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Perth Porn girl. Hot Vegan activist with her own porn site

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Animals don’t deserve to be hacked up into pieces and murdered for the sake of humans selfish consumption.

Her abusing people and animals getting hurt are separate issues when she hurts people.

Anyway she is getting charged and when I was talking to John Mountain there are more charges coming.

Tash will be finished soon


Animals don’t deserve to be hacked up into pieces and murdered for the sake of humans selfish consumption.
Blame your ancestors 1000s of years ago, they started it. Come to think of it, thank them also. There are many reasons why and how we have evolved and set at the top of the evolutionary tree. Campaign for fairer and more ethical means f keeping then killing them for our consumption. It's not going to stop any time.


Member Moderator
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Talking Turkey Moderator
I have friends that are vegan and I respect their choice. They also respect my choice to eat meat. They never lecture me and I never lecture them about our respective choices. Tash is just attention seeking for personal gain using veganism as the divisive issue. I think most vegans I know are aghast at her 'protests' that are nothing more than contrived theatre. Tash will soon find out what's on the menu at Bandyup. Sadly for her behind closed doors it will probably be her..........

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
I have friends that are vegan and I respect their choice. They also respect my choice to eat meat. They never lecture me and I never lecture them about our respective choices. Tash is just attention seeking for personal gain using veganism as the divisive issue. I think most vegans I know are aghast at her 'protests' that are nothing more than contrived theatre. Tash will soon find out what's on the menu at Bandyup. Sadly for her behind closed doors it will probably be her..........

I have vegan friends too that respect peoples choices. They are so embarrassed by Trash Peckerson


Gold Member
Hopefully our intelligence set us apart from animals.
Can you imagine a shark hesitate and think not all swimmers are "threat" or "food"?
I think democracy has given us the right to make our own decisions and to wear any consequences from our action.
Pork, beef, poultry ...etc ...from our farmers are classified as acceptable for us to consume, we should have the right to choose what should be in our diet. At some stage, some people may choose to change their diet but it is purely a personal choice.
Actually I think it is more about respecting each other's right and decision.


Diamond Member
I wonder how much she gets from OF and if that is enough to fund all her legal bills. Maybe she is supported by the Soros Foundation like Greta Thunberg is.

Anyway, if I had my way it would be illegal to be vegan.


Legend Member
Vegetables aren’t sentient

Actually you may have to define 'sentient'.

From my friend Google :

Giraffes are herbivores, which means they eat plant material like leaves high in the trees, and they can eat up to 29 kilograms of acacia leaves and twigs daily. However the acacia trees have developed a few defensive mechanisms to ensure their survival from the hungry giraffes and animals that like to chew on their leaves and twigs.


The acacia trees have a further defence system to the thorns, the release of tannins, which taste terrible to Giraffe, so they stop eating them. This system is so effective that trees in the vicinity react to the trees tannin release and they too start to release their own tannin which forces the giraffe to move on, or go up wind to trees that have not sensed the tannin being released by the neighbouring trees.

So when Giraffe start eating their leaves, they pump terrible tasting tannins into their leaves, and all the other surrounding acacia trees get a wiff of the tannins and start pumping tannins into their leaves so the giraffe will leave them alone - sounds pretty sentient to me !

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
I wonder how much she gets from OF and if that is enough to fund all her legal bills. Maybe she is supported by the Soros Foundation like Greta Thunberg is.

Anyway, if I had my way it would be illegal to be vegan.

Her highest month on OF was $40K. But it’s dwindling. Most of her distasteful and ugly porn is out there on google so no one needs to pay for it.

Her dimwit donors pay for some of her legal fees. But her brush with celebrity. Chef John Mountain will leave her 6 figures out of pocket eventually and she will go to jail

The girls in prison will enjoy her ;)

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Actually you may have to define 'sentient'.

From my friend Google :

Giraffes are herbivores, which means they eat plant material like leaves high in the trees, and they can eat up to 29 kilograms of acacia leaves and twigs daily. However the acacia trees have developed a few defensive mechanisms to ensure their survival from the hungry giraffes and animals that like to chew on their leaves and twigs.


The acacia trees have a further defence system to the thorns, the release of tannins, which taste terrible to Giraffe, so they stop eating them. This system is so effective that trees in the vicinity react to the trees tannin release and they too start to release their own tannin which forces the giraffe to move on, or go up wind to trees that have not sensed the tannin being released by the neighbouring trees.

So when Giraffe start eating their leaves, they pump terrible tasting tannins into their leaves, and all the other surrounding acacia trees get a wiff of the tannins and start pumping tannins into their leaves so the giraffe will leave them alone - sounds pretty sentient to me !

Vegans use the excuse than plants don’t have a central nervous system so they don’t matter.

Sentient qualities extend beyond that. Plants most definitely communicate and respond to the environment.

All parts of existing requires harming something. It’s called living in the biosphere.

