Anyone else notice that when you try to suggest a bit of intimacy or initiate it in some way, especially in advance, that your partner always finds a way of starting a fight, so that they don't have to be intimate with you? Throughout the years I have tried to act on the suggestions my partner has made when we have discussed the lack of intimacy. E.g. Time of the day she is most horny (when I'm at work), when she is not tired (rarely), when the children are not home (never), when she is not on her period or the lead up (only leaving a two week window at best) etc, etc. When ever I try there is always a reason, and if not, then she starts a fight. Its a wheel of constant rejection that has made me into the shell of a man I am today. We have had lots of counselling in the past, learnt the love languages etc. Although when it suits her (could be any time, even when tired, even when kids in the house, even in her pms week etc) she is happy to just spur of the moment have sex. Unfortunately there is an average of 3-6 months between the these rare times, sometimes 12 months, and at one point several years. It is always without doubt on her terms and absolutely never when I feel the urge (everyday). Yet her vibrator gets regular use. Her answer to that is she has needs and its generally when I'm at work or she just doesn't want the fuss of sex. Seems I've been replaced by a sex toy or perhaps another man.