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Horny Bugger
Gold Member
Man, there are just some days that you would trade your left nut for a great blow job. Feeling that today.

Lauren I'd love to come visit you dahl, but I've got no transport at the moment.

Don't suppose there are any ladies in walking distance of Mt Lawley that feel like a mutual masturbation session or some quick (no intercourse) fun? (is there a rub'n'tug place in mt lawley somewhere??)

Long shot I know, but if you don't ask!! :icon_blow


I hate those days!
When i work away those days are sooooo much worse to deal with lol


Lauren, your posts are awesome. Love that you get caught up in the details! :)

Thankyou for the compliment Hotsauce, great nic btw. Yes I do tend to get caught up in my words.

I actually have quite a bad memory when it comes to remembering events etc. But I have a brilliant photographic memory and an even better gift of being able to recall feelings and emotions. A lot of the time it is extremely overwhelming, thankfully there are more good than bad.

I also become completely engrossed in descriptive writings and love listening to someone retell an enjoyable experience ... I take it all in with all of my senses ... its like I am actually there.

So I don't mind retelling my escapades and experiences cos I get to feel sooooooo good ... over and over again.

Lauren x

The One

Another thing to be aware of is that there are a lot of druggies and drug dealers who frequent / use the main motels on Great Eastern Hwy. The Police are aware of this and regularly do raids on these rooms.
Its easy for people to think that Police are targeting one thing or another when in fact the dealers who work out of these rooms are the targets.


It is true, great easter motor lodge and toorak got raided . They look at rooms rented out under single female names so its best to book and the names of a male n female couple, even if you do get cought as long as you are paying tax it is fine.

Sensual ~ Vanessa

Gold Member
logic says to me, why stay at places like that if they are prone to raids. There are other options, sometimes yes you have to pay more but for peace of mind, its worth it! And the fact there is 2 of you, the cost will be split. The toorak and others like it, have a colourful reputation.


Tantalizing Temptress
Gold Member
Re: Friend with Benefits

Hey Lauren,

glad you're enjoying your FwB situation :D

always good to find a friend who can press all the buttons :)


Re: Friend with Benefits

Hey Sub :notworthy

Nice you hear from you ... my FwB and I are thinking about attending the Wangara club tomorrow night. Fancy joining us ? Pm me if you do.

Lauren x


Tantalizing Temptress
Gold Member
Re: Friend with Benefits

hmmmm maybe maybe... if my FB doesnt make it tonight, then definately! haha. im sick of waiting for him to say yes or no!!! lol.

Just a shame its such a long trek for me! over an hour drive each way :( always have a great time there tho. Actually, will be well over an hour with all the cops on the road 2mrw night! hahaha.

shall let you know if i make a decision. probabably wont know until about an hour before i decide to leave 2mrw though. Im too indecisive. LOL. Im working all weekend this weekend, so kinda means im totally stuffed :(


Re: Friend with Benefits

hmmmm maybe maybe... if my FB doesnt make it tonight, then definately! haha. im sick of waiting for him to say yes or no!!! lol.

Just a shame its such a long trek for me! over an hour drive each way :( always have a great time there tho. Actually, will be well over an hour with all the cops on the road 2mrw night! hahaha.

shall let you know if i make a decision. probabably wont know until about an hour before i decide to leave 2mrw though. Im too indecisive. LOL. Im working all weekend this weekend, so kinda means im totally stuffed :(

MMM ... now I'm gonna twist your arm ... see your guy ... or bring him tomorrow .. or join us ... we need you to show us around ... its our first visit.

You can stay at mine overnight which isn't too far for driving ... in you own bed of course ... well thats if you want :p

Lauren x


Tantalizing Temptress
Gold Member
Re: Friend with Benefits

haha i cant crash im afraid, i have my poor puppy dog left home alone. cant be out for longer than about 12hours otherwise might come home to a mess.... ewwwwww. LOL

bring him? somehow cant see that happening..... PDA with him dont happen..... and he already said no to having a 3sum!!!! haha

I have been wanting to head back out there for a while now.... depends how work goes 2mrw. If i can get a nap in after work, then i will probably head out.... :)


Re: Friend with Benefits

Hi Sonia

CHeck you Private Message Inbox

Lauren x


I'm glad things worked out for you. Maybe you could still find some new friends here tho? :)


Firstly, in reality I dont think you have anything to worry about. The police have got far more pressing issues to deal with than a couple of pvt girls working from a Hotel, there just isn't enough specialist officers to go around and I think they'd be more concerned more pressing issues.


Fraid not in Kal they were well known for hanging round the hotels making sure the windows were balcked out sufficiently that you couldnt see skimpys and rigerousl enforcing the skimpy dress code and ensuring no tossing went on

mean while the rest of us were hard pressd getting them to evict "de brudders" from our houses


Cindy whilst it is true that the Police have more important things to focus on, as stated by PC Thug, they never the less MUST respond to a formal complaint. So, if for example a former boyfriend or a neighbour or someone with specific moral issues were to lodge a formal complaint, then the Police would investigate.

If I can help you any way please feel free to PM me, anytime.

Love Amberley x

no they DONT they can just ask you to come in and make a statement - they dont have to respond


Re: Friend with Benefits

I will be in perth in may.
Very interested in catching up should we hit it off


I'm in WA and as long as i don't rent a property for the purposes of prostution or discuss it in public or approach clients (they must approach me) then i'm abiding by the law and i don't worry. You just need to know the law in your area.

teach me

any escorts or girl want to teach a VIRGIN GUY

hey im a tall guy 192cm, average body build 85kg ezy going bit shy get told im good looking but never had much luck picking up girls coz i work away and rarly get time plz help dont want to go to an escort and be embarised or any sugetions of escorts to make me feal comftable i like tall woman but any thing will do
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hi teach me,
I would be more than happy to teach you. I am a very open and approchable person. Just PM me if you like, we were all learners once. :)


Hey Teach Me

I had a mate that was in a similar situation

Best thing for him was having an amazing wing girl like me. We go out, scope the place for chicks, hit up conversation, theyre not threatened because he is with a girl etc etc
And being a girl, if he has any girl questions he has me to ask.

Sure its took us a while before he worked up the courage to seal the deal, but its better than leaving him alone with his anxiety...

Not saying a WL wouldnt be able to teach you a few things, but you should also work on meeting women... We dont all bite. Unless you ask nicely
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Silver Member
Hi all,

I am wanting full service if possible tonight or tomorrow maybe??

i love bondage / fetish, and also fantasy/ cross dressing etc.

let me know what u do and where..

W/L is fine but i costs have to be <250/hr thanks


Hi girls I'm a Perth 32 year old single male and very fit love to please in the bedroom and like giving massages and having a laugh. Know you have seen these requests a thousand times but if your up for some fun with someone who can be cheeky and discreet pm me. Have my own place aswell and I can come to you if you like. Don't b shy now!! :D