I tend to want to over explore whats what with every punt but today, I opted out.
I frequently find myself seeking new experiences/options all to often regardless of the scenario AMP/Brothel/Private WL and it gets in the way more and more I find, or maybe I’m getting old and bored and/or curious?
Today I went to an AMP in Como and got a pleasant massage and when the options were proffered…..just opted for a HJ, paid, and was gently hustled for a more involved option but declined to go beyond this.
During the process as I enjoyed the massage the lady “checked in“ on me a couple of times as I was very passively enjoying it, possibly to check if I hadn’t died or passed out perhaps?
Then laid back and allowed the lady to perform what was agreed, enjoyed it for what it was, felt her hands gently work my bits and and a few minutes later experienced relief and a gentle “clean up” with a hot towel.
Got dressed, exchanged the usual pleasantries and left………perfect.