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Spending too much time at the gym?


Diamond Member
Embrace being alone is what ugly guys have to accept.
Positive mindset is denying reality and living in fantasy world!
No amount of money will ever make an ugly guy good looking like Hollywood actor or Calvin Klein model
No amount of gym work outs will make an ugly guy attractive as Hollywood actor or Calvin Klein model.

An ugly guy with money can afford to pay for more sex workers and will never be loved by anyone.
If I had the looks of those Hollywood actors or Calvin Klein models women would be like bees to honey and life would be easy.
Wishful thinking, praying and positive mindset does not change anything.
Average guys are just as ugly as ugly guys and rarely receive matches/likes regardless of their mindset on dating apps.
Your attractiveness on dating apps are determined by how many likes/matches you receive.

If I was a real man I would be holding my ground and challenging every guy in the gym that dares to insult me. Insult them back!
"What are you looking at!" "I will knock your block off!" "Go ahead make my day!" "Wanna start something?"
Hold form, hold position, hold ground and never back down from any fight.

I have watched a lot of films and action films in my day.
Rocky beat up guys much bigger tham him.
I still chant Rocky every time I watch Rocky films.
The bigger the guy the harder they fall. LOL!
Never back down from a fight and never show weakness.
Disrespect is walking away and doing nothing. Strength is finding way to win when they do not see it coming.

Coolrunnings the small guy says in the mirror I am Pride, I am a power, I am a bad ass mother who takes no shit from no one.
He takes on and beats the arrogant European guy in bar.
I should be standing up and making anyone who stands in my way, eat their words and bow down.
Beware the man with nothing to lose!
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Ryder Deep
Diamond Member
Have you tried TRX Punky ?
TRX is awesome, really admire those who are good at it.

I hurt my knees doing heavy squats last year, couldn’t even walk up stairs, and for a while the only thing I could do were TRX bottom up squats. So that was my introduction and still throw in the odd exercise from time to time.

Really should be doing more of it though.


Diamond Member
18 months ago while overdoing it at the gym I severely strained my neck and experienced weakness and pain in my right arm and shoulder, numbness and tingling in my fingers. A CT scan revealed herniation to c6/c7 creating C7 nerve pain resulting in cervical radiculopathy. Lifting weights, rowing machine, cycling and doing anything too strenuous seems to make things worse. I am waiting to see a neurologist to see if I may need neck surgery. I so want an end to the chronic pain and weakness in my right arm/shoulder. It would be good to return to fitness.

Katie Quinn

Gold Member
TRX is awesome, really admire those who are good at it.

I hurt my knees doing heavy squats last year, couldn’t even walk up stairs, and for a while the only thing I could do were TRX bottom up squats. So that was my introduction and still throw in the odd exercise from time to time.

Really should be doing more of it though.
Have you tried this for your core section of training Pause ??

TRX jackknifes and mountain climbers yikes !



Ryder Deep
Diamond Member
Have you tried this for your core section of training Pause ??

TRX jackknifes and mountain climbers yikes !

Last tried them about a year ago and they were a bit too advanced for me at the time, but thanks for the reminder - It’s time to make core strength a focus! :)

I was at the NABBA/WFF bodybuilding show yesterday, just in the audience this time, and realised that my core is nowhere near up to their standards yet. The rest is getting closer, but my core sucks big time, hehe :)



Ryder Deep
Diamond Member
Hard core Muslim women go to those because know men.

And woman like me who think they're fat that don't want good looking men or men and general looking at you
Absolutely, the gym can be quite intimidating so anything that helps people get in and work on their health is a great thing.

When I started I was 30kgs overweight and was so nervous that I went at midnight so no one was around to see me, but not everyone is able to go at those times! Completely get the anxiety of it all.

Katie Quinn

Gold Member
Hard core Muslim women go to those because know men.

And woman like me who think they're fat that don't want good looking men or men and general looking at you
Yes there is an awesome section in my gym dedicated to women although I find it rather annoying that the machines placed in their are for adductors , squat rack , and cardio machines .... like women don’t need to train their entire body properly like men do ...

