
Diamond Member
Forum Upgrades have gone well and the new Safe Sex Artwork looks Great. Thanks Jason and Ian. I also noticed a Competition menu at the top, so naturally I figured I may as well be the first to offer a prize. What better prize than Dinner with Mary-Anne.

Let's hope I still have a Job when I wake up, (I think everyone should go enter the competition anyway) - who knows, she might let me keep it running :D:D

You will notice the "Competition Bar at the Top - In between Gallery and Members. Can everyone else see it ?

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
IIt had only just been installed, and we are busy learning how to use it,I am also busy thinking what can I have as prizes.
I mentioned to Tania yesterday we could give a away a life time supply of condoms and she roared out laughing.
Under WA law we can not give away working girl services, so it has to be something else, and I am lost on ideas at the moment.
I will get Jason to allow all to see, that way we can learn how to use the system in a humorous way.
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Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
If any member has a business and want to promote their business by having a competition just send me a PM, its a completely auto system with very good feed back.


Legend Member
Prizes How about A tour of LTs especially behind the desk Let some , see how much goes into running such a business

Besides a Lifetime supply of Frangers Miserable sod Whats a packet of 10 going to cost you ? nowt

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
I told you Tania roared with laughter, and I was more considering Dallas and Bepp surely they would need 10 a month?


Gold Member
How Do I keep my Text Like this instead of having to go back everytime and change it ?

Sometimes I forget what Font I started with and by the end of a long night I end up with a different shade of Blue, Italics and A size under what I started...

SO there must be a secret to your text's always staying the same !
As I check in here quite regularly, I would like to stop getting email notifications thanks. Can't figure outhow to stop 'em,


Bronze Member
Where do I post 10 times?

Everything seems blocked....how is it done
Last edited by a moderator:


Hi Mary Anne I'm new and keen to explore the site and meet like minded people But I can't view any threads?


Whatever happened to FREE love?
Legend Member
Never mind the forum, what has happened to MrBig (née MrLittle)?

I do hope a great big pussy did not devour him. :eek:

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
not my call take it up with our forum big boys.Just so you all know, if someone is out of line with me I will put them on a weeks discourage. Then John Lou and Happy Pirate take over and its their call whether the member is allowed back. I step back and am completely guided by them when and if the member returns.


Whatever happened to FREE love?
Legend Member
Poor MrLittle. Not so big now.



Diamond Member
Your XLNC I can report that Mr Big/Mr Little, myself and another esteemed member of this fine establishment did shoot the breeze today so can report him to be fit and well and having his little bits attended to.


Head Veto.....
Staff member
Talking Turkey Moderator
Ahoy;- My view is very simple........................
and it will surprise every member here............


Head Veto.....
Staff member
Talking Turkey Moderator
Ahoy;- Now your view point counts for very Little.....Mr BIG

When I joined TS earlier this year is was due to impression I had that it had a combination of enjoyable tongue-in-cheek banter and serious discussions in an open chat style format.

Where did it all go wrong (my opinion)?

What I now see....

General chit-chat has reduced significantly and now there is very little interaction between members.

There's a feeling of having to watch one's tongue if intending to place a humorous quip to lighten the mood in a semi-formal discussion.

Punter's reviews have waned significantly.

I thought it was an open forum allowing discussions/reviews about anyone any establishment but that's no longer the case either.


5 Star General
Foundation Member

I hope he is allowed back A good and happy Mr Big is a good contributor to the forum
H2 Mr Big / Little will be allowed back on the forum, and after this it will depend on himself if he stays .

we admin and moderators strongly encourage free speech and having fun on the forum , but like everything there is a top limit that will be tolerated , like disrespect to anyone on the forum , anything to do with underaged people , rude pics outside of the private section ,

enjoy the forum to the most as tomorrow is another day :) :) :)


5 Star General
Foundation Member
What an xcellent forum we have now,i feel as thi im where i brlong ,amongst love ones +
hi Bepp . you only receive love when you show love . ( if you throw a punch @ me you will defferently get 1 in the return mail ) trust me

isn't this the way life is today , when you see what happens around the world ??
we give out plenty of rope and it is amazing on who and how quick someone hangs themselves

enjoy the forum :) :)