S*H* in my youth and I (and probably an entire planet of youth) drove ourselves blind fantasizing over Major Hot Lips Houlihan. I don't know if that inspired your name or it was something else! Loretta Swit - be still my heart! The TV series was wait for it... a M*A*S*H*terpiece!

Then: View attachment 214962

2018: View attachment 214963
For those who don't know, that's Corporal Klinger on her right.
unfortunately not, my boss here at Langtrees named me "Hot Lips" based on how plump and gorgeous my natural lips are, id prefer it to be slave8ngel as thats my instagram username and i use it for everything but ill settle for hot lips and im glad to see that people have there own interoperation on it xx

Dood Deleted 66783

unfortunately not, my boss here at Langtrees named me "Hot Lips" based on how plump and gorgeous my natural lips are, id prefer it to be slave8ngel as thats my instagram username and i use it for everything but ill settle for hot lips and im glad to see that people have there own interoperation on it xx
Could have been worse, she could have you named you Rubberlips a.k.a. Mick Jagger!


Diamond Member
Uber drivers and health workers assaulting their female clients makes bigger headlines and sells papers.

Things that happen in the shadier areas of life less so.

That doesn’t mean they are less important in the eyes of the law.

It could be the person of interest has fled the country so authorities need to play the waiting game while compiling the evidence. Remember, in criminal law it needs to be proven beyond reasonable doubt, there’s no second bite of the cherry if they fail to convict. This may prevent matters proceeding not because the victim worked on a less favourably viewed upon industry.

Whether there was intent to cause harm or it was unintentional either way criminal charges can follow.

Is it better to convict for manslaughter than fail to convict for murder due to insufficient/unsupportive evidence?

Better they are incarcerated for a period of time than to be roaming the streets.

Hopefully it has alerted people to take precautions they previously considered unnecessary.


Diamond Member
It was in the paper.
Sadly another beautiful angle was murdered by a selfish shallow little man.
Regardless if the woman was a working girl or the beautiful Nanna who was bashed in the home invasion last week.
No woman no man Should be murdered in any way.
Life taken far to early.
The lady murdered by this germ has a family who are now doubt are greaving for the lost of their beautiful daughter.
Very sad 😢.
Condolences to the family 🙏
Last edited:

Dood Deleted 66783


Legend Member


Diamond Member
Yes but they had to work back a looooooong way to look through previous criminal history to make a link. DNA evidence and scientific procedures weren't fully recognized as very credible in the 80s and even 90s. It was only when science and technology developed that a definite link between DNA and crimes could be ACCURATELY linked.
Also, they had fibres from a VP Commodore on file but kept their eyes trained on a Hyundai owner for more than 10 years until he died of stress.

Just like the Daniel Morecombe case in the Sunshine Coast. The cops were barking ferociously up the wrong tree on both occasions.

Dood Deleted 66783

Also, they had fibres from a VP Commodore on file but kept their eyes trained on a Hyundai owner for more than 10 years until he died of stress.

Just like the Daniel Morecombe case in the Sunshine Coast. The cops were barking ferociously up the wrong tree on both occasions.
The thing about eyes trained... they stopped once they had a new clue. Secondly, in all due fairness and sad though his death was to stress-related cancer, he did give them good grounds for suspicion, going around like a good samaritan picking up lost looking strangers in the vicinity. He was a decent but lonely and socially awkward bloke. Mrs. Langtrees knew him in passing.

Dood Deleted 66783

your right, i should but unfortunately this is just a hobby of mine and i prefer to live a very quite life, i used to openly advocate on topics like this, disabilities, mental health ect on my instagram account
as i have some personal experience but over the past year i have chosen to step back from my public advocation and choose a more "quite" life

i just thought id put my thoughts on this topic out there, i didnt mean any harm
If you're a fan of The Office (UK Version), Drop the Dead Donkey, you'll probably like Mash. It's all over youtube, I suspect you can watch the entire tv series somewhere. The series about the Korean War actually lasted than the Korean war itself.


Diamond Member
If you're a fan of The Office (UK Version), Drop the Dead Donkey, you'll probably like Mash. It's all over youtube, I suspect you can watch the entire tv series somewhere. The series about the Korean War actually lasted than the Korean war itself.
The cartoon strip Beetle Bailey comes to mind. The eponymous college student got drafted for the Korean War and has been there ever since.

Dood Deleted 66783

I wouldn't. It's very fraught with danger and before you know it, friends and spouses break up. Accusations fly and there's enough violence in society as it is.


Gold Member
and that's why YMMV .. faceless mob# asking too many Qus .. 🤖

FYI, I never ask until I see the person face2face.
Did you think to ask yurself why would she say Yes, when she has never met yu .. hasn't any real idea who or what you are , and could be asking the same qu at her end .." what's HE look like ? "
She advertises as legit so go with that in mind , or don't go. 🤷
lol there are and always have been to many numpties that ask to many questions via text rather than face to face lol


Diamond Member
I recommend laser hair removal as an alternative to waxing.
It’s a more long term solution so long as your hair is black. Highly unlikely you’ll find a clinic that gives extras but it’s very effective and not all that painful