Hi hum I like to go in and do heavy hard intervals and scare the little chicks lol xx

Katie Quinn

Gold Member
Last tried them about a year ago and they were a bit too advanced for me at the time, but thanks for the reminder - It’s time to make core strength a focus! :)

I was at the NABBA/WFF bodybuilding show yesterday, just in the audience this time, and realised that my core is nowhere near up to their standards yet. The rest is getting closer, but my core sucks big time, hehe :)

Yes core training is something to work on for a lifetime and the nice part is mainly bodyweight movements ...

At the moment I’m focusing on dragon flag the Bruce lee move , alecnas (with weight) , various Lsits and hangs and KB starfish planks xxx


Ryder Deep
Diamond Member
Yes core training is something to work on for a lifetime and the nice part is mainly bodyweight movements ...

At the moment I’m focusing on dragon flag the Bruce lee move , alecnas (with weight) , various Lsits and hangs and KB starfish planks xxx
That is very cool, thanks for sharing - It's always fascinating hearing about fitness routines and different exercises.

A lot of people I've looked up to in the past have done little direct ab workout, actually one of my heroes says his only ab exercise is the squat. But he squats 400kgs so is in a different world to mere mortals like me! The older I get the more I realise that the functional real world exercises are better for overall healthy and fitness. Thanks for the inspiration :)


Deleted member 56424


He might be a grower not a shower lol


Ryder Deep
Diamond Member
My pleasure to share , I suppose yes if your goal is to lift extreme weight your interest in defining and building core strength is not of interest .

That’s one of the things I like about hearing your views, it’s different from what I know and love so it’s quite thought provoking. :)

In the past I’ve added weights on core exercises with a low rep range which just promotes myofibrillar hypertrophy leading to a big blocky waist. Perfect for strength and power, less so for looking good naked, hehe.

So now I’m focusing on sarcoplasmic hypertrophy with high rep ranges and endurance with exercises like you talk about, early days but feeling the burn is so much fun!

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Ryder Deep
Diamond Member
Just found out Ocean was only 18 when this picture was taken, I had no idea! That's a lot of effort over a lot of years to look like that. As a teenager it must have been so tough, when your mates are drinking and partying, to stay true to your course like that. What a champion, that's where passion can take you!

Earlier this year a friend competed in the IFBB Bikini division at 18 which she admitted was too young, and another is waiting until her 21st is over before starting prep for her first show - I think that's a wiser move! Sometimes it's important to take your foot off the gas and be a normal human being. The 18 year old never wants to compete again and has given up training completely for a few months! To be fair she was more shredded than a Whitehouse memo, that takes a toll.

On the other end of the age scale another male friend is competing for the first time in the over 40's division IFBB O'Mara show this weekend, really looking forward to supporting him. It's further given me the itch to compete, maybe this time next year :)


Gold Member
Just found out Ocean was only 18 when this picture was taken, I had no idea! That's a lot of effort over a lot of years to look like that. As a teenager it must have been so tough, when your mates are drinking and partying, to stay true to your course like that. What a champion, that's where passion can take you!

Earlier this year a friend competed in the IFBB Bikini division at 18 which she admitted was too young, and another is waiting until her 21st is over before starting prep for her first show - I think that's a wiser move! Sometimes it's important to take your foot off the gas and be a normal human being. The 18 year old never wants to compete again and has given up training completely for a few months! To be fair she was more shredded than a Whitehouse memo, that takes a toll.

On the other end of the age scale another male friend is competing for the first time in the over 40's division IFBB O'Mara show this weekend, really looking forward to supporting him. It's further given me the itch to compete, maybe this time next year :)
I like people who goal set, actually work towards goals rather than just achieve something just on status, se your goals and aim high


Ryder Deep
Diamond Member
I like people who goal set, actually work towards goals rather than just achieve something just on status, se your goals and aim high
Bruce Lee once said “There are no limits. There are plateaus, but you must not stay there, you must go beyond them. If it kills you, it kills you. A man must constantly exceed his level.”


Legend Member
For blokes, the more you pump, the smaller it will become.
For ladies, the more you pump, the smaller they will become.
Somewhere in between is nice.


Gold Member
Bruce Lee once said “There are no limits. There are plateaus, but you must not stay there, you must go beyond them. If it kills you, it kills you. A man must constantly exceed his level.”
I like this quote , thanks pause, #Friday night motivation.