The only true way of being vegan is to cease to exist.


Legend Member
Plants grow and develop, and they have DNA in their cells that they pass along to offspring when they reproduce. Plants respond to stimuli and maintain homeostasis. All of these characteristics lead us to the conclusion that plants are living things.

Also to add do you know the old saying, talking to plants makes them grow better?

So really Vegans are supporting the mass murders, compared to omnivores/carnivores. Their food kills millions of creatures small and tiny to grow crops, and cut/up-root millions of living breathing plants for a bowl of fresh vegetables. Plus don't forget the amount of poison chemicals to keep those plants to near perfect condition and preserved fresh. From farm to their table.

How would you like to be snipped, cut or up-rooted against your will?

Vegans are fauna and flora murders of an eco system
Did someone say rooted?!


Gold Member
Did someone say rooted?!
😂 If this was a Woke conversation, they would input that humans are intentionally harming plants. And sexually assaulting the plants private parts, without asking the plants permission. Forcing them to bear fruits against their will. 😂 And at the end say stop killing plants and destroying eco systems. 🤣 O wait we do have one it's called green peace.

So glad at the moment we don't have one on this forum yet.
Last edited:


Diamond Member

Her highest month on OF was $40K. But it’s dwindling. Most of her distasteful and ugly porn is out there on google so no one needs to pay for it.

Her dimwit donors pay for some of her legal fees. But her brush with celebrity. Chef John Mountain will leave her 6 figures out of pocket eventually and she will go to jail

The girls in prison will enjoy her ;)
Fuck as much as I want this mut in jail . I am more worried that she will convert the other dumb female inmates who have to listen to ""it"" on her crap about being vegan. These poor girls who are in jail have suffered enough as it is without having this thing in jail.
Sadly there would be some half whit lawyer putting in Court orders against the jail system for cooking meat in the same kitchen as the vegetables. So she can continue on with she quest . Being meat free.
We all know how some of these judges work. Disgraceful how the law can work.
She would claim that she is the victim so she has rights to.
But at the end of the day I can't wait for ""it"" to be binned behind bars. Say 25 years for all her efforts. 😁😁

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member

Fuck as much as I want this mut in jail . I am more worried that she will convert the other dumb female inmates who have to listen to ""it"" on her crap about being vegan. These poor girls who are in jail have suffered enough as it is without having this thing in jail.
Sadly there would be some half whit lawyer putting in Court orders against the jail system for cooking meat in the same kitchen as the vegetables. So she can continue on with she quest . Being meat free.
We all know how some of these judges work. Disgraceful how the law can work.
She would claim that she is the victim so she has rights to.
But at the end of the day I can't wait for ""it"" to be binned behind bars. Say 25 years for all her efforts. 😁😁
As a former correctional service officer. I can tell you that vegans are extremely rare inside. Their food choice is limited to veggie patties and deep-fried tofu. I worked in a women's prison for 5 years. There was one vegetarian and not because of her love of animals. This woman was mentally unwell and convicted of murder. When the police found her, the victim's flesh was still under her nails. The inmates are the cooks in the kitchen. So she would pull her stunts once and that would be the end of it.


Bloody gold.. has his own clothes range now


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Diamond Member
Bloody gold.. has his own clothes range now
I want one. I will buy 6 of them one for me and the rest for my family.
Do you buy them from his shop ??

It should read. Our meat Curtin's are not as big as Tash,s but our,s are better for you. 😂😉


I want one. I will buy 6 of them one for me and the rest for my family.
Do you buy them from his shop ??

It should read. Our meat Curtin's are not as big as Tash,s but our,s are better for you. 😂😉
Link to shop


Diamond Member
As a former correctional service officer. I can tell you that vegans are extremely rare inside. Their food choice is limited to veggie patties and deep-fried tofu. I worked in a women's prison for 5 years. There was one vegetarian and not because of her love of animals. This woman was mentally unwell and convicted of murder. When the police found her, the victim's flesh was still under her nails. The inmates are the cooks in the kitchen. So she would pull her stunts once and that would be the end of it.
You mean she wasn't allowed to eat meat?

Goodstuff36 Bon truc in french

Goodstuff. Bon truc in french
Legend Member
Just one point to make. Buddhists are not all vegetarian. Many, if not most eat meat as well. Of those, some eat fish only while others eat all types of meat.
That's right Asians invented the pork roll and sweet n sour pork we used to the roast pork family dinner on Sundays it's only Muslims and Jewish people who don't enjoy the delicious dinner of pork for whatever reason.

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
You mean she wasn't allowed to eat meat?
No, it was not part of her mental health order. I believe it was trigger/trauma related. Schizophrenia and tore the victim to pieces with her hands. Was found by police at arrest trying to flush the victim's flesh down the toilet. When this woman was taking her medication she was a decent human. Sadly she went many years untreated with severe mental health.