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spewing!! its not very often you find a girl willing to do something like that :(


at least your partner is considering! some of us has lee imaginitive ladies.


I apologise profusely if I haven't replied to everyone who has replied or pmed me. I have been quite busy recently with work, life etc. Although I have managed to squeeze in some quality me time in between :p.

Met up with a hot guy last week midweek. We spent 5 hours sitting on the beach, having a few drinks, lots of laughs, and some hot sex. I had no intention of putting on a show for the few fishermen and odd couples and lovers, but my hormones got the better of me. I am a sucker for a good kisser, so kissing led to fondling which led to him sucking my nipples just the way I like it. Didn't take long till I was so horny that i moved down to suck him till he blew ... yummo. Some more kissing, talking, laughing, flirting, and I was begging him to take me from behind, which he gladly complied. He seriously blew me away and he seemed quite satisfied too..lol.

We have met up for a second time which was even more awesome...but won't go into detail right now cos after typing all that I need to go relieve myself. :-O

Lauren x


glad to hear things are fun at your place sexy hope you have many more adventures like this one


Re: Friend with Benefits

Hi Retrowolf

Its unfortunate that your experience hasn't been very positive. I have stated quite clearly in my profile and most of my posts that I am a w/l. I have have just as many enquiries from prospective clientel as I have had for FB or FWB.

I wouldn't expect to be paid, when someone is replying to my request. Afterall I get paid to please people when I am working, I feel lucky that I can actually have someone please me for free. And trust me I am not above paying for services myself, lol. I have done and probably will do in the future.

I really do hope you find what you are looking for, as you sound like a genuinely nice guy.

Lauren x


Re: Friend with Benefits

Hi Lauren, so pleased it is working for you. please keep us informed on developments.
love Amberley x.


Re: Friend with Benefits


I just joined the forum tonight, been "guesting" for months though. Seems I may as well not have bothered. I would love to have a genuine friendship with a Lady as some of us blokes aren't just in it to get our rocks off. I love loving but the Ladies seem too reluctant to admit that they might be lonely and want Male company / intimacy without strings or with, if that is what they want, they can have strings. Forums like this could be a good way to go around all the pretentious BS that you go through when meeting a Lady in a pub or party or something, if only the Ladies weren't just playing on the needs of nature by taking advantage of guys that are willing to pay for the privilege. It is nigh on impossible to be taken seriously as a genuine guy, as I reckon all the Ladies think is that our brains are in our dicks and all we want to do is bonk. Sure, nature is nature and guys have needs, but how come Ladies don't seem to have the same needs? I don't get it. Come Ladies, someone prove me wrong, or have I lived my life misunderstanding basic humanity?


Legend Member
Hi all and please welcome a new old an of 39... Willing to help prove that you can teach an old dog new tricks so if anybody can help answer a few silly questions from time to time hen thanks... ::)


Re: Friend with Benefits

Hi Amberley,

Will update this post while people seem interested in the discussion.

Looking forward to meeting you.

Lauren x


Re: Friend with Benefits


I just joined the forum tonight, been "guesting" for months though. Seems I may as well not have bothered. I would love to have a genuine friendship with a Lady as some of us blokes aren't just in it to get our rocks off. I love loving but the Ladies seem too reluctant to admit that they might be lonely and want Male company / intimacy without strings or with, if that is what they want, they can have strings. Forums like this could be a good way to go around all the pretentious BS that you go through when meeting a Lady in a pub or party or something, if only the Ladies weren't just playing on the needs of nature by taking advantage of guys that are willing to pay for the privilege. It is nigh on impossible to be taken seriously as a genuine guy, as I reckon all the Ladies think is that our brains are in our dicks and all we want to do is bonk. Sure, nature is nature and guys have needs, but how come Ladies don't seem to have the same needs? I don't get it. Come Ladies, someone prove me wrong, or have I lived my life misunderstanding basic humanity?

Hi Kindboy

Thanks for your reply and input. I don't know if I could prove you wrong regarding basic humanity. But hopefully I can reassure you that there are genuine people out there. I know this because I consider myself to be one and also have met many aswell. You hit the nail on the head when you say people are too afraid to show their true feelings and put themselves out there. But it is a very scary thing to do, especially when you have been deeply hurt in the past. Unfortunately people will continue to use past bad experiences to justify their actions. Because its easier than facing up to reality and seeing your own faults and weaknesses. There are many people out there who are willing to take advantage of others, but this crosses over all areas of life, not just in relationships. I also do not believe that all men think with their dicks, and i know many women who do think with just their nether regions. I would imagine this site has brought compatable people together, but obviously sex is the common denominator. I have been lucky enough to fall in love several times over the years, and each time it has just 'happened'. I have never looked for someone. I believe in fate and the right ones fall into your lap. There are many potential partners out there for all of us, regardless of the type of relationship sought. Should I meet someone who genuinely likes me for me and i feel the same way. I will quit the sex industry at the drop of a hat and allow myself to fall-in-love. Until then I will enjoy myself and provide for my kids and make some good friends along the way.

