
Selina Glitters

Bronze Member


Iain J

I disagree with the first line, it's so black & white. For there are people i know who are insecure and don't put others down to feel better. I certainly will not put people down to have myself feel better, for my insecurities, which we all have. It may be true to a large degree, but not all. It's false which is something i won't stand for. LOL !! This goes with a lot of other sayings and things too !! LOL !!


Legend Member
I have to agree Iain J
Same with the chart Saying confident people Take responsibility or accept other differences etc
You can be confident and a bigot or gossip etc As they are personality traits that cross all confidence levels Im sure there are timid shy insecure racists as well as confident bombastic ones

But put feelings or catch phrases on a wall chart and it must be so
Especially if a guru is charging you good money to tell you, your a confident happy person

Hope thats OK with everybody:oops:

Iain J

:cool: Thankyou for your comments on my reply,:joyful: it's most interesting to see what other people think when you have written something. :playful: Input input !! lol !! Iain J


Legend Member
It's more like, "I am gonna taze your sorry ass, you fool."
And no running required.
I'm sure even you oh donut luvin duff swilling athlete that you are could keep out of reach of officer wheeze and his taser Homer


Legend Member
I'm sure even you oh donut luvin duff swilling athlete that you are could keep out of reach of officer wheeze and his taser Homer

Oh the duff donut lurving me, is pretty out of touch these days...puffing muffin sometimes.


Legend Member
There must be a cure for this disease called Insecurity. There must be. Maybe in the form of a plant or can be a bottle of the finest elixir.