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Perth Porn girl. Hot Vegan activist with her own porn site


Foundation Member
I ain't preaching but a red meat diet is a perfect recipe for stomach and bowel cancer not a pleasant way to go .
no body wants to root somebody with a stoma or colostomy bag .
Buddhist monks seem to live forever and are quite smart for vegans and they build big temples


Legend Member
Once again, this thread is horrible.

Posting details of your meat based diet? It is unlikely to be seen by any vegans, with the exception of one lady, and 99% of vegans probably don't give two fucks what you have in your sandwiches.

I have seen this many times in the past, not sure why people feel so threatened by someone else's diet. It's weird.

I should add, I am in no way a vegan 😁

It's not their diet that we get irate about - its that they insist on being in our face with THEIR beliefs, and targeting restaurants run by mums and dads, etc.

I am very happy for them to be vegan.

I am very happy to be a meat eater.

If only they wouldn't go around throwing fake blood in restaurants - taking off their clothes is great though !

But you are almost right - on this Forum only one or maybe two members who are vegan will get to read this thread.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Vegans obsess themselves with what others eat. The rest of us really don’t care actually
I like her. If her aim is to bring publicity to her cause, then she’s definitely succeeded. Peoples outrage only fuels the newsworthiness of her stunts. Freaking out kids at a birthday party etc is probably going too far, but then again there are worse things going on in the world. I would argue that killing and abusing millions of innocent animals is probably one of them.

Actually she has turned most people who has seen her away from any potential of becoming vegan

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
If the whole world became vegan they’d still shit stir about something.

For some it’s not about the cause but to feel warm fuzzies, amongst a minority group, that it’s them against the world.

That they are the moral compass of this planet. They all need butt plugs to stop dribbling shit.

If the whole world became vegan the biosphere would collapse and most of us would be dead

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
I like her. If her aim is to bring publicity to her cause, then she’s definitely succeeded. Peoples outrage only fuels the newsworthiness of her stunts. Freaking out kids at a birthday party etc is probably going too far, but then again there are worse things going on in the world. I would argue that killing and abusing millions of innocent animals is probably one of them.

There is no excuse for traumatizing children, old people, or anyone else.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
seems to be generating discussion

And I’m sorry these big discussions only reinforce for people to not behave like vegan activists and these people will not go vegan and spread the message that counters the veganism movement.

Stating some fact. I hope you don’t down the path of abusing me or anyone else here.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Vegans are not going to change the world. Non-vegans far out number the vegans. The vocal minority give up eventually and realise the majority disagree with them. Most vegans are young and naive. Eventually they realise their hot air is not going to change the world.

Veganism is not a social change, it is just an extreme lifestyle choice. Most animals are humanely treated and transformed into meat and dairy products for human consumption.

It seems to be a first world fabricated problem that is not a problem.

It rings entitlement for people with privileged lives seeking significance

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
VEGANISM! a hot topic for the youth of today! why are you still breastfeeding? aren't you an adult? Animal agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation! if how your food is made needs a trigger warning... maybe you shouldn't be eating it.

Avocados and almonds cause more deaths to wild life than your steak and chicken

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
being loud is the first step to creating social change!

I agree. And disruptive activism has changed the world for the better. In black rights, women’s rights, gay rights, etc. these are worthy causes.

But peoples food choices is not a worthy cause. Not when ALL FOOD consumed by all organisms I inevitably interdependent on other organisms

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Oh my god… Found some gold. This is the way to deal with under nourished brained vegans when they make f00ls
Of themselves in public.

This is how to beat them at their game.

Like fighting fire with fire. Fight real funny brain behaviour with staged funny brain behaviour. 🤣🤣🤣

This is too good


Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Neither the oldest man in the world juan perez or the oldest woman, kane takana were vegan or even vegetarian.

