- To the husbands: Does this sound familiar? If you’re living this life, what brought you here? Do you justify it as a necessity, or does the guilt creep in?
Interesting was speaking to my mate who is a financier and big time punter globally, he mentioned to me the other day that if Australia ever introduces digital currency he knows that some big named parlors in Sydney may be forced to close for good because of that above statement most of the traffic and revenue they get is from married men overall during the year, so if that were to happen its going to be tough on Married men.. However the main reason why men seek out escorts who are married is for the fact that escorts will give head jobs no matter what, and will make him still feel like a king after say becoming a girls regular Wednesday afternoon client, so she makes him feel special, wanted tells him he has the best cock she has ever sat on and sucked etc etc, and will wash his back without hesitation, something we all know drops off after many years of married life.. plus men love variety which is the main reason why my mate has never married, not that he needs to rely upon escorts either he can pick up women with ease even at the age he is,.... which why men that love to play the field even get married at all??
- To the wives: Have you ever suspected something? If you found out, would you leave, or would you try to understand?
Wives and women know if said man has been with any lady... she after all does his washing, and can see snail trails in underwear and can smell perfume etc from another lady, she may not say anything in 2025, but wait till it all adds up and in 2029 said man better watch out, she will hand him the rope and structure and watch him slowly hang himself and he will be amazed as crap once she comes out and says it in 2029, women will only put up with it for so long, and she will wait for the best time to divorce or walk out, plus she will have a mountain of evidence too which he will be rolled in a court.. so hey... why even get married in the 1st place...
- To the sex workers: How do you feel about servicing married men? Is it just part of the job, or does it ever weigh on you?
I know one escort who if she thought the man was a complete w*anker she used to walk him to the front door of the parlor and then kiss him and leave makeup, lipstick marks in places he couldn't see but his wife could once she was doing his washing, other than that she didn't care as she said I am an escort I am here for the money NOT my issue if you are married and loose half or even all your estate etc in divorce settlements as she said we are escorts we sit in a parlor waiting on men to come in NOT the other way around.. hence the Term Call Girl... Bad luck if you get caught.. which leads to me say this a 3rd time.. why even get married and say those precocious wedding vows, to a Woman who You got down on bended knee ask her for her hand in marriage...
Sorry if this may come over as I am on the side of the Female, but after the years I have been in this game, its has made me think that way... I could be wrong...