Yep, a big factor indeed. And guess who picked those guys while poindexter was overlooked?
I'll share a story. My sister fell over head over heels for a burly good looking dude. Broad shoulders and killer smile kind of guy. The kind of guy who could pick up a chic without blinking while the rest of us blokes have to pay

. I knew the guy and knew he was a playboy and temperamental, not the kind my sister would have wanted. I warned and pleaded with her it wasn't going to work out, but you know, love and all.
Long story short, they got married and began to have problems. She would call me in the middle of the night because they had a fight. On one such occasion, I went to pick her up. She wouldn't let me past the front door but I could see the place was turned upside down. He hadn't touched her but she had thrown shit around. Anyway, I bring her back to my place and give her the spare room. When I woke up in the morning, she was gone and had left a note. She was making excuses for him. She went back. Fast forward, the guy left her hanging and is working overseas banging chicks there. And my sister pleads for him to come back. She basically had to restart her life, get a degree, get a new job etc. I know she secretly longs for them to be together again but the reality is that is not going to happen.