Neither the oldest man in the world juan perez or the oldest woman, kane takana were vegan or even vegetarian.
Heres a list of cattle and milk biproducts. Tell me another plant that is so versatile. I'll wait
Candles, cellophane, ceramics, cosmetics, crayons, perfumes, paints, linoleum, mouthwash, detergents, synthetic rubber, floor wax, toothpaste, paper, shoe cream, shaving cream, soaps, pet food, deoderant, insecticides, insulation plastics, photographic film, paint brushes, bandages, wallpaper, emery boards, glues, sheet rock, sporting goods, luggage, boots and shoes, clothing, gloves, belts, purses, wallets.
Insulin, chymotrupsin (promotes healing of burns and wounds), pancreatin, glucagon (treats hypoglycaemia and low blood sugar),,heparin (anti coagulant), liver extract (treats anemia) vitamin b12, bone marrow (treats blood disorders), soft cartilage (plastic surgery), bone meal (calcium and phosphorous), prolactin (promotes lactation), pressor hormone (regulates blood pressure), vasopressin (used for renal patients), ACTH (treatment of arthritis and allergies), blood factors (treatment of haemophilia, viruses, and making anti rejection drugs), iron, thrombin.
Tyres, antifreeze, asphalt, adhesives (for motor industry), numerous lubricants and fluids, steel ball bearings (contain bone charcoal).
Then there are the hundreds of dairy products which i wont bother listing.
This is why you vegan nitwits will never stop meat and dairy production. Because you depend on it ever single day.
You can't eat your way out of being the reason animals go to slaughter. That's not how agriculture, nature, or life works.
Just because you don't patron the meat aisle doesn't mean you do not utterly depend on livestock as much as the people who do. It just means you don't know how the system works, and the scammers who preach veganism are counting on that.
"Deep in your heart you know it's wrong!" No, deep in our hearts we know you're just stupid and immature.