Lauren x


Legend Member
Re: Friend with Benefits

Lauren, it's a shame you didn't post this a few weeks ago. I was in Perth last week. We could have spent some time together.


Lol CrackElf .. you crack me up.

and the last one was at his place ... but keeping that night to myself :p



So yesterday my friend and I go into the city and grab some lunch.

Get the most important task out of the way.

Now to task 2 ... Visit Club-X ...

Welll ... all I can say is ...WOW...lol ...

Interesting, sleezy,

We ended up sitting in the theatre to watch some porn on a reasonably large screen...all aircond and reasonably clean ... except the toilet ... eeeww..

It was like musical chairs... we moveto another seat ... the others one by one follow ... after we moved about 3 times ... I just got over it and initiated an activity with my friend sitting next me ...

anyway ... definately not a bad experience ... tho not sure I would be doing it again any time soon ... depends if someone really wanted to ... or maybe not I dunno .

Anyway after we had finished our own little live porn show ... we left and drove to the 'real movies' with intention to get to business there ... lol

But the movie ended up being really quite good. So we just watched the film instead. :-S

Chatted for a while afterwards before going home.

Hope you enjoyed.

Lauren x


Horny Bugger
Gold Member
Wow... I wish I had have been there to see that!! I have only been in that cinema once and it wasn't enjoyable (I was waiting for one of the peep girls to finish a private before giving me one), but having some real live porn to watch would have been awesome!


Yes ... I agree Retrowolf ... It would have been brilliant to watch I would imagine. LOL

Lauren x


Gold Member
Hi, I'm new to the forum. I have a current gf who I can't bring to orgasm. It really makes the sex one sided. Are there any wl who can teach me a few tricks? Or any members with some written tips? Cheers.
Last edited:


Have you considered that it may just be the work of God trying to save this poor girls soul?

Anyway, one way or the other I hope you sort it out.

Best Wishes Nancy


Gold Member
Have you considered that it may just be the work of God trying to save this poor girls soul?

Anyway, one way or the other I hope you sort it out.

Best Wishes Nancy

What do u mean save her soul? I just want her to enjoy an orgasm....
A bit of background, she has never had an orgasm and doesn't believe in self masturbation. So she hasn't even given herself one. Her clit is VERY sensitive and can't take too much rubbing.


Horny Bugger
Gold Member
What a truly twisted thing to say. If there is a god, I can't imagine he is such a cunt that he would stop a girl from climaxing. And if he did, why just this girl?

Hope you figure it out Justlookin, do you know if she knows what she likes? If she can bring herself to orgasm, it won't take much for her to teach you what she likes. Listen and don't let your pride get in the way. All the best with it.

Sensual ~ Vanessa

Gold Member
Orgasm is very good for the soul. To be honest, I couldn't orgasm effectively until I knew how to pleasure myself. To benefit from oral, it helps if a girl knows what feels good and what doesn't and masturbation is an excellent way to get aquainted with your own pleasure. A dildo isn't always necessary, at first, if she just gently plays with the clit and explores it. Maybe incorporating a session where you masturbate yourselves next to each other and work it slow. With oral, there is heaps of info around the net on how but applying it is about getting the balance between whats standardly effective and what makes your girl reach heaven. Good luck xx


wat is your messenger i would love to chat im very interested ps im very good looking fit tradsman with a great package and tan


I have only been to a few places, but have found that the girls at Esquires are probably the best looking I have come accross.
Are there other places that I should be checking out?
I have moved towards full service lately cause sometimes cant finish with just RnT...


Just like the opening of a Christmas present, the nervous anticipation you feel when you have a new client, they have seen images of you, well in my case they have seen my face and body, but what about me???

You see, for us WL’s, well what do we have to go by, when we sit in nervous anticiaption for that knock on the door or that ring of the bell?... Absolutely nothing, that’s correct absolutely nothing...

So here I was, rushing around making sure every little detail was just right, not a single hair out of place so to speak... Waiting, wondering just who is going to be behind that door when I open it?

Will he treat me with respect?... will he be gentle?... will he be good looking?... well groomed?... smell nice?....and then of course there are those other small details, like, will he want to just fuck me or will he be coming in anticipation of a sensual 'Girl Friend Experience?... does he enjoy good sex at home and just wants a porn star service...so, what does one do????

Well, for me, I generally talk to my clients first before they make a booking, I need to make sure that I can give them the type of service they are after as my advertising speel doesn’t really give anything away, I do like to create intrigue, why be like everyone else, the same ads appear over and over again,(I used to work in the wine industry and I like to be creative, so hence the tasting note on Amberley Chennin) I want to make sure they are getting the service that they are paying for and like any paying customer, they get what they pay for! So there are no surprises, it just saves embarrassment that way!

