its so sad and disheartening that the media and police took their time to publicly announce this homicide and i can guarantee you its because she's a "sex worker" unfortunately
Ive studied many cases of sex worker deaths primarily in America and the perpetrator being classed as a serial killer but the profiles are technically the same regardless, ive also done 2 courses, 1 being in drugs & alcohol and the other being harm reduction which covers drug harm reduction
i believe that there could be a few explanations on this murder
- 1 being that it genuinely could be an accident as the girl could've taken a large sum of drugs or the drugs were laced/ cut with something including and not limited to poisoning but giving the fact that a few have commented that this isn't the first case with the same perp its unlikely
- 2 (and most likely) this perp had intent to drug and possibly murder this victim (drugging a victim still doesn't always mean overdosing or murder)
most commonly when sex workers are killed especially by a serial perp is because they feel as if they're doing the community a favour by "cleaning" or "cleansing" the community as there is still a stigma on sex work and workers that they're "dirty" and/ or a "waste of space"
there is a chance that this perp is also a sexual predator and if so its likely he has some sort of sexual dysfunction, either he cant get it up or cant find a mate due to his looks, communication ect, (experienced serial sexual perps cant get it up without committing rape)
These are just some of the thoughts and questions that go through my head when i hear or read of a case like this
please share your thoughts with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i really hope that the victims and families involved get justice and some piece of mind
regarding the media
they probably didn't want to air this topic because it involves a sex worker and regardless to legalisation, sex work as a whole is still stigmatised especially in a blue collar world, and because Female Domestic Violence and women dying or becoming a victim by the hands of a man is a loud topic at the moment they probably didn't want to fill the fire with more, which i dont agree with, News is news regardless to how stigmatised or hard a topic is and the public deserve to know what's happening in their state/ country
i also wish that there were more things put in place to protect private escorts/ sex workers, a lot of girls dont even have a friend where they can tell details of the client like his name, phone number, address ect that can save a life and potentially catch a killer if no crumbs are left