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Masturbation truths


Whatever happened to FREE love?
Legend Member

Lord Spikey

Legend Member
Grand Mufti....more like grand Muppet. Well I guess they will just have to wait for all those virgins in heaven...
Maybe that is why so many terrorists are so keen to get there.

Problem is that the only virgins left nowadays are the fat, ugly, smelly ones.
They can have them

Mr Gray

The truth is its so sexy when a woman masturbates but not when a man does


Diamond Member
I have been with partners and because of the strong emotional connection watching him jerk off can actually get me close to an orgasm.

Missy, I wonder if all of Canberra know's your little secret yet?
I'm thinking if they want to find out they may have to book you.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Talking Turkey Moderator
There is nothing that can be more erotic than two people of the opposite genders sitting about 6-10 meters apart naked masturbating while watching their loved one playing with themselves...


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Talking Turkey Moderator
I saw that cumming the too. ;)

But then again a woman shows off and cums again and again and again smiles winks at her man gets up and says " Hows those multiple orgasm thing happening for you" isn't life grand!

Wilde Amanda

Soooo, does this mean I can come and watch both Missy Myers and Wilde Amanda pleasure themselves and maybe each other?
By all means Lord Spikey. We're here waiting for your visit to Langtrees VIP Lounge with bated breath and heightened anticipation. Ooooh I'm getting very juicy just imagining it!! xo A


Legend Member
As this is a masturbation thread
Maybe if we all ask really really nicely Dallas will tell his story about teaching realtors about manners and personal space

Please Mr D ?


Legend Member
As this is a masturbation thread
Maybe if we all ask really really nicely Dallas will tell his story about teaching realtors about manners and personal space

Please Mr D ?

You mean the time when I was in my early 20's and renting a house and the real estate agent was trying to sell it and he'd just turn up and open the door and bring people through without knocking, so one day i laid on my bed and well... some aspects of this thread were engaged and suddenly my bedroom door opened and a family was standing there looking at me, and the mum yells OMG!! and starts shouting at the Estate Agent and then I'd always get knocks at the door from then onwards :D Just imagine if I had some buzzy toys to use as well :eek:


Legend Member
You mean the time when I was in my early 20's and renting a house and the real estate agent was trying to sell it and he'd just turn up and open the door and bring people through without knocking, so one day i laid on my bed and well... some aspects of this thread were engaged and suddenly my bedroom door opened and a family was standing there looking at me, and the mum yells OMG!! and starts shouting at the Estate Agent and then I'd always get knocks at the door from then onwards :D Just imagine if I had some buzzy toys to use as well :eek:
Thats the one ;)