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Perth Porn girl. Hot Vegan activist with her own porn site

Perth fun Play Art

Safe sex in good sex paint a male penis
Gold Member
In my times of boredom I get a cheap thrill trolling her and mainly her followers. I am sure most of you know of her already.

But aside from telling us all forcefully that we are all animal abusers and cow rapists (her actual message) she makes more than most WL do to fund her lifestyle.

I frankly think she is hot but has the intelligence of Pauline Hanson. But much hotter ;)

Anyone know of her or have anything to chime in?

Link is broken so has been removed
nice photos post more
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Diamond Member
The bloke who has his foot on her thigh really should have just XXXX her right in the XXXX . I'm not one who likes violence against women but ""it"" is not a woman to me anymore. I see "it" as a threat to all our rights and responsibilities as human,s to eat meat protein to continue the evolution of the human species. Without eating meat we would probably still be in the dark ages hanging out of trees. ""It"" needs to be flogged and the rest of these shallow XXXX .
""It"" parents should be fined for XXXX this two legged XXXX.
I'd buy that fella a beer if I see him around that's for sure.
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Gold Member
Well I'm not vegan and never will be, I love a nice juicy steak and pork with crispy crackling and I was a pig farmer.
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Gold Member
Jesus, she’s triggered a lot of people in Perth. Probably what she was after in the first place. Why get so upset over this, she’s entitled to protest.


Diamond Member
Today I am going to buy lots of veggies and get my Sharpest knife out and murder all those veggies. Chop chop . Cut the heads of the all these veggies. See if I can make them squeal . Cut their tails off . Put them in a blender and mince them up . See if ""it"" will protest against the mass murder of these poor vegies.


Gold Member
Today I am going to buy lots of veggies and get my Sharpest knife out and murder all those veggies. Chop chop . Cut the heads of the all these veggies. See if I can make them squeal . Cut their tails off . Put them in a blender and mince them up . See if ""it"" will protest against the mass murder of these poor vegies.
Dude you’re worrying me! Seriously strange!🤪


Gold Member
Protest yes. Go into a restaurant and call people murders? Absolutely fucking not. If for some reason the government makes it illegal then fair point. God held her and her supporters if they do this where I'm eating
The media give her air time! It’s exactly what she wants. Just ignore.


Member Moderator
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Talking Turkey Moderator
Is this Dakota? Or someone complelty different?
Hello the delightful MM. Her name is Tash Peterson. A gold digger who gains notoriety from stunts that 'bring attention' to her vegan cause. I suspect her antics don't hurt her only fans business...... by fortunate coincidence for her :)


Gold Member
Today I am going to buy lots of veggies and get my Sharpest knife out and murder all those veggies. Chop chop . Cut the heads of the all these veggies. See if I can make them squeal . Cut their tails off . Put them in a blender and mince them up . See if ""it"" will protest against the mass murder of these poor vegies.
I hate the sound tomatoes make when you slice them. It gives me nightmares. Im glad you can hear them too.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
I was messaging with Tash today and started to get through to her about how forcing people to become vegan is like someone forcing her before she was ready. She was not vegan until she was 23.

She is starting to listen. But the attention and money is what clouds her judgment.