just add my two bobs worth..
i too just wanted a massage cause of a tired aching back, so i went to my local AMP where i did have one or six good times before, and it is 10 minutes walk from my house and the massage was always very good, hard and soothing i guess for lack of a better word.
After each massage and extras i got, the WL in question was always so friendly etc.
That was until one time i just wanted a massage, no extra just massage. Got the massage, im feeling good, cause it was a good massage, then the question, what extra you like.
Well, her demeanor changed when i said, no extra, i just needed a massage.
Remember she was always friendly before, but not that day, no hug, no touchy feely, nothing.. well that was 2 years ago now and as i walked home, i thought, well not going back there again, even though it is 10 minutes from my house.
i now go out of my way to see the ones that treat me right. and also if i need a massage i see a legit one now, which i found some months after that episode.