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Post 29 below explains the topics relevance here and a very modest attempt to help others if needed. At worst we will be dumb motherfuckers who tried.
I'm sorry to keep banging on about DV. But it's a men's issue for the most part. Yes our 'relationship roles' are changing as the years progress but that's no excuse for violence towards those we love who have little chance of defending themselves. Words, including mine are cheap. I'm immeasurably sad, disappointed and confused about the behaviour of some of my brothers who lash out rather than talk it out......and walk away if needed. Here is just a thought for you all on TS to consider. TS is about paying for sex for the most part. TS would therefore have some members that are paying for sex because they have unsatisfactory relationships at home. I'm sure 99.9% of those unsatisfactory relationships don't involve DV. It just is what it is and we blokes just need something to make us feel good and SW's do just that! However If there is the 00.1% that are struggling to cope with their relationships and anger maybe we should have a seperate link on here for guys to DM other guys to have a chat. TS is anonymous so there is privacy to message and discuss sensitive stuff. I guess I want to take action, offer support and do something to help. Reading the news every morning to see lives lost to DV can be changed but we all have to help that change.
You are banging on quite abit and to be honest it’s getting boring. This is a sex forum if you have forgotten. Why don’t to donate some money to domestic violence victims if you care so much instead of spending it on prostitutes.
You where right apart from going back home to Hong Kong..she has had her boobs enhanced from B to D...I prefer natural boobs myself but saw her today and she is happy with result, so that's the main at Craigie was very busy. Need to book if you want to see Yovia.
Oh James, stop looking at the mirror will you? In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. In your case it's bordering on myopic. It's well known that Melinda Gates looked at your dick and came up with a name for her husband's new venture. She told Bill what inspired it i.e. your dick and thus Bill came up with the name "Microsoft".
One thing I'll say about such a topic being here is that it makes me overwhelmed with gratitude that only 9 of my kids are severely intellectually disabled
Moderator I think this thread, but sadly not the topic, has run its course. I'd recommend that it now be locked. It's descending into childishness (and I'm not innocent of this).
May she rest whoever she was. Stories like this are too often ignored due to the fact we are working ladies. We are all human. Any life lost due to foul play must be investigated and treated the same way as any other. It saddens me that it is 2024 and this is still not the case. All losses should be treated with respect and dignity
As far as I know, Australian Police's jobs are far far too secure. From what I know, nothing that doesn't concern the Australian Police's own safety is a serious enough matter for the Australian Police detective's to act upon.
You are banging on quite abit and to be honest it’s getting boring. This is a sex forum if you have forgotten. Why don’t to donate some money to domestic violence victims if you care so much instead of spending it on prostitutes.
Well fuck off and stop reading the post. Clearly you are one of the assholes that stands in the way of violence against women. If you dont oppose it, you are it...enough said.
One thing I'll say about such a topic being here is that it makes me overwhelmed with gratitude that only 9 of my kids are severely intellectually disabled
As far as I know, Australian Police's jobs are far far too secure. From what I know, nothing that doesn't concern the Australian Police's own safety is a serious enough matter for the Australian Police detective's to act upon.
As far as I know, Australian Police's jobs are far far too secure. From what I know, nothing that doesn't concern the Australian Police's own safety is a serious enough matter for the Australian Police detective's to act upon.
What do you know really? "far far too secure"? So that's why they're leaving in droves then? So that's why, despite the high salary and "jobs are far too secure" few people are signing up? Or if people sign up they're not of the right quality or can't pass basic tests on maturity, physical fitness or cognitive ability. I bet you'd never DARE go up to a couple of police people and repeat what you've written. What about police officers who die in the course of their work? How secure is that?
"As far as I know", "From what I know"? Seriously; been to a quiz night lately have you?
In your profile you claim to be unemployed. How does anyone become unemployed in this day and age unless they've mental or physical issues which you claim not to have? I know - join the police force, their jobs are too secure.
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Member · From Perth
Joined Aug 1, 2021
Last seen Yesterday at 5:33 PM
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Don’t find Asian women attractive but thats all there is for cheap. I wish there was a cheap rnt in my area.
No wonder women feel unsafe on the streets James. You are the poster boy for 'men behaving badly' Please always engage in safe sex, the prospect of you having children is scary. As Westozman has said, move on. You are disgracing yourself and by association our gender with your comments.. This thread may be valuable to some men who will read it in the future, with minds more open than yours. Please find other threads to share your wisdom.
James, your words will be locked in for eternity. You will never be able to take back your words. You words and attitude will hang over your head for the rest of your time on this forum. People like you are a net drain on society. You hurt everyone in your life and society as a whole. You cannot see the point to making anything better and hence your entire output is trying to make others lives unbearable.
There's usually only one way to deal with nihilist misogynists like you but fortunately for you, I don't have the licence for that. There are probably some others in here that do. Pray you never meet them. Especially the parents of DV victims you take so lightly.
James, your words will be locked in for eternity. You will never be able to take back your words. You words and attitude will hang over your head for the rest of your time on this forum. People like you are a net drain on society. You hurt everyone in your life and society as a whole. You cannot see the point to making anything better and hence your entire output is trying to make others lives unbearable.
There's usually only one way to deal with nihilist misogynists like you but fortunately for you, I don't have the licence for that. There are probably some others in here that do. Pray you never meet them. Especially the parents of DV victims you take so lightly.
That echo you hear is your own laughter in an empty room. Oh and did you deliberately choose Slobulus for your profile photo? Very appropriate and a nice choice in the circumstances. Go away!