Heres a list of cattle and milk biproducts. Tell me another plant that is so versatile. I'll wait

Candles, cellophane, ceramics, cosmetics, crayons, perfumes, paints, linoleum, mouthwash, detergents, synthetic rubber, floor wax, toothpaste, paper, shoe cream, shaving cream, soaps, pet food, deoderant, insecticides, insulation plastics, photographic film, paint brushes, bandages, wallpaper, emery boards, glues, sheet rock, sporting goods, luggage, boots and shoes, clothing, gloves, belts, purses, wallets.

Insulin, chymotrupsin (promotes healing of burns and wounds), pancreatin, glucagon (treats hypoglycaemia and low blood sugar),,heparin (anti coagulant), liver extract (treats anemia) vitamin b12, bone marrow (treats blood disorders), soft cartilage (plastic surgery), bone meal (calcium and phosphorous), prolactin (promotes lactation), pressor hormone (regulates blood pressure), vasopressin (used for renal patients), ACTH (treatment of arthritis and allergies), blood factors (treatment of haemophilia, viruses, and making anti rejection drugs), iron, thrombin.

Tyres, antifreeze, asphalt, adhesives (for motor industry), numerous lubricants and fluids, steel ball bearings (contain bone charcoal).

Then there are the hundreds of dairy products which i wont bother listing.

This is why you vegan nitwits will never stop meat and dairy production. Because you depend on it ever single day.

You can't eat your way out of being the reason animals go to slaughter. That's not how agriculture, nature, or life works.

Just because you don't patron the meat aisle doesn't mean you do not utterly depend on livestock as much as the people who do. It just means you don't know how the system works, and the scammers who preach veganism are counting on that.

"Deep in your heart you know it's wrong!" No, deep in our hearts we know you're just stupid and immature.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
I fully agree with Isaac Butterfield the anti-vegan. He exposes the vegan scammers and speaks the truth.

He is the King 😂

Bought Tash Peterson’s only fans so you don’t have to.

It is not pleasant and not worth buying.



Silver Member
Human beings have evolved to eat meat.

Our teeth, digestive juices and use of meat protein to build brain and muscle tissue has resulted in humans evolving form apes.

I am very happy eating meat. Mine is killed relatively humanely in an abattoir rather than dragged down and devoured alive by lions, wild dogs, sharks, etc.

So I enjoy meat and eat it often - very often.

Not eating meat is condemning humans to start the slide back to the apes.
Why does most meat need to be cooked if we have evolved to eat it?


Gold Member
When adult children go around throwing tantrums the police no choice but to take on the roll of grown up parents.
Always interesting how the above type of footage magically starts off after the arrest as if to imply the tantrum chukka is somehow a victim?
Funny she didn't post any footage of the discussing behaviour that led to the arrest?

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
When adult children go around throwing tantrums the police no choice but to take on the roll of grown up parents.
Always interesting how the above type of footage magically starts off after the arrest as if to imply the tantrum chukka is somehow a victim?
Funny she didn't post any footage of the discussing behaviour that led to the arrest?

Trash Peckerson and her clan are good at provoking a reaction then crying victim


Legend Member
Why does most meat need to be cooked if we have evolved to eat it?
It doesn't. Most people prefer the taste of cooked meat.

However, if you do eat raw meat (as many Asians, Eskimos and North American Indians do (lots of people in Perth eat sushi) - don't know much about African diet), then you need to get wormed regularly to avoid intestinal worms - which most wild animals are riddled with.
But their bodies have evolved to cope with them whilst we have lost that ability as we have been roasting our meat for hundreds (thousands ?) of years.

Lots of people I know still prefer their steak very rare - they call it 'blue' !


Silver Member
Google is your friend. I want to answer but I feel like you're just gonna ask another rhetorical question next.
From google...
Although many humans choose to eat both plants and meat, earning us the dubious title of “omnivore,” we're anatomically herbivorous. The good news is that if you want to eat like our ancestors, you still can: Nuts, vegetables, fruit, and legumes are the basis of a healthy vegan lifestyle.