so i went to glengarry shop centre today to check this joint out. never been to this centre (if it can be called a centre), before. its a dump. you can walk its length from east to west in twelve seconds.
the AMP in question is a thai parlour. for some reason i thought it was a nail and beauty shop and one had to walk upstairs in to the section wherein the massages take place, but its just a pain, small single storey shop from what I could tell. i was happy with that. the centre was also pretty dead and I don't think anyone actually saw me walk in or out of it, which is handy.
the shop itself reeks of being an RnT. dingy and dodgy. heaven knows what the other shop owners think of it. I guess they don't really care. when I walked in there was no one in reception to greet me, so I yelled out and a distinctly thai voice beckoned a colleague to come see me. out then walked a plain looking woman in drab clothing who was obviously thai or Burmese. i found her totally unappealing. she didn't take any money upfront, and asked me how long I wanted to stay for and whether or not I wanted a traditional thai massage or one with oil. i opted for the hour then stuttered in my response relating to the type of massage I wanted, so she recommended she use oil. I was ushered in to the room at the very back, on the right, and im pretty sure she told me to take "all clothes off". I chose to leave my undies on just to see what she would do about it later on. the take "all clothes off" was the first sign that I had walked in to an RnT, if I hadn't already known.
when she came back in she started muttering to herself and this kept on going, intermittently, for the next ten minutes. I don't know why south east Asians mutter, but its weird. when the massage started, she soon asked if i should take my undies off. she went to pull them back to reveal my cheeks but said its better if she massages with them completely off. thats another tell-tale sign of course that you will probably get offered extras toward the end of the session. as far as the massage is concerned, you can tell that she had no professional training. I requested a medium to hard massage but what I ended up getting was part sensual, part long and hard strokes. i didn't mind. and when the cock and ball teasing started, I was in heaven. its almost the best ive had. the way she progressed from what appeared to be inadvertent/accidental touching to more aggressive fondling - without it appearing overt - was genius.
my masseuse also had soft hands, so it felt great.
but this got me thinking. masseuses with this approach have got some brazenness about them. what if I was a married man who had just dropped my wife off at the coffee shop three doors down and wanted a normal massage only? remember, I did leave my jocks on to begin with and it is perfectly acceptable to think that I was walking in to a legit parlour, considering its location within a centre, if I wasn't experienced enough in these matters to know what I was really walking in to. I admit that I did remove my undies when she said it would be better if I did, but surely she couldn't take that as a licence to start the fondling and touching? i started thinking about this because she commenced the fondling very early on. the first brush of the balls occurred within thirty seconds of the massage starting. obviously, I welcomed it, but she didn't know whether I would or not when she started!! other masseuses do very little teasing, and it is often masked as accidental. then when they ask you to roll over, youre asked directly if you want extras. I can only assume that my masseuse today thought that every guy willing to be massaged in the nude can be fondled. or maybe she purposefully starts off gently to gauge reaction - unlike the other masseuses described above who do very little touching and only ask you if you want extras after they've seen your dick harden.
anyway... back to the story. when she asked me to roll over, she made no attempt to cover my front with a towel. so there I was... starkers... ready to be wanked. but then something very strange happened. she proceeded to tease me very aggressively but never went for the gland. I was erect and ready but all she did was massage my inner thighs and press down on my pelvis, placing a hand either side of my cock. I couldn't believe it. I had just been subjected to at least 40 minutes of teasing which grew in intensity and had the sole purpose of priming the punter for the inevitable, only to find that she didn't want a bar of it (pun intended).
after a few minutes of this I was starting to really question the intelligence of this woman, until she finally bent down and asked...
...guess what she asked....????? WOULD YOU LIKE A .... HOT TOWEL???
I was left with no option but to grab her hand and put it on my todger. she then said, " oh... you want?!". it was ridiculous. I have never been in the presence of someone with every reason to close a sale and just ignore it.
suffice to say that my tool lost a bit of blood and flopped. I also had to finish myself off in the end. has that happened to anyone else? do you often find yourself finishing yourself off because the girl doesn't turn you on enough or she doesn't tug hard enough
god bless u all