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Thank you Amelia for sharing. And thank you for being the only lady to share. Lived experiences resonate more than my conjecture. TBH I'm really disappointed that more men haven't joined this discussion. Lot's of post likes but very few comments/contributions. It's time for men to own the bad behaviour of their fellow men. Call it out, help your mates, offer solutions and support. make a difference! Stop men killing their loved ones.
Thank you.
The system continues to abuse the victim too which is also another reason women are too scared to leave, alot of the time they are also financially abused so they don't have the means to leave, but also once they leave it gets worse.
If you report it you have to prove yourself over and over, defence lawyers will do whatever they can to discredit your character to show your obviously lying about the abuse, in WA there is only a couple of judges who deal with family and domestic violence meaning it going through the courts can take years, you have to live in fear until they get sentenced IF they get sentenced whilst they continue to abuse you through the courts, it's awful. You have to be so strong and alot of women are broken down that they just give up meaning that man is free to do it again to them or to someone else.
It's pretty scary how common it it and how long the delay is for it to go through the courts.
and that's why YMMV .. faceless mob# asking too many Qus .. 🤖

FYI, I never ask until I see the person face2face.
Did you think to ask yurself why would she say Yes, when she has never met yu .. hasn't any real idea who or what you are , and could be asking the same qu at her end .." what's HE look like ? "
She advertises as legit so go with that in mind , or don't go. 🤷
You seems fan of her !!😉 just kidding. I will contact her n go. Thnx
Thank you.
The system continues to abuse the victim too which is also another reason women are too scared to leave, alot of the time they are also financially abused so they don't have the means to leave, but also once they leave it gets worse.
If you report it you have to prove yourself over and over, defence lawyers will do whatever they can to discredit your character to show your obviously lying about the abuse, in WA there is only a couple of judges who deal with family and domestic violence meaning it going through the courts can take years, you have to live in fear until they get sentenced IF they get sentenced whilst they continue to abuse you through the courts, it's awful. You have to be so strong and alot of women are broken down that they just give up meaning that man is free to do it again to them or to someone else.
It's pretty scary how common it it and how long the delay is for it to go through the courts.
The courts are scary and intimidating places for anyone that ends up there, no matter what the issue. I'm sure that's x10 when it comes to an abusive partner who is hell bent on control and who is being held to account for controlling and misogynistic behaviour. The system is flawed, it seeks evidence that is most often found in experiences lived not documents or permissible evidence. They are sad excuses of men that hide behind legal process.
The last part of your comment, please remember when someone is in a abusive relationship it's VERY hard to see things for what they are, completely love bombed followed by becoming trauma bonded and gaslight so much that you genuinely think your the problem, red flags are present and others can see it immediately but when in the situation it's extremely hard to get out. They are extremely manipulative and calculating as well as literally making you believe everything is your fault. It's not always a choice we make.. we are trapped and sometimes getting out is the worst part of all because we know what they are truly capable of. Abuse usually escalates after we leave.. the control they had is being pulled away and they don't like it.. sometimes they feel if they can't have you nobody can, they genuinely believe we have done wrong and they are very very manipulative. Well done to your sister for getting out of the situation
I think my post has been misunderstood. As I said, he never touched her, never hit her (to the best of my knowledge). She wanted him to not be who he was i.e. the bad boy, she wanted to change him, she wanted him to stop doing his hobbies and be more at home because she was fearful he was playing around. And his bad boy reputation caused issues between them as he was her first. And as I said, she had turned the place upside down on at least one occasion when I went to pick her up after they had a fight. And she left my place the next day and went back. Despite the heavy fights they had, she went back, and pleaded for him to come back to Perth back to her even after he abandoned her. It was never going to work out as they were wrong for each other. I wouldn't say that she got herself out, he basically left the country (I guess you could say he got out of the situation). The last part of my comment was a statement of fact, not a critique of her.
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I think it's because this is a sensitive topic whereby expressing one's opinions is likely to get one flamed. This is not the only sensitive topic here where I have noticed that there seems to be a lack of opinions.
Thanks for sharing everything you have mate. You have helped to make this thread a lot more valuable thanks to your insights. You spoke up, that's so important in the whole DV discussion. Without you, Amelia and a very few others there would be crickets and post likes. Kind of speaks to the magnitude of the problem somewhat.
I think it's because this is a sensitive topic whereby expressing one's opinions is likely to get one flamed. This is not the only sensitive topic here where I have noticed that there seems to be a lack of opinions.
Thank you for being there for your sister. Just know when you got her it meant alot but unfortunately trauma bond is a fucked up thing hence so many women die even after being helped time and time again.

