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Perth Porn girl. Hot Vegan activist with her own porn site


Dood Deleted 66783

People cheer when Vegan Booty gets jailed for splashing fake blood on a butcher shop but are strangely silent on the arson attempt on Woolworths in Teneriffe over the supermarket's decision to scrap Australia Day products. After all, both are criminal acts, aren't they? Am I missing anything?

If you can find any Australia day products that are made in Australia, it'd be a rarity. So Dutton's wanking himself.

Dood Deleted 66783


Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
This has to be the weirdest thread on TS!
It has become that yes, this started with the silly girl offering some public nudity for us to enjoy.

And it has become interesting to say the least

Pity vegans don’t come here to entertain us more often


Diamond Member
It has become that yes, this started with the silly girl offering some public nudity for us to enjoy.

And it has become interesting to say the least

Pity vegans don’t come here to entertain us more often
The thing is Vegan Booty is silly but she is not a national security threat. Can't say the same thing about the uneducated crackheads who revere Peter Dutton as a god and lap up everything Andrew Bolt says like it's the gospel truth. Sometimes I'm grateful for gun control laws. I wouldn't trust a Dutton voter with a firearm.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
The thing is Vegan Booty is silly but she is not a national security threat. Can't say the same thing about the uneducated crackheads who revere Peter Dutton as a god and lap up everything Andrew Bolt says like it's the gospel truth. Sometimes I'm grateful for gun control laws. I wouldn't trust a Dutton voter with a firearm.
She is indeed silly. And it is most unfortunate that a lot of small children and elderly people are left frightened and traumatised from her self promotion exercises.

That’s the part that borders on terrorism

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
The dumb arse bi** carrying on about letting him go. Yet she says nothing about her kicking and assaulting people. She is an absolute disgrace using the word holocaust. Her behavior in front of children. Someone needs to do something about this oxygen thief. If she pulled this shit in front of my family it would not end well


Member Moderator
Staff member
Talking Turkey Moderator
Karma is a bitch.......https://www.perthnow.com.au/news/wa/vegan-activist-tash-peterson-targeted-with-animal-fluids-thrown-on-her-car-c-13435416


Diamond Member
The dumb arse bi** carrying on about letting him go. Yet she says nothing about her kicking and assaulting people. She is an absolute disgrace using the word holocaust. Her behavior in front of children. Someone needs to do something about this oxygen thief. If she pulled this shit in front of my family it would not end well
Send her to Gaza and she will know how and what a real holocaust looks like.

Perth fun Play Art

Safe sex in good sex paint a male penis
Gold Member
In my times of boredom I get a cheap thrill trolling her and mainly her followers. I am sure most of you know of her already.

But aside from telling us all forcefully that we are all animal abusers and cow rapists (her actual message) she makes more than most WL do to fund her lifestyle.

I frankly think she is hot but has the intelligence of Pauline Hanson. But much hotter ;)

Anyone know of her or have anything to chime in?

Link is broken so has been removed
nice to see women nude
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Sexty8 - you do me , and then I owe you one!
Diamond Member
Activist maybe but not a supporter of any animal rights groups according to her bank account:

“Vegan pest Tash Peterson — notorious for disrupting businesses and hassling retailers with outlandish stunts, including dousing herself in fake blood — is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, having amassed a fortune by selling “adult” images of herself to fans online.”

“Despite making a reputation as an animal rights activist, the court proceedings have revealed Peterson’s bank statements show she could only point to one $100 donation to an animal charity, among the withdrawals including a Mediterranean holiday.”


Diamond Member
Yep piss flaps Tash has over 4 hundred thousand dollars in her account.
Obviously there are many stupid men out there happy to give her their hard earned money to look at a mut.


Diamond Member
Activist maybe but not a supporter of any animal rights groups according to her bank account:

“Vegan pest Tash Peterson — notorious for disrupting businesses and hassling retailers with outlandish stunts, including dousing herself in fake blood — is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, having amassed a fortune by selling “adult” images of herself to fans online.”

“Despite making a reputation as an animal rights activist, the court proceedings have revealed Peterson’s bank statements show she could only point to one $100 donation to an animal charity, among the withdrawals including a Mediterranean holiday.”
The truth is out.


Diamond Member
She's just after her 5 minutes of fame......for the notoriety and $$. She has the integrity of a politician and the compassion of a leach. Thankfully she is inconsequential, just noise to be ignored.
Noise to be ignored. Like everything the major parties (Labor and Liberals alike) spew incessantly.