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Perth Porn girl. Hot Vegan activist with her own porn site

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Hey that's me, follow my very own YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@veganbarbie3033

for help going vegan: Vegan challenge 22
Nothing wrong with veganism or vegetarianism. I am 99% plant based myself. I only have some animal protein because I get sick if I plant based for to long. I have many lovely vego and vegan friends. People should choose their own diet, Peckerson tries to impose her ways on others. I am sure you are nicer than that :)


Silver Member
I like her. If her aim is to bring publicity to her cause, then she’s definitely succeeded. Peoples outrage only fuels the newsworthiness of her stunts. Freaking out kids at a birthday party etc is probably going too far, but then again there are worse things going on in the world. I would argue that killing and abusing millions of innocent animals is probably one of them.


Gold Member
The problem with veganism is that most vegans are loud mouth idiots that try to force veganism onto everyone.
Tbh, that's a loud mouthed idiot problem not exclusive to vegans.
IME most vegans are much the same as anyone else. None have ever tried to force me to be a vegan.
The only ones you hear from are the loud mouth idiots, but I think they are in the minority.


Legend Member
I like her. If her aim is to bring publicity to her cause, then she’s definitely succeeded. Peoples outrage only fuels the newsworthiness of her stunts. Freaking out kids at a birthday party etc is probably going too far, but then again there are worse things going on in the world. I would argue that killing and abusing millions of innocent animals is probably one of them.

Human beings have evolved to eat meat.

Our teeth, digestive juices and use of meat protein to build brain and muscle tissue has resulted in humans evolving form apes.

I am very happy eating meat. Mine is killed relatively humanely in an abattoir rather than dragged down and devoured alive by lions, wild dogs, sharks, etc.

So I enjoy meat and eat it often - very often.

Not eating meat is condemning humans to start the slide back to the apes.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
So many wild animals are killed in order to grow plant base food.

There is no such thing as veganism. To exist is to be part of an ecosystem system where organisms are interdependent on each other 76071407-47A2-430F-B23B-D94446F2C648.jpeg


Diamond Member
So true . No animals died to produce all these vegetables no. Just millions of insects and bug n grubs . Plus millions of liter,s insecticide and fungicides poured onto crops, fruit trees and vegetables. Thousands of birds get killed every years during harvest. Plus all the other animals that get run over getting the produce to market. No animals died for a vegan existence no.
Let's just re examine human evolution. We kill things to eat so we can get protein to make brain matter. To make us smarter . 1.3 million years of evolution to get to the point that we can now send people into space and to travel the high seas.
In the past few years we seem to be going backwards. Woke and Veganism are sending this country and others to a slow death through stupidity of selfish people who have know idea of history.
The evolution of man kind .
Without meat we would not be here now. We only have to turn on the tv. I have never seen a elephant drive a car. It is vegan.
I have never seen a rabbit build a house.
It is vegan.
It would seem to me that history is going to see the demise of the human race. Vegetarianism is not clean and green. No sir no. It is just as toxic as life itself. I know that I will be alive a lot longer than a veg'o if it came to survival as I am a meat eater unless you have a survival book on what plants to eat you are just as good as dead. You can excuse your self by saying that you are only a vegan because you don't like eating meat but I would say that your parents eat meat to give you life . Without them putting the protein into your body you probably wouldn't might not have had a good start to your life.
You only have to look at a true vegan family to see the differences in their children between a family who eats meat . Humans have to consume meat it is our nature to survive. Meat protein is very important for our health.


Gold Member
Once again, this thread is horrible.

Posting details of your meat based diet? It is unlikely to be seen by any vegans, with the exception of one lady, and 99% of vegans probably don't give two fucks what you have in your sandwiches.

I have seen this many times in the past, not sure why people feel so threatened by someone else's diet. It's weird.

I should add, I am in no way a vegan 😁

Dakota Cameron

Gold Member
Once again, this thread is horrible.

Posting details of your meat based diet? It is unlikely to be seen by any vegans, with the exception of one lady, and 99% of vegans probably don't give two fucks what you have in your sandwiches.

I have seen this many times in the past, not sure why people feel so threatened by someone else's diet. It's weird.

I should add, I am in no way a vegan 😁
seems to be generating discussion

Dakota Cameron

Gold Member
Human beings have evolved to eat meat.

Our teeth, digestive juices and use of meat protein to build brain and muscle tissue has resulted in humans evolving form apes.

I am very happy eating meat. Mine is killed relatively humanely in an abattoir rather than dragged down and devoured alive by lions, wild dogs, sharks, etc.

So I enjoy meat and eat it often - very often.

Not eating meat is condemning humans to start the slide back to the apes.
There is no humane way to murder someone who doesn't want to die!

Dakota Cameron

Gold Member
Tbh, that's a loud mouthed idiot problem not exclusive to vegans.
IME most vegans are much the same as anyone else. None have ever tried to force me to be a vegan.
The only ones you hear from are the loud mouth idiots, but I think they are in the minority.
VEGANISM! a hot topic for the youth of today! why are you still breastfeeding? aren't you an adult? Animal agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation! if how your food is made needs a trigger warning... maybe you shouldn't be eating it.


Diamond Member
Vegans are not going to change the world. Non-vegans far out number the vegans. The vocal minority give up eventually and realise the majority disagree with them. Most vegans are young and naive. Eventually they realise their hot air is not going to change the world.

Veganism is not a social change, it is just an extreme lifestyle choice. Most animals are humanely treated and transformed into meat and dairy products for human consumption.
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Talking Turkey Moderator
VEGANISM! a hot topic for the youth of today! why are you still breastfeeding? aren't you an adult? Animal agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation! if how your food is made needs a trigger warning... maybe you shouldn't be eating it.
I'm completely against animal cruelty and the vast majority of animals consumed in Australia are killed without cruelty. I respect other peoples right to eat whatever they want. Telling meat eaters they should convert to veganism is like telling a christian to convert to islam (or visa versa) it's not going to happen!