I would share my story but people would feel sorry for me and I don't want that 😔
I got told by my brother the other day ' I don't know how you are how you are and how you do everything you do when most people who have been through less than what you have would have had a nervous breakdown' and that hit home because it's probably very true.

Thank you for making this post and making people aware and for speaking up.

that's why u should always use burners phone with fake id's....if caught...bastard...if not ....best hubby....
You’ve lost me there mate not everyone has answers for this serious issue
The answers are sure to be found in frank and open discussion. Men, all men, need to own the problem as only we can fix it.
Yep, a big factor indeed. And guess who picked those guys while poindexter was overlooked?

I'll share a story. My sister fell over head over heels for a burly good looking dude. Broad shoulders and killer smile kind of guy. The kind of guy who could pick up a chic without blinking while the rest of us blokes have to pay ;). I knew the guy and knew he was a playboy and temperamental, not the kind my sister would have wanted. I warned and pleaded with her it wasn't going to work out, but you know, love and all.

Long story short, they got married and began to have problems. She would call me in the middle of the night because they had a fight. On one such occasion, I went to pick her up. She wouldn't let me past the front door but I could see the place was turned upside down. He hadn't touched her but she had thrown shit around. Anyway, I bring her back to my place and give her the spare room. When I woke up in the morning, she was gone and had left a note. She was making excuses for him. She went back. Fast forward, the guy left her hanging and is working overseas banging chicks there. And my sister pleads for him to come back. She basically had to restart her life, get a degree, get a new job etc. I know she secretly longs for them to be together again but the reality is that is not going to happen.
When women stay in situations like that they deserve what they get. If I went to the zoo and jumped over the fence to pat the lion on his head and pulled his tail and I up eaten alive whose fault would it be? The naughty lion? 😂😂😂
I think what James is trying to say is whoever makes a bad choice has to directly own it.
I think James misses the whole concept of coercive control and how women are trapped by it. It's financial control, psychological control, physical control, humiliation, threats to them and children to name a few elements. Very few women would consciously make a bad choice at the outset of a relationship. The bad choice becomes evident over time.........fast forward to coercive control and they are trapped.
Very few women would consciously make a bad choice at the outset of a relationship.
You would be surprised how many do. Happened to my sister despite warnings and clear evidence her choice was a bad one. Happened to the daughters of a few friends of mine, now all single struggling mother's. I encourage women to think rationally rather than emotionally and put aside the tingles when it comes to choosing a partner and the father of their children. I encourage fathers and brothers to speak up to guide their daughters and sisters. I know it's easier said than done but if 10 out of 100 women listen and can be saved from a miserable abusive life, then it's a win.
I pretty much agree and understand most of the comments on here. Even those that say "it's her fault for staying". I've told myself that to justify to myself that its not my fault that i can't save her. For a guy who won't cross that line to kidnap or force a woman to do something unwillingly, its like being chained up watching someone you love self harm in front of you. I guess it's not so different to a parent watching their child addicted to drugs but love is the drug.
I pretty much agree and understand most of the comments on here. Even those that say "it's her fault for staying". I've told myself that to justify to myself that its not my fault that i can't save her. For a guy who won't cross that line to kidnap or force a woman to do something unwillingly, its like being chained up watching someone you love self harm in front of you. I guess it's not so different to a parent watching their child addicted to drugs but love is the drug.
Well said. Sometimes we feel powerless to avoid the train wreck we see unfolding before us. I guess what matters is to be there when they do reach out. There is little solace in being right from the beginning but much to be gained by being there at the end to help.
I think James misses the whole concept of coercive control and how women are trapped by it. It's financial control, psychological control, physical control, humiliation, threats to them and children to name a few elements. Very few women would consciously make a bad choice at the outset of a relationship. The bad choice becomes evident over time.........fast forward to coercive control and they are
Or maybe people need to take personal responsibility