Anyway back to my story, I want to tell you about a client I had last night, the 'opening of the present' – is it going to be like a present Nana would buy you ie. A knitted jumper in a style that went out at least ten years ago and you have to smile and look excited to receive it, or your best friend, I always hope the latter as she knows my taste so much more!!!.....So I didn’t talk to Dan prior to meeting him because he had emailed me a couple of times regarding the type of service he wanted.

Dan had sent me a text message advising me of his room number and hotel, I’m glad he was staying in a hotel where you can have access straight into the lift and directly to the room, saves looking like a hooker waiting in the foyer, and we all know the receptionist is going to ask you with her big cheesy grin if you are ok and you say you are waiting for a friend, yeah right she is thinking...

I sometimes struggle with what to wear at that first meeting, I don’t want to look too sluttish ( I save that for the bedroom) plus, some guys couldn’t care less what you turn up in, in fact some request casual clothing, where as others want the stilettos, fishnet stockings and corset along with the ghastly red lipstick (however these clients will generally tell you).

So off I went to visit Dan wearing a lovely pink corset with my fishnets. Of course I arrive precisely 'on-time', punctuality is paramount to me, I find lateness arrogant, my ex would never allow enough time to get ready and it used to drive me crazy!

Here goes, I knock on the door, the thoughts are racing through my head, who is going to be behind this door, a man with a smelly penis, or a man that kisses like a giraffe nearly swallowing my whole face?

The door starts to open....arrrgghhh....well, oh my god...I just died and went to heaven....standing there is the hottest thing ever, I smiled and couldn’t believe my luck, kind of wanted to high five the air and scream wooohooo.....he was very sexy in his early 30’s, dressed in designer jeans, very short thick dark hair with a very naughty grin.

The first thing that came out of my mouth (after the shock of striking gold) was to ask him ‘what is your story honey, you look soooo hot?’, well like many men in long term relationships, the spark tends to leave after the kids arrive, and the desire subsides for the Wife to want to give you a blow job in the middle of the night cause she can’t keep her hands off you....this is where women like myself step in, I like to believe that women like me save marriages.

I excuse myself and head to the bathroom to reappear as 'Amberley'... in all her naughtiness!

You can imagine how much I was looking forward to unwrapping his present nudge nudge wink wink!!!

Now, as it turns out, Dan is a bit of a seasoned ‘escorter’, he travels regularly interstate with his work, so when away he would play...thank god he picked me is all I could think of, and I seriously have to thank Courtney Cox and her new show Cougar Town for the intrigue it has created with the younger guys, they coming our way and placing a Luna Park like smile on our faces!

So as many of you will already have realised, by now, Little Miss Amberley is a rather confident independent woman who loves the thrill of taking charge, (don’t worry guys I can be submissive too) I think most guys like a woman like that don’t they??

I join Dan, he is laying on the bed, we kiss then I start to unwrap him, I’m excited to see what is underneath, off with the shirt to reveal his perfect torso, I really like tattoos on some guys, not too many but like Dan has, a sleeve on one arm only, there are girls names done in lovely running writing, his wife and daughter I assume, he wears a wedding ring, should that bother me, definitely not, in fact I love the married ones, they are my favourite clients, not sure why, maybe it’s because I know that these guys are fulfilling their secret desires, and I am a part of that, this is the power I get a kick from.

So I left Dan with a couple of new experiences, that he thoroughly enjoyed, ‘The Cougar’, and the other one which I will save for another story.... and Amberley left with a big, big smile on her face too.... thinking to herself, as she walked back to her car... now if i had never taken that first nervous step I would never have experienced the absolute wonder of this life and still be back in dullsville putting in my 40 hours a week and putting up with all that corporate crap and earning peanuts!

Hope you enjoyed the story as much as Dan and I did, bye for now.

Love Amberley xxx.


Hey Amberley..wonderful story and very eloquent. Kudos to you for enjoying what you do...very few ppl in this world can lay claim to this pleasure


Hey all just wanted to say hi and ask a somewhat silly question...why is it that there is no women escorts for women only? Or maybe I am just not looking too hard:)...I wonder if there are women out there that would pay another lady for a descrete first time experience? Maybe I should be that lady...any1 interested LOL


hi girls im just out of a long relationship lookin to meet some new people and have a bit of fun i live nor im 25 quite active im training at the moment to get in the army pm me if you wanna know more


My goodness Amberley I must compliment you on your professionalism, much as I am opposed to the very thought of one of our Sisters willingly permitting men to have their way with them, I must confess to having taken a keen interest in your amberlings and am beginning to see why it has been attractive to the fairer sex over the thousands of years since our dear father met his fate and have to admit that your lifestyle does make mine look a little conservative, by comparison.

But do take very good care of yourself my dear, for I do worry about you and often have you in my prayers.

Best wishes Nancy.


I sincerely hope that it is the Salvation Army that you are one day hoping to join young man and if so then I send you God's blessings to help you on your way.
Best wishes Nancy.